Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 305: Who is the mage nemesis

   Obsidian statues and destroyers!

   These Tovirs, who were captured long ago when the Azjol-Nerubians were still under Yogg-Saron’s command, are the killers of the Undead Scourge!

   Under the shadow magic of Azjol-Nerub, these Tolvirs lost their self-consciousness and turned into obsidian statues-and now, under Alsace's order, these obsidian statues came alive!

   Due to the powerful magic resistance of obsidian, these destroyers are almost immune to magic! And these destroyers are similar to Hellhounds, they also have the ability to absorb magic!

   So, the huge rain of flames cast by Kael'thas and the high elven wizards has become a magical meal for the destroyers.

   And when the Destroyer absorbs the magic, they will become extremely terrible...

   As the Destroyer flapped its wings and waved the staff in his hand, masses of materialized arcane energy **** were launched.

   When these destruction orbs were launched onto the city wall, the prepared high elf wizards worked together to prop up an anti-magic shield.

   But the extremely sturdy-looking shield was quickly crumbling under the impact of the destruction orb!

   Kael'thas couldn't help frowning.

   The number of these destroyers is not many-there were not many in the hands of the Aijjol-Nerubians, and even fewer fell in the hands of Arthas.

   But a dozen destroyers in this area completely suppressed the high elven mage group in a moment!

  As for his subordinates, Kael'thas knows the bottom line. These wizards headed by Rothman are the elites who have followed him in Dalaran all the year round, and the elite of these hundreds of people have been suppressed by a dozen destroyers in this way? !

  In desperation, Kael'thas simply waved his hand to let the lawbreaker go out.

   Kael'thas doesn't believe it. In terms of magic research, besides those old immortal blue dragons, there are people who have come to the front of the high elves?

  The lawbreaker fights the destroyer!

  The tattoo on the body of the magic breaker can give them the most powerful resistance to arcane magic, and the destroyer itself is composed of obsidian with high magic resistance. When they fight, they can almost ignore the existence of magic.

   It can be said that this is a contest between mage nemesis!

  The spellbreaker began to use elimination magic to fight against the destroyer's orb of destruction. These pure arcane orbs were quickly destroyed, and the power of the destroyer was suddenly reduced.

Of course, the price of doing so is that the magic breakers consume a lot of energy-the consumption of magic elimination is directly proportional to the energy of the magic object. In theory, as long as there are enough magic breakers, they can completely treat the Blue Dragon King Malygos Become a blue dragon dry.

   The fast Destroyer can no longer cast Destruction Orbs.

   The obsidian system brings the advantage of high magic resistance, but the disadvantage is that the destroyer’s own magic power is very unstable and cannot be stored.

   In other words, these destroyers can only absorb the magic power of the outside world, and then use it quickly.

   Now, the magic is used up.

   The power of the Destroyer who has lost their magic power is reduced sharply. Although their resistance to magic is still annoying, the Destroyer is not worth mentioning in the absence of attack power!

  The lawbreakers quickly gained the absolute upper hand by virtue of their number advantage.

   And when Arthas directed these precious destroyers to evacuate, Drunk Wind greeted Onyxia.

   These destroyers must not run away!

   And Onyxia was also prepared, she took the blue dragon and the black dragon wandering on the wall, and rushed to the destroyer.

   This time, facing the gargoyle covering the Destroyer’s retreat, the Dragon Legion was not afraid of casualties.

   In Alsace's heartache, the destroyers fell to the ground one by one.

   This is all the inventory of the Undead Scourge! The result was destroyed in the hands of Kael'thas and his lawbreakers!

   "Very good, long ears!" Arthas gritted his teeth, "You are amazing, I hope that after Lord Kil'jaeden arrives, you can still be so good!"

   Alsace at this time can't care too much! Northrend’s situation is critical. If you don’t go at this time, once Ner'zhul is discovered, the entire undead natural disaster will collapse!

   After the three cards of Undead Griffin Rider, Necromancer, and Destroyer were played, Arthas only left the last king in his hands.

   Summon Kil'jaeden!

  Although the Lich King had always worried that after Kil'jaeden arrived, Azeroth would be taken away directly, but now it seems that if Kil'jaeden does not arrive, he will be taken away by the wave!

   As soon as he made up his mind, Arthas found Tichondrius appeared beside him with a smile on his face.

"How about it, my little prince-this is the result of your careful thoughts." The Dreadlord was insightful to Alsace's abacus, "Don't be like your stupid father, using human shallow and ignorant eyes Looking at this world, in fact, the powerful existence in this world is far beyond your imagination."

   "Damn it!" Although he was very angry, Arthas had to admit that he did not know too much, and even Lordaeron's neighbor high elves had too many secrets.

  So, what about the night elves on another continent?

   What Alsace had hoped was that the wave of undead natural disasters brought about by the advantages of natural disasters failed. In this case, he could only temporarily put away his thoughts and obediently be a dog for the Burning Legion.

  " Tichondrius has a smirk on his face, "Now, we need to discuss how to summon the great Kil'jaeden. "

   "And before that, we need to get rid of these crazy dogs behind us."

   On the battlefield, when the undead natural disasters began to retreat, Zuifeng led people to launch a countercharge.

The demon attack that Drunk Wind had anticipated did not appear at all. In order to force Arthas to stand with him, Tichondrius simply banned all demon attacks today. As a result, Alsace’s last gamble was defeated. Faced with Stratholme's counterattack.

   In order to cover the retreat of the large forces, Arthas finally took his heart and left all the elite death knights at the end—not that he didn't want to withdraw these elites, but because these death knights were being watched.

The goal of this countercharge is very clear, and that is to create damage, kill as many undead natural disasters and demons under Arthas as possible under Stratholme. Otherwise, if these guys change their minds and start running around, then the whole There will be no peace in the Eastern Kingdoms!

   The process of the demon's retreat was not hurried or slow as expected, and their formation was still rigorous. At the end, the abyss demon used a large area of ​​scorched earth and rain of flames to isolate the path of chasing soldiers.

   In contrast, Alsace was not so lucky.

  Before the war, Drunken Wind’s main arrangement was aimed at this undead natural disaster. As a result, according to the plan, no one was going to take care of the demons, and everyone rushed towards Arthas! (To be continued.)

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