Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 293: Stratholme Father and Son

The Battle of Stratholme Eight Armies, the next day. -Le-Wen-Small-Speak-www-lwxs520-com

The weather is good-but at this time, good weather means more fierce fighting.

In the first day of the battle, the attacking doomsday guards suffered heavy losses. One part was torn to pieces by the black dragon in the air, and the other part died with the human soldiers of Stratholme on the city. In this case, the first Using air strikes in the next two days will no longer work.

So this time, the main force responsible for the offense has become a natural disaster for the undead.

A large number of gargoyles rose into the air and rushed toward the city in a dense number. These stone statues infused with the souls of the dead caused great trouble to the defense forces and even the black dragon.

When Onyxia took the dragon into the sky, these gargoyles would quickly gather around and bite the black dragon's body. Although under the emphasis of Zuifeng, all the people who participated in this battle were adult black dragons with strong scales, and it was difficult for the gargoyle to tear the scales of the black dragon. But in the battle with the Doomsday Messenger yesterday, many black dragons were injured. The wounds gave the gargoyle a chance to break through, especially those black dragons with wounded wings—soon five black dragons fell from the sky in pain.

After falling into the dense swarms of natural disaster ghouls, even the black dragon could not guarantee his own safety, just like that, not long after the war started, the black dragon army began to reduce its staff.

In this case, Onyxia can only order the black dragon to transform into a human form and fall back to the city. The black dragon is very important in the defense of Stratholme, and the number is very small, and the consumption of the gargoyles is obviously not worth it. Give it to the wizard of the high elves!

But what made Kael'thas and the mages under him uncomfortable was that when these gargoyles were injured by fireball and ice bolts, they often fell to the ground decisively, turning into a stone statue, and then alive again in a while. Flew over.

Although these **** gargoyles' attacks on the ground were weak and negligible, the high elves decided to be extremely upset.

Under this circumstance, Kael'thas simply waved his hand and called the elite of his own-the lawbreaker.

These are the precious troops that the Sun King Anastrian Sunstrider gave Kael'thas before leaving. These spellbreakers who are proficient in melee combat and long-range attacks, but are extremely resistant to arcane magic are the sun. The king just created, trying to suppress the ultimate hope of the Silvermoon Council, these families (flame blade, solar eclipse, etc.) that participated in the training of the lawbreakers are without exception the royal party among the high elves. This battle is also breaking the law. A practical training for the author.

The magic breaker who came to the wall began to throw the flying blade at the gargoyle.

These long, sharp flying blades used for throwing have an extraordinary effect in the face of the gargoyle-the magic breaking effect is not only effective for arcane magic!

The gargoyles were torn apart in the air, and Arthas quickly summoned the remaining gargoyles back. Just kidding, these gargoyles are still very noble. Although they don't lose money when they call out to the dragon, they will lose money when they are blown up by the magic breaker!

The retreat of the gargoyle announces the end of the next day's temptation, and here is the real highlight.

As Arthas raised the Frostmourne in his hand, a large number of undead swarmed-for these undead controlled by the Lich King, it is too difficult to do, but it is still possible to attack the city-take A pile is enough!

There is no need for a ladder, and a few specially made abominations become the best siege weapon.

These big guys waved the heavy weapons in their hands, constantly attacking the city walls, and were quickly reduced to ashes by the flame storm summoned by Kael'thas.

But there are too many hatreds, it is better than Kael'thas who can't take care of them for a while, and Rothman and the high elf mages have to maintain the barrier of the city wall to prevent the bombardment of the meat grinder.

Seeing that the city wall seemed to be unsustainable, Thrall, who had picked up the Doomhammer, along with Drek'Tar and Logosh, began to call upon the power of the Earth Spirit to continuously strengthen the city wall.

When the battle was at a stalemate, amidst the undead natural disasters, a team of knights riding on skeletal horses came to the front.

"Stand up, my son." The headed death knight was the former lord of Stratholme, the old Baron Rivendell. "Give up the unnecessary resistance and join the Scourge!"

The empty predictions of the old Rivendell were unconvincing, but his appearance itself has caused a huge commotion. After all, it is always strange that our City Lord's father has become an enemy.

Seeing that he had become the father of the undead, Orix Rivendell stood up.

"My father, you are on the wrong path." Little Rivendell's tone was colder than his father's. "Your choice has brought a heavy disaster to Stratholme. Undead natural disasters should not exist."

The meeting between father and son was really embarrassing.

In this case, language is useless, and only a fight can really solve the problem.

For Alsace, who controls old Rivendell, if his father kills his son, Stratholme will be a huge blow; for little Rivendell, he will end his father’s sins and let him rest in peace. This is what we should do for the Son of Man.

With the help of Featherfall, Little Rivendell jumped off the city wall. The undead natural disasters also left a place empty, giving the father and son a duel place.

The father and son, whose looks are almost similar, are silent.

The old Rivendell rode a skeletal war horse, and the little Rivendell rode a holy light army horse, and started the charge at the same moment.

The two long swords collided with each other, sparks were drawn from the sharp blades, the horses crossed, and the father and son faced each other for the first time.

Without a word, the two brought their horses back and fought again.

The father who had patiently taught his son became an enemy, and the son who had admired his father needed to defeat his father in order to guard his home.

Charge, stagger, come back...

Gradually, my father gained the advantage on the scene.

The shameful depravity gave the old Rivendell superhuman strength. After he became an undead, he did not have the trouble of aging. The rich combat experience made the little Rivendell gradually fall into the disadvantage.

In this case, the natural disaster of the undead is naturally happy to see it, but the soldiers of the city can only be anxious.

But is Little Rivendell lost?

At the moment when the horses crossed again, Little Rivendell took a risk and changed the way of offensive-since he couldn't win, just fight for it!

Looking back at the moon, a sword owl head.

Old Rivendell's headless body fell on the ground, splashed with dust, and the skeleton warhorse that had lost its owner also disappeared.

Little Rivendell closed his eyes and rushed straight to the wall without looking back.

"Dad, is our swordsmanship invincible?"


"Then Dad, now I have learned, so will you, who of us is great?"

"Of course our Orix is ​​great-you will turn around after the charge, and Dad can't escape!" (To be continued.)

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