Panda’s Self-cultivation

: Extra Story Chen's Adventure Diary (2)

This is Chen, Chen Stormstout. `乐`文`novel`www.し

I don't know what's going on, everyone started calling me Lao Chen-but I was still very young, and I hadn't even touched the pandaman girl's furry paws and tail. I think this is the ethos brought by drunk wind.

Zuifeng is also a Pandaren, a very powerful Pandaren chef, and a somewhat biased Pandaren monk.

He said that he could help me brew great spirits, and I was also very interested in his ideas, so I decided to take risks with him.

We have experienced a lot on the adventure-so many that can be filled with an entire volume of an epic story.

In Stranglethorn Vale, we helped the Darkspear troll move to Kalimdor, and then Levi Khan joined us-Levi Khan is a troll shadow hunter.

Me, Drunk Wind, Onyxia, Rexxar and Levi Khan, together, are invincible.

We defeated the evil evil **** Hakkar, we rescued the enslaved red dragon, we visited the reclusive Frostwolf Orcs, and we facilitated the great migration of Stromgarde.

There are so many stories in this, even Drunk Wind fell in love with the Black Dragon Princess-Oh, now the Black Dragon Queen.

Speaking of Zuifeng's love concept is really abnormal, how can he not like the panda girl's hairy claws and tail? Black Dragon-or do humans have this charm?

The most unfortunate thing is that Levi Khan died in the final battle. He died gloriously under the wrath of Deathwing. I think everyone should understand that this is a glorious battle, even Levi Khan's son Locke Khan also thinks so.

Speaking of Lockham, I have to compliment this little guy. He is a real genius. He was not discovered by me while sneaking, but many adult trolls could not do things, but this little guy was twelve years old. Time to do it.

I don’t want to say much about the adventure in the Eastern Kingdoms. If you’re interested, you can go to the Storm Bar in Misty Harbor to find the bard Ye Yinxiao there. He will tell you the whole process-oh, yes, in him In his mouth, you may find that Zuifeng's image is extremely tall-that's just because Zuifeng is responsible for paying him a salary.

After that, I went to Kalimdor. After collecting the raw materials, I brewed the magical storm tequila in the village of Tauren. With this wine, I bet I won Colin and got a pretty good one. Wine barrel-it's a pity, the ancient Huo Ling Suiyan likes this wine barrel very much, and even regards it as his home. Master Shang Xi doesn't want me to disturb him, so I can only use my old wine barrel.

I came back to the Wandering Island because my elder brother Cheng Bo Stormstout is getting married. Thankfully, there is one more person he can nag. Now I can relax a lot.

But what's sad is that my sister-in-law Xiuli Stormstout died of dystocia, leaving only the next little guy waiting to be fed.

Xi Zi and Lili.

Well, I have to admit that taking care of children is the most exciting project I have ever experienced-far beyond adventure, because you don't know whether the little guy will cry in the next moment.

This is simply an unbearable past...

When I was a daddy, I took the time to leave the Wandering Island, but the drunk wind slept in a tree house in Darnassus-this is incredible. I even suspected that the sleepiness of the long-eared night elves would be contagious. .

Later I realized that it was because the drunk wind was purifying the emerald dream.

This is a big project, and I decided not to disturb him—so, under the strong recommendation of a druid named Fandral Staghelm, I went to Port of Misty.

I have to admit that the guy from Zuifeng has a pretty good vision. I can say that Misty Harbor is the greatest city I have ever been to.

Here, you can see that all different races have freedom-as long as they do not hinder the freedom of others, orcs and humans may drink in the same bar, dwarves and goblins go to court because of patents (usually dwarves win, because goblins Often be sentenced for trying to bribe the judge...), tauren and ogre wrestling, etc.

In the Pandaren area I opened a tavern called Storm Bar-I provide wine and brewing recipes, and Zuifeng provides funds. This is the notarized certificate he wrote before he fell asleep.

The second adventure ended in a hurry, because I was really thinking about the two little guys. Although the two snots are troublesome, they are also cute, aren't they?

The day before yesterday, someone saw a big sea turtle talking to Shen Mako while fishing, and then this sea turtle found me and brought me a drunk letter.

He invited me to Misty Port in the letter!

This is awesome!

Now Xizi and Lili are both going to school, and I also have free time, I can’t wait to start a new adventure!

Hahaha, I-Chen Stormstout is here again!


La la la, this is the fourth change, right? Haha! (To be continued.)

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