Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 260: Lich King and Spiderman

Just after Thrall returned home, the Lich King Ner'zhul also completed his final arrangement. :Le: Text: Novel 3w.しxs520.o

Just five years ago, deep in the depths of the Icecrown Glacier, he finally established his own rule-Ner'zhul had betrayed his ally of Azjol-Nerub.

Because Ner'zhul’s mind control is ineffective against the people of Azjol-Nerub, when fighting against the ancient gods’ minions, although the Azjol-Nerubians don’t trust Ner’zhul much, they didn’t pay much attention. .

As a result, Ner'zhul seized an opportunity and sold his teammate directly.

In that battle, according to the plan, both sides attacked the Faceless, but after Ner'zhul's soldiers arrived at the destination, they decisively pitted the poor Aijjol-Nerubians.

They collapsed the tunnel, killed a large number of Azjol-Nerubs by the hands of the Faceless, and then drove away the Faceless.

The Lich King easily controlled the corpses of these Azjol-Nerubians, and then assassinated their king Anub'arak.

Poor Anub'arak, he didn't watch out for his men at all, he was directly seized on the opportunity to assassinate, and he died on the spot.

Subsequently, in the chaos of Azjol-Nerub, Anub'arak was also resurrected by Ner'zhul.

Now the Azjol-Nerubians paid a huge price for their blind trust-they found that they could not defeat the resurrected people!

And not only can it not be beaten, but also can't run away-the faceless underground is also eyeing!

Azjol-Nerub fell into a rout.

And Ner'zhul began to command his army to pursue the victory, and it took nearly three years to clear the entire Icecrown Glacier.

The few faceless people who have not been eliminated have also been sealed again.

After taking care of everything, Ner'zhul began to try to send his signal to a further place. At this time, Kel'Thuzad responded to his call.

Ner'zhul showed his strongest side to Kel'Thuzad, let him feel the cold and terrifying of his power, and successfully convinced Kel'Thuzad.

Unfortunately, after that, Ner'zhul also learned of the establishment of the oath.

The battle between Drunk Wind and the Expeditionary Army in the Dark Temple made Ner'zhul still fresh in his memory. He really didn't dare to face the oath directly, so he chose to hibernate and wait for the opportunity-not to mention, he was looking for the Azjol-Nerubians Of eggs.

When Sweeping Icecrown, Ner'zhul had almost conquered everything about the Aijjol-Nerubians, but the most important things were not obtained.

He didn't get the eggs of the Azjol-Nerubians.

The Azjol-Nerubian Anuklizi who was stuck in the spawning room finally chose to blew himself up, and all the eggs were destroyed.

After discovering that the Azjol-Nerubians were easy to use, Ner'zhul focused on Atud, who had migrated before he formed an alliance with him, and he believed that the Azjol-Nerubians must have eggs in their hands!

It's a pity that Atud had already led people to the Dragonblight Wilderness at this time, and Ner'zhul had no list to provoke the dragon.

Therefore, he can only develop silently in the underground of Icecrown Glacier, and plan conspiracy after conspiracy with Kel'Thuzad.

Until not long ago.

Mal'Ganis found Ner'zhul again.

This time, Ner'zhul, who had his own strength, became hardened a lot, while Mal'Ganis was unstable because of his injury.

"Dear Mal'Ganis-sama is actually injured-it's really unbelievable. I didn't expect that this world could hurt you."

The mocker was replaced by Ner'zhul, and he was now confident, because the Burning Legion had to rely on itself no matter what it needed to do.

As if he hadn't heard the irony in the words, Mal'Ganis replied calmly: "Yes, I didn't expect that at first, the Aegwynn who was fighting against Lord Sargeras was still alive and he had joined the oath."

It's an oath again!

Ner'zhul felt tricky instinctively.

"But fortunately, I temporarily helped you solve the trouble of the oath."

With that said, Mal'Ganis told Ner'zhul what he had temporarily made Drunk Wind unconscious.

"Although the oath looks powerful, they have little power in the Eastern Kingdom. Those ignorant and greedy mortals stare at the oath and don't let them have much power in the Eastern Kingdom-this is our opportunity."

"I know your strength in the Eastern Kingdom is not small, don't be excited, it's nothing--" Mal'Ganis gave a meaningful smile, "I hope you can make good use of it and seize this opportunity."

With that, Mal'Ganis took out a heavy sword.

"This is the Frostmourne that the master casts for you. It can control the soul of the user. Think about it, is there any way to use a high-powered guy, as long as he pulls out Frostmourne, he will be your slave Up."

"At that time, you can completely use his power to sweep the Eastern Kingdom, just as you use these little spiders."

Ner'zhul did not answer immediately, but began to think carefully about all the information he had.

Subsequently, Ner'zhul, Kel'Thuzad, and Mal'Ganis came up with a plan.

The first step of the plan is to try to transform the death knight at Dunhold Castle.

Unfortunately, due to Thrall’s escape, the first plan failed.

Kel'Thuzad decisively exposed Orgrim's position, and then launched the second set of plans.

And Mal'Ganis also set off, looking for the poor hapless man.


Just when the human kingdoms turned their eyes to Orgrim in the Arathi Highlands, a mysterious organization was born in an unknown town in the Tirisfal Glades northwest of Lordaeron.

In this small town not far from Lordaeron, the mayor Sauron was lawless and aggressive, and the people were miserable.

Therefore, where there is oppression, there will be resistance. An upright young man, Allen, decided to denounce him. Unfortunately, on the way to Lordaeron, Allen died in the hands of the assassin.

When Allen's body was transported back to the town the atmosphere in the town was so depressing it was breathless.

At Allen's funeral, the leader of the mysterious organization publicly declared that Allen would return with revenge.

And that night, Allen crawled out of the coffin, killed the mayor with a kitchen knife, hung his body on the city gate, and left the number of the mysterious organization.

The whole town was in a frenzy.

The mysterious organization began to expand rapidly, and people who had been oppressed all year round joined in.

After brainwashing by the mysterious organization, the people of the small town left their homes and began to spread the doctrine of the mysterious organization.

That small town is called Zhongzhen.

That mysterious organization is called the sect of the curse.


After the five shifts, there is still more power! I have a lot of rewards~ I will add more rewards! (To be continued.)

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