Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 245: Fall of the white stag

After Hakkar was entangled in Nordrassil's roots, it became a tragedy.

This demon who was in the limelight in Jin Azshara died extremely miserably-after being set in place, he became a living target, and was stabbed alive by night elf hunters and tauren hunters into a hedgehog...

Malfurion's battle plan seemed to go well, except that Agamagan's brain was feverish and ran away, there was only one remaining on the kill list.

But this one made the wild gods feel extremely uncomfortable.


Under the siege of the four demigods, the great devil of Eredar who is still in the wind!

Although Archimonde was anxious at this time, there was no way for the moment. Although the Burning Legion had the advantage, but now the Rebels made it clear that they would win locally at all costs, so Archimonde was also helpless.

What's more, there is a **** tree ahead!

Nordrassil really played a role in turning the tide of the battle. Although after giving birth and blessing Nordrassil, Alexstrasza and Cenarius were in a weak state, but Nordrassil's role was completely When it was time to return, Archimonde vowed that if it wasn't the **** tree, the deer in front of him would have been killed by himself.

Archimonde vowed that he must pull out all the trees in Azeroth!

It's all right now. Not only did the three brown candies entangle Archimonde in front of him, Cenarius in the distance was under cover, and even Goldrinn and Malfurion, who had been relieved, were eyeing Archer. Mond!

"Shameful mortal!" Archimonde gritted his teeth. "You think this will defeat me-too naive! We are the Burning Legion across the world!"

Archimonde's tall body exploded with an astonishing aura, forcing Malorne to have to take a few steps on his hind legs.

While everyone was holding their breath and waiting for Archimonde's ultimate move, the Eredar demon suddenly turned his head and ran away.

What the hell!

For a time, the wild gods' souls are out!

If Archimonde is allowed to run away, Illidan's plan will be seen through immediately. If the demons cannot be driven out of this world by reversal teleportation, then the war on Azeroth will never cease!

"Roar!" Ursor and Ursoc were the first to react, and the two giant bears flew directly, entangled Archimonde firmly.

Behind them, all the gods of the wilderness, except for the giant turtle Tortola, who was still in the demon army, swarmed.

"Hahaha!" Archimonde began to laugh, "It seems that you group of ants really have an unspeakable conspiracy! Well, if you want to fight, then fight!"

If Kil'jaeden was commanding the demon army at this time, he would definitely consider why the wild gods would find out the various commanders of the Burning Legion so quickly, and would definitely think about why these guys would fight back like death.

If this is the case, maybe Drunk’s plan will be seen through!

Unfortunately this is Archimonde.

As an Eredar demon advocating power, Archimonde has always been going straight. Is there an enemy? Just crush it!

Relying on this momentum, he followed Sargeras to destroy countless worlds-a few of which have unformed Titans.

However, in Azeroth, Archimonde finally suffered a big loss because of his recklessness and pride. He originally thought that he could use the demon army to pull, and take advantage of the lack of tacit understanding of the wilderness gods to kill them all.

He succeeded on the original timeline.

But this time, because of Drunk Wind and Illidan, the bottom of the Burning Legion was completely leaked, and the Resistance Army was extremely flexible on the east-west line, which made Archimonde's plan a complete failure.

In fact, Archimonde was already aware of his mistake at this time-I am afraid that this time, he will explain it here.

However, Archimonde is not afraid of death. As the number one fighter under Sargeras, he knows the power of his master and believes that even if Azeroth drives himself back to the Twisting Void, he cannot stop Sargeras.

With the mind of martyrdom, Archimonde began a Jedi counterattack.

This time, he gave up most of his defenses and turned to a frantic attack-Malorne's sharp horns left scars one after another on his body, but he didn't realize it, and began to put himself inside The fel energy was cast to the greatest extent.

Huge hellfires of several shapes appeared on the battlefield. These hellfires did not wave their fists at the wild gods, so at first everyone did not care about these fel hellfires.

But in a blink of an eye, the ground began to burn.

Originally, under Nordrassil's blessing, although the surrounding land was trampled by the devil, it still maintained its vitality, but this time, Archimonde successfully polluted the land.

Standing in the flames of fel energy, Archimonde was like an evil god!

Unreservedly, Archimonde's action speed suddenly increased by a notch. Malorne didn't check for a while, and the antler was caught by Archimonde's right hand!

"Idiot, I'm a polluter!" Archimonde yelled mockingly, "Don't think that your broken trees can suppress me. Now I will tell you what a devil does when it doesn't care about life or death!"

Archimonde grabbed Malorne's antlers with his right hand, and stretched out his left hand to strangle Malorne's neck.

On the contaminated land, Malorne felt that his strength was much weaker.

Seeing this, Ursol, Ursoc and Goldrinn directly rushed towards Archimonde, hoping to save Malorne by encircling Wei and saving Zhao-but Archimonde simply exposed his back~www the bite of fangs and claws, never let go!

Malorne was tired.

For half a month, he has been entangled with Archimonde, although with Nordrassil's help, he is not strong enough after all.

The white buck standing on the fel flames now had muscles twitching.

When Goldrinn and the giant bear brothers pierced Archimonde's right rib, Malorne finally couldn't hold on.

Amidst Archimonde's arrogant laughter, the huge body of the white stag fell to the ground--at this moment, the gods of the wilderness felt their souls shocked!

Malorne is killed!

Although his soul did not die, but returned to the Emerald Dream, he wanted to be resurrected but it was nowhere in sight.

"See it?" The embarrassed Archimonde's spirit was surprisingly good, "This is the fate of resisting the Burning Legion!"

"Shut up, demon!" Cenarius' eyes reddened, watching his father die in front of him, the son of nature could no longer remain calm, "You will pay for your actions!"

"The price?" Archimonde gave a weird smile, "Let you taste the price!"

Speaking of his body began to swell up, and the evil energy gathered in his body at a speed visible to the naked eye, Archimonde strode towards the rebel coalition forces.

"You want to destroy with me!"


I was really out of the state today. I wanted to stick to the five shifts, but I really couldn’t help it—I basically didn’t sleep all night and slept for a while in the morning, and now my head hurts...

I will postpone the five-shift and resume tomorrow. Thank you for your support!

The first time I wrote a book, it was inevitable that I had some troubles, and I really appreciate your support! (To be continued.)

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