Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 198: Fandral the wronged

? Just when the Eastern Kingdom was in a mess, Onyxia rushed to Kalimdor with Little Nomi.

After the mother and son got off the airship, Onyxia directly incarnates as a giant dragon, ignoring the surprise of the civilians in Misty Harbor, spreading her wings and flying north towards the Moonglade.

On the other hand, Nomi was riding happily on his mother's back-no way, if Nomi became a dragon, he would still be a young dragon, and no matter how little wings flutter, he can't fly fast.

Along the way, Onyxia continued to accelerate, while Nomi looked around happily. Trying to connect what I saw with the places my father once told.

Misty Harbor, Dustwallow Marsh, Barrens, Ratchet City, Leviskin, Ashenvale, Azshara, Mount Hyjal...

The places that once appeared in the story are now in front of Nomi. Although the time is too late, everything can only be glimpsed and watched, but Nomi is also extremely happy because of this.

And seeing Nomi's non-stop amazement along the way, Onyxia's mentality also relaxed a little.

Finally, starting from the Black Rock Mountain in the Eastern Kingdom, after more than three months of arduous trek, Onyxia finally took Nomi to Moonglade.

Here, the leaders of the various races of the oath almost all came-except for the troll chief Senjin who did not arrive because he was going to preside over the important Shadow Hunter trial, the others were all present, and even Malfurion woke up.

After Onyxia came, the meeting began immediately.

First, Malfurion briefly explained the drunk wind situation.

Every time Drunk Wind enters the Emerald Dream, someone will pay special attention to him. After two months outside the dream, a special druid will enter the dream to wake him up. But this time, when Rios Deerhoof, who was responsible for awakening Drunk Wind, came to the dreamland, he was surprised to find that Drunk Wind did not know where it was!

That's right, the reason for Drunken Wind's coma was that he was lost in an unknown place in the Emerald Dream!

Moreover, if the drunk wind is just lost, then he should be sleeping peacefully-but apparently the current drunk wind is unconscious, a look of pain, indicating that drunk wind is not as simple as losing!

Therefore, the druids can only use druid spells and herbs outside the dream to relieve the pain of drunken wind.

In fact, the most anxious for Drunk Wind’s coma was Onyxia, followed by Malfurion and Ysera. After all, Drunk Wind was unconscious because of helping to purify the Emerald Nightmare.

"It's definitely what happened in the Emerald Dream this time!" This was Onyxia's first reaction, "Otherwise Drunk Wind cannot fall into a coma!"

"I thought so at first..." Malfurion frowned. "But Master Ysera doesn't think so."

"The problem should not be in the dream." Ysera said, "Drunk Wind has been purifying the Emerald Dream in the past few years. He has become more and more able to master the power of the dream. There is almost no one who lives him—even if Harves, the nightmare king, does it himself, he is incredibly resistant to mental erosion."

Onyxia nodded, indeed, it is obviously unrealistic to want Zuifeng to be corrupted through the Emerald Dream-the purpose of Zuifeng to the Emerald Dream is to clear the corruption!

"In other words, the problem comes from outside the dream?"

Speaking of this, Onyxia suddenly had an idea, and she turned to look at Nozdormu.

"Nozdormu, can you take a time travel and see what happened?"

"No." Nozdormu decisively shook his head, "You know, my time ability comes from Titan, and my duty is to maintain the correct timeline-but the fall of Titan makes all timelines no longer possible. 'Again, because the Titans did not anticipate their own fall."

As he said, Nozdormu sighed long.

"After learning about the fall of the Titans, I will no longer be confused by the timeline and the future, but in the same way, I can no longer go on time travel-all I can do is protect Azer now Russ, if I travel time rashly, then my behavior will be no different from breaking the timeline."

Nozdormu's remarks seem to be understood by everyone, but the conclusion is clear to everyone, Nozdormu can't time travel!

Alexstrasza raised his eyebrows: "I said why you became active recently. I thought you had changed your sex. It turned out that it was because you couldn't wander around-oh, it was four o'clock."

Nozdormu could only smile helplessly for the complaints of the Red Dragon Queen.

"But don't worry too much. You don't know that Drunk Wind actually has some abilities-he is a great prophet and seems to be inseparable from many key points of time. This time his loss may not be all bad. "

"That said, we still have to find the reason as much as possible-now Azeroth is very unstable, we need drunk wind, especially over the Eastern Kingdom."

Aegwynn's words made everyone present nod their heads. In Kalimdor, there is no big problem without drunkenness, but there is no drunkenness on the eastern kingdom, and the entire vow is beyond reach.


After the meeting, Onyxia found Tyrande in private.

"Tyrande, Drunken Wind has occasionally mentioned some people who may fall into depravity. Although I am not sure if these people are the cause this time, I still want to remind you."

"Oh? Who did Zuifeng mention?"

"Fandral Staghelm!"

"You... are you sure?" Tyrande's expression became very strange. "Are you sure Drunk Wind once said that Fandral is easy to fall?"

"Yeah..." At Tyrande's surprise was confused, "I don't know who this person is, I just heard Drunk Wind mention it occasionally."

"Don't you know? Fandral was once the biggest admirer of Drunk Wind!"


"Yes! Admirer!" Tyrande nodded, "The specific reason cannot be said yet, but I can guarantee that Fandral will definitely not be drunk."

Listening to Tyrande's words, Onyxia can only nod her head to signal that she understands-this seems to involve time and destiny, and it is really difficult to understand when the Black Dragon Queen came.

Suddenly, Onyxia had a cold war.

"Since Drunk Wind's predictions sometimes go wrong, does it mean that he may be really dangerous?"

Just when Onyxia felt very nervous, Nomi found her.

"Mom, Mom, I found the villain who framed Dad!" (To be continued.)

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