Why is it getting more and more annoying?

Duan Yu: "..."

Weren't you just joking and interrupting me?

Why is it now my fault? !

Duan Yu said, "Master, do you like Meng Yunshu?"

Long Shen: "???"

What the hell?

Does he like Meng Yunshu? !

how could it be possible!

Long Shen frowned and said, "What are you talking about? Don't you know who I love?"

What's wrong with Duan Yu's brain to actually think that he likes Meng Yunshu?

That little girl who's still wet? !

Duan Yu said, "Do you really dislike Meng Yunshu in your heart, not at all?"

If Long Shen really didn't like Meng Yunshu at all, he really didn't believe it.

Moreover, Meng Yunshu was the second girl that Long Shen treated so patiently.

You know, Long Shen only bought food for Wen Jiuqing, but now he actually bought it for Meng Yunshu?

Are you saying you don't like her?

Do not believe!

Do not believe!

Long Shen's tone was a little impatient, "No!"

How could he like Wen Jiuqing's friend? !

How does this make others see him? !

"But you just laughed!!"

And he smiled very obscenely! !

Long Shen: "?? I laughed??"

When did he laugh?

Why didn't he know?

The key is how Duan Yu saw it?

Have clairvoyant eyes? !

Duan Yu nodded repeatedly.

Does he need to lie to his sect leader?

Long Shen took a step forward and said in a cold tone, "Listen, I am good to her because she is Ah Jiu's friend, so I will take care of her so patiently. If it weren't for the fact that she is Ah Jiu's friend , do you think I would care about a stranger who is nothing like me?"

This is what he told himself in his heart.

Duan Yu was stunned and did not realize what Long Shen said.

Long Shen continued, "Put away your crooked thoughts. You have followed me for so many years and you should know that what I hate most in my life is others influencing my thoughts or speculating on my thoughts. Don't violate my bottom line. "

Duan Yu heard every word Long Shen said in his heart.

After Long Shen left, he still didn't believe what Long Shen said.

Is it just because Wen Jiuqing takes care of Meng Yunshu?

I hope you will think so in the future.

It was quiet outside.

Meng Yunshu, who was on the other side of the door, collapsed on the ground, with two lines of tears already streaming down his eyes.

It turns out that the reason why he saved himself, the reason why he took care of himself so patiently, and the reason why he bought himself dumplings.

Is all this just because she is Wen Jiuqing's friend?

Just like what Long Shen said just now, if he were not Wen Jiuqing's friend, would he know him? Would he still know that there is a person named Meng Yunshu in this world?

This autumn will be difficult after all...

As soon as Wen Jiuqing got off the plane and left the airport, she saw Zuo Hanxiao waiting for her outside.

However, she sent a message to Xie Yanran first: [I have returned to China and will return to school later. 】

After sending the message, she put her phone away and walked towards Zuo Hanxiao.

They hadn't seen each other for three or four days. The moment he saw Wen Jiuqing, Zuo Hanxiao couldn't hold back and walked over to hold her in his arms.

The girl's thin body was imprisoned in his arms. Zuo Hanxiao frowned and said, "Why are you wearing so little?"

It has been cloudy for the past two days and it may rain at any time. Wen Jiuqing is still wearing such thin clothes.

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