Overgod Ascension

Chapter 810 Changes

Emerald Harbor.

As the largest port in the Kingdom of Seer, it has always been very prosperous. Countless ships are docked every day. The demand for unloading cargo is enough to support the coolies of the entire dock.

Chopper is one of them.

As an ordinary dock coolie, in addition to working hard in sweat every day, he also has to watch his hard-earned money being exploited by port officials and gangsters. The remaining bit is only enough to meet the food rations of his family and even his wife. I also had to pick wild vegetables to make ends meet, and my family conditions were really not that good.

And the instructions given by his wife when he went out today made this honest guy frown deeply.

"Little Bruce is already ten years old, it's time to think about his future options!"

As the son of a dock coolie, little Bruce could not go to school like the children of nobles and wealthy citizens, or have the luxury of being educated by a tutor.

This world has always been unequal. Even the church's pastoral quota and further education opportunities are monopolized by the upper class. For those at the bottom, there is almost no hope of changing their destiny.

In the same way, knight training, even if it is just the training of an ordinary warrior, is simply impossible. The cost of eating meat every day is an astronomical figure.

And if you don’t have any skills, just become an adventurer or a mercenary? Watch out for the body lying in the sewer the next day!

"Maybe...the only option is to become a sailor?"

Chopper murmured.

Naturally, he didn't want to see Bruce follow his own path and become the lowest-ranking coolie. After thinking about it for a long time, it seemed that only sailors were more suitable. After all, the only things he could contact were docks and big ships. Regarding the relationship between the Crescent's third officer and putting a trainee sailor on board, it wouldn't be a big problem.

The only key is what should little Bruce do in the years before he becomes a trainee sailor?

Even a ten-year-old kid is already half of the labor force and should contribute to the family.

Moreover, Chopper was very worried that if little Bruce was not given something to do, this troublemaker might soon be bribed by three hands and become a very common thief at the dock.

Gods above me, that's not a glorious thing.

Due to all the worries in his mind, Chopper looked a little dazed and didn't even pay much attention to the new notice on the roadside.

To be honest, even if there is some big news in the notice, for a small person like him, it is just a little more to talk about after dinner, even if it is an edict from the new king!

For the nobles of the entire Emerald Port, the sudden change of king in the Kingdom of Seer was an earth-shattering event.

But for Chopper, the king was too far away from him, and it was not as thrilling as the news that the prices of black bread and wheat flour were about to increase.

"Hey, old sea dog, thanks for the rum over there!"

"Dock, the barbecue last time was really good!"

"Jeff, have you heard? Yesterday, Old Bailey caught a golden eel, which is a legendary delicacy. Unfortunately, he did not taste it, but sold it..."

When he arrived at the dock, he greeted the workers without saying a word. Chopper took off his coat and folded it carefully.

Moving boxes and cabinets, etc., really wore out his clothes. This set of clothes was a rare complete and decent outfit. He also planned to let little Bruce wear it again in the future.

"Chopper, what's on your mind?"

On the other hand, he looked absent-minded. When his co-workers saw him, they immediately started asking questions.

"Alas...it's not about little Bruce!"

Chopper answered with a wry smile, and the surrounding workers suddenly showed expressions of sympathy or understanding.

The problem of children at home is also a difficulty for them. After all, children at this time need to develop and eat a lot, which is also a huge burden on the family.

Moreover, both parents are busy working and without anyone to take care of them, it is easy for them to be abducted or learn bad things.

"Actually, in a family like ours, the kids in the future will be either fishermen or sailors, or coolies like us. If they are lucky, work hard, and are favored by the ship owner and promoted to first mate or something, they will be great and decent people. …”

After Chopper said his plan, he suddenly sighed.

He looked at the sea not far away, smelling the slightly fishy air in his nose, but there was a trace of unwillingness in his eyes.

Because he knew very well that if this continued, unless a miracle happened, his family would have to struggle at the bottom of society for several lifetimes.

But even if you know it, so what?

The children of nobles are still nobles, and the children of slaves are still slaves. There are still too few people who can change their own destiny.

"Let's go and get to work!"

Chopper put a rag on his shoulders and greeted his coworkers.

The work on the dock is paid daily, and you receive your daily work every day. If you do less, the family's dinner will not be provided for today, which is the most important thing.

Therefore, Chopper did not care about his emotions and immediately called his companions to get ready to start work.

"It's the dry season now, and the trade winds haven't come, so I guess there will be very little work today!"

A tall and thin man next to Chopper had a worried look on his face: "Be careful of those people in the East District, they seem to be coming to shoot our business!"

"They dare?"

Chopper raised his brows, naturally with a fierce aura: "The donations we give to the 'Blood Ax Gang' are all the same. If they dare to come and steal business, we will take action directly!"

In the face of survival, no matter how arrogant a person is, he has to lower his head, and no matter how honest a person is, he will become extremely vicious.

Especially after seeing that there were only a few ships on the pier and the coolies from the East District started to take action, Chopper immediately stood up and almost immediately started a fight on the pier.

Pedestrians, small businessmen, and even people from the patrol team all watched with smiles, treating it as an entertainment program to kill boring time every day.


"Lots of boats!"

However, the fight did not break out after all. Along with the exclamations, Chopper was shocked to see a large dark cloud drifting into the port.

When he got closer, he realized that those dark clouds were actually sails covering the sky and casting huge shadows. The tonnage and style of the ships were unprecedented in his life.

"What a big fleet!"

Chopper opened his mouth wide and couldn't close it for a long time: "This is definitely not something that the nobles of the nearby islands can buy. Could it be from the mainland? But the trading season has long passed..."

"Hurry up, let's get to work!"

Since there is a large amount of work coming, the coolies naturally can no longer fight.

After all, no one would have trouble with money. Isn't that why they were fighting over each other?

But now, the experienced coolies already know that it is only a question of how much they can do today, and there will never be a situation where work cannot be started.

"Is this the ship over there?"

Looking at the huge dragon head statue on the bow that looked like a deer, a horse, and also had scales, Chopper asked his steward in confusion.

"Hehe... This is the fleet from the Eastern Continent, the Dachang Empire, and the Yun Family Chamber of Commerce. Have you heard of it?"

The steward said a few awkward words.

Obviously, he didn't know the inside story, and he had just heard the news, but it didn't stop him from showing off in front of a group of coolies to satisfy his sense of superiority.

"Eastern Continent, Dachang Empire?"

Chopper blinked: "Where is that?"

As a dock coolie, he was exposed to a lot of news. Compared with those farmers who only immersed themselves in farming, he was already a well-informed person. He also had a certain understanding of the entire kingdom, but he could not imagine that there was another continent and an empire. What kind of concept is it.

"Okay, work quickly!"

There was a trace of embarrassment on the steward's face. It was obvious that he didn't know much about it. At this time, he directly changed the subject: "If today's task is not completed, no one will be able to go home for dinner."


The coolies were shouting and full of energy. After all, they were paid on a piece-by-piece basis, and the more they worked, the more they were paid.

The day passed unknowingly, the sun set, and the moon with a hint of purple hung in the sky.

Under the bright moonlight, Chopper returned home in the dark with a handful of coppers, two loaves of black bread, fresh onions, carrots... the harvest of a day's work.

"Oh, great!"

After opening the door, a little boy ran out, holding a piece of bread and cheering excitedly.

"Haha, little Bruce, you can finally have a full meal tonight!"

Chopper touched his son's little head lovingly, and said excitedly: "Did you know? A bunch of big ships from the East came to the dock today, and they also brought many incredible things, such as gorgeous colors and smooth softness as if enchanted. The silks and smooth porcelain are said to be fetching high prices... They were shipped by a large chamber of commerce. If this time is successful, they will continue to do so in the future..."

There was excitement in his eyes: "If this is the case, maybe I can work full time every day, save some money, and send you to study..."


At this time, her wife came out, holding a basin of broth, which exuded a rich fragrance, which surprised Chopper even more.

After all, his wife is a very frugal person.

"Little Bruce's matter has been resolved. The Sheriff came to our house today to make an announcement!"

The woman said excitedly: "Didn't you read the notice from the Kingdom? Starting from this year, all children of school age can be sent to the newly built school for unified learning. The school also provides a lunch, all for free. ...I heard that the kingdom will select potential young people from among them and train them as warriors and knights!"

"Huh?! I wasn't paying attention!"

Chopper picked up his son: "What do you mean?"

"That's right!"

The woman puffed up her chest proudly: "Little Bruce will become a literate and decent man in the future, and maybe he will also become a respected knight!"

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