Overgod Ascension

Chapter 737 Adventure (5600 plus)

Life will always find a way and create miracles.

Driven by the force of the world and taking this nuclear radiation as an opportunity, the entire planet's ecosystem was broken and reshaped.

Wu Ming deliberately visited several large human settlements and found that although the survivors were still the same as before, a strange change had gradually occurred in their bodies, making them strong enough to withstand the current harsh environment of the planet.

"New humans?"

He looked at the collected data and was very speechless: "It is estimated that after the transformation is completed, the new humans will be four times as powerful and five times as fast as before, and the probability of awakening supernatural powers is very high..."

"Unexpectedly, this world has completed the transformation of its route in such a way..."

In the entire world now, energy activity is very high, which is very suitable for the existence and fighting of superpowers.

On the contrary, ordinary people who used to be here will definitely not be able to adapt when they get here.

"After all, I chose the path of the extraordinary side... What will this place develop in the future? A wasteland world with supernatural powers? Or a combination of supernatural powers and technology, or simply regressing back to the primitive slave society? Transcendents becoming nobles?"

Questions emerged from the bottom of Wu Ming's heart.

It has to be said that this change in the world has allowed him to see more of the deep mysteries of the world, and he has become more aware of the message left by the powerful one.

"Although this process is not over yet, the most critical part is already very clear..."

Wu Ming's eyes flashed, and his figure suddenly disappeared.


In front of him, inside a mostly damaged building, a huge machine sound came, and soon the wall caved in, revealing a tunnel.

Several dark figures walked out of it, looking cautious.

They wore thick clothes, covering their whole bodies tightly, and wore something like sunglasses on their faces.

Wu Ming knew very well that these people were civilians in the underground shelter. Now he couldn't bear it anymore and came out to investigate.

"Is this still our Dole City?"

One expedition member obviously couldn't accept the blow and looked like he was crying: "How did our planet become like this? How should I explain all this to my wife and daughter?"

"This damn war!"

All the explorers looked like they were gritting their teeth, and soon a woman came over and patted him on the shoulder to comfort him.

"Cheer up, Shelver, you are the only environmental scientist in our team. There are tens of thousands of people waiting for our news underground!"

"I know I know……"

The explorer named Shelver finally recovered from the blow, took out various instruments and started testing: "Shit!"

After just opening it and taking a look, he yelled: "The nuclear radiation is explosive! The content of oxygen and nitrogen in the air has decreased, but there is a lot more nitrogen oxide... The atmosphere that protects us is probably full of holes. We are constantly Exposed to extremely high concentrations of ultraviolet rays..."

"These first few waves of people have already said..."

The woman curled her lips in dissatisfaction.

"But more importantly..."

Shelf suddenly took off his hat, coat, and even his glasses.

"what you do?"

"Are you crazy?"

Others were shocked, but saw Shelver looking as if nothing had happened: "Compared to the changes in the environment, we have become more ourselves. Maybe we can just call them 'radiation people'..."

Shelver smiled bitterly: "Haven't the doctors in our shelter noticed it a long time ago? In just a few months, we have undergone changes that would take ordinary creatures hundreds of millions of years!"

"Indeed, although the sun still feels a bit dazzling, it doesn't feel particularly uncomfortable!"

The woman hesitated for a moment, then immediately unarmed herself, revealing a head of golden curly hair and a fair and beautiful face.

"What's going on? Have we adapted to this ecological environment?"

Several other people did the same and looked around curiously.

"Yes...this planet has undergone some unknown changes!"

Shelf murmured, looking at the withered and blackened plants on the roadside.

He took out a machete and cut open the surface, and immediately saw a little bit of fresh veins and moisture inside.

"The same goes for plants. Although many of them look dead on the outside, they retain a certain vitality. Maybe it only takes a rain for new mutant plants to grow..."

"Even so, is this planet still our familiar home?"

The woman murmured in a chanting voice.

"Look around. The original city has been turned into ruins. The difficulty of reconstruction will definitely be hellish. The most important thing is that we are short of manpower..."

Shelver sighed deeply: "Even I can't deduce what will happen in the future. In short, the regression of civilization has almost become a foregone conclusion!"

The woman looked around.

I saw that the original commercial walkways, high-rise buildings, and other buildings had already turned into ruins.

"Is the whole world like this? No! I don't believe it!"

She seemed to be giving herself confidence: "Perhaps there is a paradise in other parts of the world where we can thrive..."

The thought of living in such ruins makes women despair.

"Where in this world is there a pure land?"

Shelver curled his lips disdainfully: "Even if there is, it's just made up by the crooks of the Redemption Church. Before the end of the world, I had heard the joke from Casper City... That Pope Steven , actually advertised that he could lead the physical bodies of believers to the Kingdom of God, causing many devout believers to rush to Casper City, but now, that place has turned into ashes!"

"We can go to the shelters in other cities. There must be a lot of people there!"

A few people walked on the empty streets, stepping on many broken walls and ruins, just like a few small ants.


At this time, the woman suddenly screamed: "Mary's Tulip counter? Oh my God, I have been coveting its series for a long time. Unfortunately, one bottle of this perfume is enough to cost me several years of salary!"

On the side of the road, in a half-damaged store, the glass shop cabinets were covered with a layer of dust, as if decades had passed, but the luxury goods logo on them was still vaguely visible.


Regarding the woman's infatuation, Shelver stepped forward without hesitation and smashed the glass with a hammer: "Do you like this brand of perfume? Just take it!"

The woman opened her mouth wide and didn't react for a while.

Shelver's voice was filled with depression: "In this city now, maybe we are the only people in the shelter who are still alive. Everything here belongs to us. We can take whatever we want, and food is no problem." !”

Even though most of those warehouses were destroyed, Dole City is a big city after all, and even picking up rags can be enough to support the shelter for a long time.

boom! Bang bang!

Glasses were broken one after another, and many gold and silver jewelry, jade jewelry, fox fur coats... things that were once out of reach for people are now within reach.

"Alas... I never imagined that this world has become like this!"

The woman picked up a bottle of perfume and immediately put it down out of boredom.

"You already understand?"

Shelver's face looked very solemn, and he gathered all the team members together: "What do we need now? Gold dollars and luxury jewelry? No! The bank is lying there, but there is no human government to define it. The gold inside Yuan is just a pile of waste paper! The same is true for gold and silver. How many people in the world still recognize it as wealth?"

"I can conclude that for a long time in the future, if there is a trade, barter will become the mainstream! So now we only need things that are useful to us!"

Shelver shouted: "Food! Purified water! Medicine! And transportation!"

Hearing what he said, the other team members suddenly realized, but many of them filled their pockets with handfuls of diamond necklaces.

"It's really..."

Seeing their appearance, Shelver shook his head, not knowing what to say.

"Shelver, do you need us to bring the people from the shelter up?"

After the woman woke up, she immediately asked a very practical question: "To rebuild a city, even if we just transport supplies, the few of us are not enough!"

"Now is not the time. We have enough supplies anyway, so we can't run away..."

Shelver sighed: "Lancôme, don't you understand now? For the people in the shelter, we are not only explorers, but also experimental subjects!"


"Yes, although we are fine now, what about a few days or more than ten days from now?"

Shelver asked rhetorically: "Therefore, we must stay on the ground for at least forty-eight hours to prove to the people in the shelter that there is no danger on the ground..."


After a while, the boiler and motor sounded.

Several off-road steam vehicles were driving on the bumpy surface, and Shelfer inside was concentrating on holding the steering wheel: "This road condition is really the worst I have ever seen, but having a car to travel is better than walking by yourself!"

The other team members were silent, looking at everything outside through the car windows.

Most of the city was destroyed, with craters and bullet marks, traces of flames, and not to mention a large number of corpses.

The originally gorgeous pedestrian streets, bustling storefronts, and bustling crowds of people... have all disappeared.

Everything makes this city look like hell.

This scene made the team members who were still a little excited immediately fell silent. Some looked at the gold diamonds in their arms and lowered their heads sadly.

"so quiet……"

There was a hint of melancholy on the woman's face: "Are we the only survivors in this city?"


Shelver stared at the black spots on the opposite side solemnly: "There is movement!"

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