Overgod Ascension

Chapter 642 New World (4800 plus)

"Finally succeeded!"

In the main temple, Wu Ming waved his hand and the extra-dimensional passage was closed.

"The next step... depends on the performance of distraction. Fortunately, arrangements have been made. Even if it fails, it doesn't matter... the road to eternal life will eventually be stepped on by me!"

He murmured, turned around to the main temple, and sat still, with no sadness or joy in his eyes. He seemed to be carefully observing the world of the Great Zhou Dynasty, where Wu Pheasant moved his capital before his dynasty, and other reincarnators were on missions, even distracted by exploration. Scenes.

In an unknown universe.

It's dark, deep, and seems to have a hint of warmth.

I don't know how long it took before Wu Ming managed to gain some consciousness.

"Where...where...how could I be so weak?"

A thought occurred, and he immediately fell into a deep sleep.

After a long time, Wu Ming woke up and his thoughts dispersed, but he could only see a darkness with a faint orange-red light.

"The universe...the world? Has it succeeded?"

Unfortunately, the accumulation of long-term sleep still only gave him this idea, and soon he fell into darkness again...

"How long have I been sleeping..."

I don't know how much time passed, but Wu Ming finally regained consciousness. At this time, he could barely realize his situation.

After all, being in a sealed environment with only an umbilical cord on the belly button to sustain life is not difficult to guess.

"Fuck! Did you reincarnate directly?"

Wu Ming was extremely speechless: "It seems that the black hole before was indeed the reincarnation center of the entire universe... I should have successfully reincarnated into that universe now. No wonder I have been sleeping before. After all, with the vitality of an embryo, I can't do it at all." Provide enough energy for my thinking..."

By now, he estimated that he was seven or eight months old and was even about to be born.

But even at this time, it is definitely not a good thing to start thinking too early and put a burden on the brain.

Wu Ming was not willing to cause the direct death of the fetus due to his own misbehavior and lose the opportunity that he had barely succeeded at a great cost, so he immediately absorbed all his thoughts and entered a state of emptiness and darkness without thoughts, helplessness, or thoughts. .

This is a pure state of mind practice and does not require compliance with the laws of the universe. To put it bluntly, it means just emptying your head and not thinking about anything, so as not to burden your immature brain and body.

In this state, his body also began to grow larger and larger, and some faint sounds were heard.

Unfortunately, this is a completely unfamiliar language, and even if he knew it, Wu Ming would not bother to remember it, which would bring more burden to this body.

Time passed, and I don’t know how long it had passed. Accompanied by a heartbreaking cry, Wu Ming suddenly woke up with a very complicated mood: "I've given birth..."

Waves of pressure came, as if the surroundings were squirming, gathering strength to squeeze him out of this world.

And he could only cooperate and be as obedient as possible. Unless he had independent will, the newborn's subconscious struggle would be enough to cause great pain to the pregnant woman.

"It's out! It's out! Everything is going well!"

In a delivery room full of pungent smell, there were four very bright gas lamps on the top, surrounded by a circle of doctors and nurses wearing orange-green clothes.

A doctor picked up the scissors, cut the umbilical cord, breathed a sigh of relief, took off his mask, and walked out of the delivery room.

"Doctor, how is my wife?"

Outside, a young man was wearing a shirt with the buttons out of place and his hair as messy as a chicken coop. He was walking around restlessly. When he saw the doctor coming out, his eyes immediately lit up and he stepped forward to grab his arm. asked.


The doctor smiled: "This delivery went very well. You can go meet your wife and child. By the way, it's a boy!"

As a doctor who specializes in delivering babies, she has seen too many babies that are fussy for half a day or even all night. She also knows that for a mother with her first child, having such a smooth delivery is almost like winning the jackpot.

"Oh, just fine! Just fine!"

The man was just having fun there until someone next to him couldn't stand it anymore and pushed him. Then he shook the doctor's hand and thanked him. He then entered the operating room and saw his wife and child.

"Thank you!"

He touched his wife's hair lovingly, and then looked at the baby next to him who had been washed with warm water and wrapped in a white blanket.

The boy had his big black eyes open and was not crying. He seemed to be looking around curiously.

"This is the new world...and the parents of this body..."

Wu Ming looked at the man and woman in front of him with a somewhat complicated mood. Of course, he couldn't understand a word of what the two people were saying while leaning against each other. It seemed that he had to learn the language again, but for him, this was also very simple. thing.

What surprised him most was the surrounding environment.

"Is this...gas lamp? Disinfectant water? Is there a nearly modern operating room?"

Those snow-white tweezers, knives, and nearby white velvet cotton left a very deep impression on him: "This world... seems... seems..."

But he didn't look for long before several nurses carried him and the woman to another bed and pushed him out of the operating room.

"It seems to be a hospital with complete departments. It seems that medicine is also developing well..."

Wu Ming looked at the glass on the window, the dim sunlight outside, and the chimney with black smoke rising in the distance, and reluctantly felt relieved.

After all, he lives in a modern world with advanced medical science, which is naturally of great benefit to saving a baby's life.

After some reincarnations, he now no longer has any extraordinary power to protect himself, and has to rely on the general environment for his life.

Fortunately, it seemed that the surroundings were relatively safe along the way, and his life should be barely guaranteed.

The baby's brain is still underdeveloped. He thought for a while, and felt huge sleepiness swept over him again.

Before he fell into a deep sleep, the only dissatisfying thought lingered in Wu Ming's mind: "Why do everyone look blond and blue-eyed, with a standard Western appearance? Could it be that I have come to a Western-oriented universe again?"

Next, Wu Ming immediately entered a life of shame.

Although the body is growing up step by step, feeding breast milk, changing diapers, etc. really challenge an adult's bottom line.

Fortunately, because of his strong spiritual cultivation, he selectively ignored these things.

About a month later, the family was discharged from the hospital and returned to their home.

According to Wu Ming's observation, his family's living conditions should be pretty good. They have their own apartment in a city, which is quite large and comes with a small garden.

The male owner of the house even drove a black car. The smooth lines and the roar of four wheels made Wu Ming feel more moved.

But there was one more thing that puzzled him. This car seemed to be powered by a steam engine instead of an ordinary gasoline or diesel engine! There was black smoke and rumbling noise all the way.

Even on the road, I saw too many black chimneys, as if boilers were burning everywhere. Countless black smoke rose into the sky, which made Wu Ming very worried about his future respiratory development.

"Good baby, we're home!"

The hostess hugged Wu Ming and placed him in a cradle that had been prepared long ago.

The whole room is decorated in a very warm and fairy-tale style, and the table corners and other places are wrapped in cotton cloth, which shows the very careful side of this family.

Through looking in the mirror several times during this period, Wu Ming also knew his appearance.

The golden fur, blue eyes, and milk-like skin - exactly what an ordinary Western baby looks like.

"It seems that I have indeed been reincarnated in a Western world. It is very similar to the steam age in the West in my previous life, but it seems to be a little different!"

Wu Ming gained enlightenment and began to live in this family as a baby.

Ever since he moved here, the man of the house has been leaving early and coming back late. He must be an office worker, and his work is very hard. He basically has to go out before dawn every day and can't come back until it's completely dark.

The person who accompanies Wu Ming the most is the mother in this body.

After such a long time, Wu Ming already knew by eavesdropping on the couple’s conversations with other neighbors and friends that the man’s name was James Sterling, but the woman did not know because everyone called her Mrs. Sterling, and James only called her 'darling'.

Mrs. Sterling was a very gentle and patient woman.

Little did she know that Wu Ming had almost understood their daily language at this time, and was still holding a few alphabet cards, babbling and teaching Wu Ming how to speak.


Mrs. Sterling smiled softly, pointed to her nose, and then to Wu Ming: "You... Steven! Steven Sterling!"

‘Steven Sterling? ’

Wu Ming rolled his eyes secretly, but he knew that he now had no power to resist at all, so he simply stared at Mrs. Sterling with an innocent face, as if he didn't understand anything.

"Oh, my little Steven, you are still too young... It is already amazing to be able to call mom and dad now... Are you hungry..."

Mrs. Sterling picked up Wu Ming with a smile on her face and gently rubbed his little face, as if she couldn't get enough of him.

Wu Ming was even more speechless, wishing that this time would pass quickly, but he had no choice but to passively endure Mrs. Sterling's ravages.

The life of a baby is quite boring.

In addition to being forced to pronounce words every day, Wu Ming spent more than half of his time sleeping.

Of course, half of them were really sleeping, and the other half were studying the world, or more precisely, the extraordinary rules of this world.

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