Overgod Ascension

Chapter 563: Church (7600 plus)

Howling City is divided into two levels: inner and outer.

The inner city is the Whistling Castle, the residence of the Earl of Blue Mountain. It is built entirely of thick granite and is higher than the city wall. It has arrow towers and bunkers. Once a war breaks out, it can be fully armed to the teeth.

In the former Blue Blood Civil War, Howling Castle set a record of being defended by a hundred men, resisting the siege of ten thousand troops, and holding on for a year!

Outside Whistling Castle are the residences of civilians and free people. The entire outer city of Whistling City is divided into four major districts. The east district is the residence of scholars, mercenary captains, small businessmen, craftsmen...these free people. Most of them are exquisite small villas with one or two gardens attached.

The West District and the South District are the residences of the poor, and they are also the two areas with the most chaotic security. Some black markets and slave shops are also opened here.

As for the North District, it is where the church is.

Wu Ming was wearing a white shirt, starched black trousers, a cross sword hanging from his waist, and his deerskin boots stepped on the cobblestone ground. There was a crisp sound as he slowly arrived in the North District.

The church building is magnificent, with a pointed top and a Gothic style.

Dang Dang!

At this time, in the square, the sound of the copper bell rang, and a group of poor people in ragged clothes, mostly barefoot, gathered together, waiting with a little longing expression.


The church door opened and a group of priests poured out to maintain order.

"The Lord came from chaos to bring light to the world!"

A bishop in red with gray hair and a compassionate face began his daily preaching and charity work.

A few strong men came out carrying a pot with thinly cooked oatmeal in it. The nuns next to them were carrying baskets. After lifting the white cloth, you could see pieces of black bread lying there quietly.

Many poor people swallowed their saliva without realizing it and squeezed forward.

If they hadn't seen a row of strong priests and a few glorious knights in armor there, they would have stepped forward to rob them.

"No need to rush! Come one by one!"

The cardinal maintained order: "Women, the elderly, and children first!"

He took a spoon and scooped a spoonful of oatmeal for each dirty wooden bowl, broken basin with a hole missing, and even his hand. The nanny next to him cooperated and gave a piece of black bread, which was not much. Not much, but enough to survive for a day.

"The Lord says we are to love the world as the world has loved us..."

Seeing the cardinal preaching tirelessly and leading everyone to pray, Wu Ming watched politely, but with a look of confusion in his eyes: "This church..."

In his eyes, the entire church was gray with almost no aura.

Even, he didn't feel any extraordinary aura in that cardinal's body, he seemed to be just an ordinary mortal old man.

The only thing that caught his attention was those knights of glory.

These knights of glory, also known as church knights, are real knights who have been selected by the church system and have undergone holy oils and rituals!

Of course, they have the strength of knights, but due to the restrictions of the church, no nobles are willing to canonize them and grant them fiefs and fiefs. Therefore, they have the strength of knights but no reality of knights. The church claims that they have dedicated everything to the supreme Lord. , is the glory of the church, giving them the name of 'Knights of Glory'.

But in Wu Ming's view, they are just a group of high-level thugs trained.

"But one thing is the same. They provide so much relief every day... This church really has a lot of financial resources..."

Wu Ming touched his chin and suddenly thought of more.

There are only three forces on the Fengying Plain that hold the secret of knight promotion. If those small nobles want to remain neutral and don't want their knights to be penetrated too deeply by the earls and viscounts, they have to ask for help from the church.

For this, they must pay a large sum of money.

Not to mention, based on the propaganda of the church, there are always a group of free people and even small nobles who hope to find spiritual comfort from the scriptures and choose to convert and baptize. They receive a large amount of donations every day, and they are naturally rich.

The armors of those glorious knights were bright, and their cross swords were decorated with gems and gold. They were so radiant that they immediately outdid Thakur.

After the crowd dispersed, Wu Ming came to the door of the church.

"Strange brother, where are you from?"

The cardinal just now looked a little tired and was praying, but he noticed Wu Ming immediately.

"My name is William, from Niah Town!"

Wu Ming stared at the statue in the church. It was a tall figure with extremely perfect muscle lines, but no face.

From it, Wu Ming vaguely felt a bit of extraordinary power, but it was hazy and somewhat specious.

"What god do you believe in?"

The cardinal looked a little solemn and asked slowly.

"I believe in the spirit of nature!"

Wu Ming answered without blinking.

The belief system in this world is still relatively primitive. Many gods do not have specific names. Even primitive beliefs such as ancestor worship and nature worship also exist.

Moreover, since the power of the church was suppressed by the nobles, it did not reach the level of religious persecution. Otherwise, Wu Ming would not be so careless about saying that he was a heretic.

He asked again: "Why do gods have no faces?"

"Because our Lord was born from chaos. He is the God of everything, the God of domination, and has thousands of incarnations. The spirit of nature is also a carrier of His great power!"

A voice came from the side and answered Wu Ming's question.


The former cardinal immediately bowed his head respectfully.

Wu Ming looked at the man walking towards him. He was dressed in extremely simple clothes. He only wore a linen robe, his feet were bare, and he had no decoration. He looked no different from a poor old man on the roadside.

But in his body, Wu Ming clearly felt the traces of extraordinary power: "Is he a real priest?"

But after hearing the archbishop's answer, he was immediately speechless.

With this doctrine of one God and the Supreme God, it is no wonder that the church is so unpopular and even boycotted by the nobility.

The enfeoffment of nobles is actually the division of power. They are the masters of their respective territories and can do whatever they want in their territories.

But the church’s theory of the only God and the Supreme God, in this world, is a naked unity! Unless there is a king who is determined to unify the entire continent, no noble will blatantly support it.

"Praise my Lord, I see the return of another brother!"

The archbishop smiled: "Same church brothers, are you here to find spiritual solace, or something else?"

"Actually, I am an adventurer. I am confident that my skills have reached its peak, but I have no way forward!"

Wu Ming said calmly.

"You want to be a knight?"

The cardinal shook his head: "I'm very sorry. Unless you are canonized and recommended by the nobles, pay five hundred gold derons, or swear to give up everything to join the church and become a knight of glory, otherwise according to the agreement, we cannot provide you with any help. !”

What he said was so familiar that he didn't know how many people he had told it to.

"I see, I'm sorry to bother you!"

Wu Ming bowed slightly: "I donate a gold delong to the church!"

He took out a gold coin and put it in the cardinal's hand, looking a little disappointed and preparing to leave.

"Wait a minute!"

At this time, the archbishop suddenly spoke: "Dear child, the door of the church will always be open to you!"

"Thank you!"

Wu Ming was startled, then saluted again and exited the church door.


The cardinal looked at the old man with some surprise.

The old man's expression also seemed a little confused: "I saw a layer of mist of fate in him, which seemed to carry the revelation of my Lord..."

"My lord?"

The cardinal was excited and a little ashamed: "Have you received any oracle?"

"God loves the world, but he will not interfere in the world easily. He will only give you hints in subtle ways...feel it and listen to the whole world..."

The archbishop rolled his eyes and said slowly.

"To obtain holy oil research, do you have to join the church or the nobility?"

Wu Ming walked out of the church with a sneer on his lips: "If this is really the case, where did those wandering freedom knights come from?"

Although there was a contract to abide by, he did not believe that the nobility and the church were so invulnerable on the surface.

No matter how precise and perfect the rules are, they still need people to abide by and maintain them.

Wherever there are people, flaws can appear.

"There must be clues to the holy oil in the black market, and it may even be for sale..."

With almost no time to think, Wu Ming had an idea in his mind.

"Of course... before that, I'd better visit a few more scholars. I need more knowledge!"

Three days later, inside a villa in the East District.

"Dear Scholar Lu Lun, I followed the route you provided and found poor Mr. Evans in a wolf den. I'm sorry!"

Wu Ming placed a piece of blood-stained leather armor and a ring with a strange pattern on the table, and said to an old man with a pale complexion.

"This is indeed Evans' ring... Oh! My poor little one!"

Scholar Lu Lun looked at the ring and rubbed it on his chest, his eyes suddenly sparkling.

"No matter what, I still want to thank you! Brave adventurer!"

I don’t know how long it took, but Scholar Lu Lun’s voice came over: “You will get what you deserve!”

He stood up and placed a key and a small bag of Jin Delong in front of Wu Ming: "The seven Jin Delong and the seven-day right to read all the books in my study are yours!"

"Let Gavin tell you the rest!"

Scholar Lu Lun leaned on the recliner, obviously exhausted.

Wu Ming bowed and exited, found old housekeeper Gavin, and came to Lu Lun's study.

The brass key was inserted into the keyhole and made a crisp sound. Immediately, the door opened, and several rows of quaint bookshelves appeared in front of Wu Ming.

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