Overgod Ascension

Chapter 556: Pierce through

Time is pushed back slightly to a moment ago.

Henry had a straw in his mouth, his whole body hidden in the thick grass, staring at the road ahead.

This is not even a road. It is often trampled by those wild people, and it barely looks like a road.

Unless it was a surprise attack, even the ogres would not like to cross the mountains.

Therefore, Wu Ming brought them here early and worked for half a day and one night.

At this point, it’s time to wait for the harvest.

Henry looked at the black spots appearing in the distance, his expression suddenly tightened, and he no longer looked as careless as before.

A wave of black dots emerged, squirming at an extremely slow speed, it was the wave of ogres!

Behind them, there is a circle of prisoners strung up with straw ropes. Many of them are the original wild people, but there are also a few soldiers and mercenaries!

They were dejected and stained with blood. If they walked a little slower, they would be whipped immediately.

There were about a hundred ogres, plus about a hundred prisoners, which made the team bloated. No matter how they were beaten and scolded, they could only move forward at a slow speed.

"Are there women and children?"

Henry licked his lips, and suddenly he was no longer afraid: "It turns out that ogres are also men... Hehe... Such a huge team can only choose this best way. The leader predicted it right!"

He backed away slowly, giving the signal.

"Be careful, the ogre is coming!"

Wu Ming looked at the huge stone in front of him with expectation in his eyes: "I'll leave this to you, Andrew!"

"Do not worry!"

Andrew waved the ax: "Old Andrew may not be able to confront the ogre head-on, but such a thing can always be done, and revenge can also be done!"

"very good!"

Wu Ming patted Andrew on the shoulder. He believed in the power of hatred.

Immediately, he arrived at the last location of his plan, before the main road.

There, Heim, Gale, and a horse were already waiting.

"When the meeting starts, I will rush to save people, and Heim will take over. Gale, you watch the horse. After I rescue the knight, we will run together. Do you understand?"

He repeated his plan.


Both of them answered loudly, but Wu Ming's heart resounded with silent ridicule.

Suddenly, a noise came from the front, it was the ogre who had arrived!

On the slope, Andrew swallowed his saliva and felt his hands and feet trembling as he looked at the ogre brigade that appeared.

The scars on his face ached faintly, especially around his ears, and that heartbreaking feeling resurfaced in his mind.

'Perhaps... I have lost my courage! ’

He took a deep breath and raised his ax high: "But I haven't lost my blood yet! Go to hell, you cannibal bastards!"


He cut off the taut vines in front of him.

Wow, in front of him, a wave of hammered logs and rolling stones suddenly fell apart, rushing down the flat and sloping hillside.

Boom! Boom!

In constant motion, the rolling logs and stones accumulated terrifying kinetic and potential energy, and then evolved into monsters that devoured everything.


A stone the size of a millstone rolled over and instantly smashed several people in the ogre vanguard into pulp.

Bang bang!

Henry on the other side also started to take action.

As more rolling logs arrived, the ogre team immediately fell into commotion.

In other words, it became more confusing.

"Andre... rest in peace!"

After doing all this, looking at the commotion of ogres below, Andrew couldn't help but sigh to himself.

Immediately, he ran backwards without looking back, and quickly disappeared into the trees.

This was the task that William gave him. After completing it, the only thing he needed to do was to think about his own life.


Suddenly attacked, at least a dozen ogres were turned into flesh on the spot, and many more suffered minor injuries, and they rushed fiercely towards the hillside in front of them.

"it's time!"

Wu Ming looked at this scene and said suddenly. With a flash of sword light, Gale's head fell off.

"Boss, what are you doing?"

Heim immediately jumped out a few steps and looked at Wu Ming in horror.

"Who do you belong to? Arthur, or Fed?"

Wu Ming stepped forward with blood dripping from his long sword. When he saw Heim's expression, he knew he had guessed it right.

Ever since he traveled through time, he had developed a grudge against these two slightly energetic guys. Now, when he tested them, it was obvious.

"Sure enough, there are... the fewest good people in this world!"

Wu Ming sighed, and suddenly stepped forward. The long sword of fine steel rippled with bright light, stabbing like a bolt of lightning.


Heim pulled out the dagger and barely held the first sword, but the expression on his face was in disbelief: "How did you see through us?"

"When people lie, their heartbeat and blood flow rate will undergo subtle changes..."

Wu Ming kept holding a sword in his hand: "And...even if I guess wrong, I won't lose anything, right? At least you have worked for me all night, and the people in Nia Town will only know that you died because of cannibalism." On the devil’s hand!”


After one move, he had knocked off Heim's dagger, and regardless of his plea for mercy, he put the tip of the sword directly into his throat.

"Even without these, I will not put my retreat in the hands of you people...it's too dangerous!"

As soon as he pulled the reins, he immediately got on the horse and cracked the whip with great satisfaction: "It is indeed a knight's horse. It will not be frightened at all when encountering such a thing. Let's go!"


The war horses neighed and charged along the road.

One thousand meters later, a somewhat chaotic team appeared in front of Wu Ming.

The wind roared on both sides, and the roar of ogres could be heard faintly.

"That's right! The ogres are very powerful, savage and ferocious...but you don't have a spear array or long-range weapons!"

Wu Ming laughed, and the spirits of man and horse were connected together, entering a wonderful realm.

"Give me...die!"

He shouted loudly, his horse leaped high, and he took advantage of the situation to draw out the long sword in his hand.


An ogre standing in front of him was split in half from the middle in an instant, and the two halves of the body fell to the ground bloody.

This sword has clearly exceeded the limits of ordinary people!

Because this is the power of manpower and horsepower added together!

The reason why the knight's charge is invincible is because he has mastered such power!

Wu Ming felt that every inch of his skin was tightening. His eyes were watching all directions and the road vigilantly, and he dexterously maneuvered his horse to avoid the pits and traps on the road. When he encountered something that he could not avoid, he rushed straight towards it.

puff! puff!

Blood splashes!

If Knight Thakur saw this scene, he would be extremely shocked, because Wu Ming, as an ordinary person, accomplished what only a fully prepared knight can do - pierce through!

This chaotic team of ogres was actually pierced through by Wu Ming with the power of one man and one horse!

Of course, to achieve this is really a fluke, and there are too many factors affecting it.

For example, Wu Ming himself is unusual.

Also, these ogres lack defensive equipment and only have a few pieces of animal skins on their bodies.

Moreover, they did not have bows, arrows and spears, so the stones thrown by ropes did not pose any threat to Wu Ming at all.

The accumulation of this series of factors suddenly allowed Wu Ming to accomplish this amazing feat!

Unfortunately, the audience is just a bunch of ogres.


Wu Ming walked back and forth, and with a wave of his hand, several heads fell to the ground, and they couldn't help but scream happily.

‘Sure enough, only iron and blood, horse riding and slashing, are the romance that belongs only to men! ’

He went all the way deep, causing the ogres to shout the name of 'Tulu' and pee, and finally rushed in front of the captives.

"If you don't want to be eaten and kept as food, just take up arms and resist and run away!"

He slashed the guarding ogre to death with one sword, then quickly untied the restraints of several guards and wild people, shouting loudly.

Immediately, he rushed in front of Thakur.

There was a loud noise and the ground shook.

Thakur reluctantly opened his eyes and looked around with his remaining consciousness.

Several ogres had fallen down, and soon a young man with flaxen hair and beautiful eyes came over and stretched out his hand: "Sir Knight?!"

At this moment, Thakur seemed to have seen the savior, and tears were almost shed.

"Lord, have you finally heard my prayer?"

He said this in his heart, and immediately flew onto the horse's back like a cloud and mist.


The war horse neighed, spread its hooves and galloped wildly, leaving the battlefield as fast as possible before the ogre warriors who were furious and searching the hillside came back to encircle them.

At the rear, the prisoners who had gained freedom in vain also began the most fierce and futile resistance for their lives and souls...

Next to a creek, Wu Ming tied the war horse to a tree and untied Thakur: "My lord? My lord? I am William!"

Thakur tried to open his mouth, but not many words came out.

"You were given an overdose of Devil's Flower, but it's nothing serious. Don't worry!"

Wu Ming, who is determined to study herbal medicine, is naturally familiar with this simple symptom: "Swear on my name, I will take you out of here!"

He looked at the anesthetized Thakur: "Now, let me check your wound!"

The armor on Thakur's body has naturally been stripped off as a trophy. This is something Wu Ming is very lucky to do. Otherwise, he would not have time to strip off Thakur's armor on the battlefield just now. It would be a bit difficult for a war horse to bear the weight of two people. Barely, absolutely impossible to add another piece of armor that is so heavy!

Knight Thakur's other injuries were not bad. Even the cold arrow from the gap in the armor on his back was taken out and the bleeding was simply stopped. Obviously, these ogres were reluctant to let him die immediately.

Wu Ming first collected some water from the stream and fed Thakur to drink. Then he unceremoniously explored the knight's secrets in the name of treatment.


The cold stream water finally gave his numb tongue some feeling. Thakur thanked him with difficulty, but he didn't know that he had been used as an experiment by Wu Ming.

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