Overgod Ascension

Chapter 333 Hejia Bei

The family shell is an phantom of the common species of water. Its two shells spread out, covering the sky and the earth, enough to swallow several huts. It also has the ability to evade demons through water. When in danger, once the shell closes, the defense is extremely strong, and then you can go to the river. As soon as you move inside, you can advance and attack, and retreat and defend. It is a must-have item for home travel and is very popular with some spirit controllers.

"Looking at the size of this family mussel... I'm afraid it has already reached the level of a junior warrior, right?"

Although the warrior level is just the entry point for an orthodox spirit master, it is also the beginning of being able to use extraordinary power in battle. No matter where in the phantom world, one can gain a certain status.

With a shop guarded by this phantom, it is natural that it is not afraid of danger, and it must have some good things.

When Wu Ming walked into the store, the first thing he noticed was two rows of fiery red coral trees, as tall as a person, with strips of green kelp flashing fluorescent colors, reflecting the crystal walls on both sides.

In the glass-like transparent counter, there are a large number of materials: phantom eggs, pieces of crystal, and books, which are dazzling.

"This is……"

Wu Ming first came to one place: "Sara meat, star grass, stalactite spiritual milk, salmon diamond crystal fish... they are all top-quality phantom ingredients..."

From the moment an eidolon is born, its cultivation, feeding, training, and even its final evolution are all a great science.

This Salo meat is a specialty of the Salo beast. Although this beast is not a phantom, its meat is plump, nutritious, and can strengthen muscles and bones. It is very suitable for Wu Ming's gray wolf to eat.

Moreover, if the gray wolf needs several kilograms of ordinary fresh meat to be full a day, half a kilogram of salsa meat would be enough.

Even if an ordinary mid-level gray wolf in its juvenile stage naturally evolves, it will take a year to reach a high level, but if it eats more sauro meat, it may only take a few months!

With so many benefits, the price is naturally high. Anyway, Wu Ming knows that even in the Dongfang family, no prodigal son dares to be so luxurious as to feed salsa meat to the gray wolf, because it is simply not worth it!

‘Remember that playboy cousin who got the Nether Wolf, Dongfang Ba! It seems like they feed the wolf cubs with sauro meat every day, right? With this help, progress will naturally be rapid! ’

Wu Ming sighed inwardly, no matter what world you are in, if you want to make progress, you need resources! Lots of resources!

What are those dreams about the flow of mental realizations, enlightenment, and becoming a saint...?

He had seen everything and compared it with the knowledge in his memory.

The appearance of Star Grass is as green as jade, with a little silver-blue light. It is as exquisite as a work of art, and it is the favorite of herbivorous phantoms.

Even high-end ingredients have different applicable types. For example, if this star grass is eaten by a gray wolf, it would be better to feed it raw meat directly.

'Similarly... this stalactite spiritual milk is most suitable for cubs whose teeth have not yet grown, and is more effective for phantoms of the rock attribute... Salmon is suitable for phantoms of the water attribute...'

Wu Ming glanced aimlessly, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "What a boy, there are even Iron Bone Flowers!"

This kind of material is higher than the previous ingredients, and it has the power of attributes, such as the iron-clawed wolf. After eating it, the claws can become sharper.

Of course, it also has an effect on gray wolves. If the amount is enough, and by chance, there is a slight chance that when it evolves in the future, it can break through the racial level and evolve into an elite iron-clawed wolf. However, this probability is very low. It is small, and the cost is quite high. In reality, it is better to buy the iron-clawed wolf directly and cultivate it.

"This kind of attribute evolution involves the advanced courses of the spirit master... Through the combination of daily meals, coupled with the catalysis of specially selected opponents, we can embark on different evolutionary routes..."

Wu Ming touched his chin.

For example, if you keep feeding flame crystals to the gray wolf, and continue to choose fire attribute phantoms to fight and absorb, then when evolving, the gray wolf will have a one percent chance of being promoted to an elite fire attribute flame wolf.

If it is changed to ice crystal modulation, then the evolutionary path is frost wolf!

There are also blood wolves and war wolves that increase combat power and go all the way to black in the melee combat department...

It can be said that in the world of phantoms, any miracle can happen!

"If you don't want the gray wolves to become cannon fodder in the future, this is the only way!"

Wu Ming touched his chin: "Of course... This kind of choice is only for those spirit controllers who made the wrong choice at the beginning and later climbed to high positions. In terms of cost performance, it is only a little cheaper than changing the contract... The real kingly way is still Choose an eidolon of a higher racial level from the beginning!"

The starting point of others is higher than mine, and if they want to catch up later, they will naturally have to work a thousand times harder.

Not to mention, there's the abysmal failure rate issue.

If Wu Mingnai hadn't been a visitor from outside the world and opened the boss's golden finger, I'm afraid the average spirit controller would have been in despair.

After walking past the feed counter, Wu Ming came to the special phantom cub counter.

The defense here is obviously one level higher. The phantom eggs of different shapes are sealed by layers of crystals, as stable as solidified in amber, and blooming with brilliant light.

"Well...mountain eagles, gray wolves, forest tigers, and powerful apes are all ordinary beast phantom eggs..."

In Wu Ming's eyes, these phantom eggs were also surrounded by a layer of red light.

His heart moved and he continued to look forward.

Phantoms naturally have more than one form of eggs, such as elemental elves. Wu Ming saw the same ordinary light elves as in the light bulbs outside, as well as seed-like plant phantoms.

"Fire elves! Elite phantoms! They can add fire attribute attacks to the spirit master!"

Wu Ming's eyes lit up and he looked at the sealed flame elf. It looked like a ball of fire, with red outer flames and bright yellow inner flames, and it seemed to turn into a face.

"The phantoms in the elemental world are generally one level higher than the phantoms in the living world, and they can also strengthen the spirit master himself and add various abilities... For example, the elemental elves of the steel system can even form armored weapons and attach them to them. For a spirit master, going to the battlefield is like being unparalleled, and killing people is like mowing grass..."

Of course, what he saw was not this, but the lingering brilliance of this fire elf in his eyes - orange!

‘Could it be that my supernatural eye... can see the racial potential of a certain phantom in the phantom world? ’

Wu Ming thought quickly in his mind: "Is the common species red, and the elite species is orange? But I'm not sure yet. Let's take a closer look... It's best to have outstanding species..."

"What do guests need?"

Obviously, Wu Ming's attitude of just looking around attracted attention. A reception girl with golden curly hair, fair skin, stockings, and dressed somewhat like a bunny girl came forward and bowed deeply, revealing her perfect figure. The chest line and a large area of ​​snow white.

"Are there any outstanding phantom eggs here?"

Although he knew it was impossible, Wu Ming still asked.

"Giggle...the guest is joking!"

A strange light flashed in the bunny girl's eyes: "The phantoms of outstanding species can grow up to be war masters. Even several big auction houses may not be able to stock them immediately, and the prices are sky-high..."

"Well... I was just asking casually!"

Wu Ming sneered at the bunny girl's statement.

Even for an outstanding species, it is not so simple to be promoted to Warmaster. Just like the Dongfang family, which is famous for its wolf-like phantoms, there are also sources of ghost wolves of outstanding species in the family, but the phantoms that are truly promoted to the Warmaster level There is only one spirit, which is the highest level of force in the family and has always been in the hands of the great elder.

The racial level is only the highest potential. Whether it can be truly reached depends on the training of the acquired spiritual masters!

Wu Ming shrugged his shoulders: "I want to sell some things and buy some combat skills!"

The gray wolf's race and attributes have been fixed for a long time, and there is no hope for it at the moment. The only improvement lies in combat skills.

"Okay, I wonder what the customer wants to sell?"

The bunny girl smiled, showing her good professionalism.

"The fur of the Snowy Clouded Leopard!"

Wu Ming took out the Snow Clouded Leopard's fur, and the gorgeous appearance immediately made the bunny girl's eyes brighten. After unfolding it, he saw the wounds on it, and showed regret again: "Unfortunately... there are more damages, and it is not a combat soldier. Class……"

"If I'm at the level of a soldier, how can I still survive?"

Wu Ming rolled his eyes secretly, and then saw the bunny girl examining the fur professionally, and then said: "Dear guest, I can take the decision to accept this fur. In terms of price, what do you think of the seventy spirit coins? "

"The authentic Snow Cloud Leopard coat is gorgeous in appearance, luxurious and noble. It is very popular among ladies. The price is upwards of five hundred spirit coins, right?"

Wu Ming frowned.

"That's what the customer said, but yours is just raw material, and it's still damaged..." The bunny girl's expression remained unchanged and she replied with a smile.

"But my fur is..."

Wu Ming kept a cold face and continued to increase the price. When he reached seventy-five spirit coins, he had already assessed the other party's psychological bottom line before agreeing.

"Guest, your spirit coins!"

The deal was concluded, and the bunny girl sighed softly, a little surprised. After all, the price of the boy opposite her was just above her bottom line. If there was one more, she would give up directly.

"Thank you!"

Wu Ming took a small bag of spirit coins and looked at it carefully.

Spirit coins are common in mainland China, contain a certain amount of energy, and can be used in weapon refining, elixir refining, and even formations. They are the most popular general equivalent among spirit masters.

This spirit coin has been cut, and is about the size of a standard fingernail, as thin as a cicada's wings. Seventy of them are light and weightless when held in your hand.

'Dongfang Shuoming's original savings are not much, but the cultivation of the spiritual master and the improvement of my ideas will consume a lot of resources...'

Wu Ming had a headache, but he didn't show it at all on his face and said directly: "Take me to see the combat skills!"


The bunny girl was slightly happy. Selling this combat skill was a big business.

When an eidolon grows up, if it has outstanding talents, it will often automatically comprehend abilities. These are called sorcery in the world of creatures and skills in the elemental world. There are many types, and they are uniformly classified as combat skills!

Even if the phantom does not understand the skills, the spirit controller can purchase combat skills and teach the phantom to master them.

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