Overgod Ascension

Chapter 165 Attack (3800 plus)

late at night.

In the castle tower of Numata Castle, the current head of the Yamada family, Toramori Yamada, still did not fall asleep.

"The power of the ghost family is too powerful, and has seriously threatened the status of the family..."

In the deliberation room, several senior and important ministers of the family all looked worried: "Especially the military parade is going to be held, this is to integrate the army under your command... I hope the lord will make a quick decision!"

Naito Takasho, the royal businessman of the Yamada family, knelt in the last row, lowered his head respectfully, and there was no chance for him to speak.

It's just that a trace of complicated and strange eyes kept flowing in his eyes.

"The Gui family can mobilize more than a thousand troops. Even with the help of the Kojima family, Nathan family, and Xiaoniaoyou family, it will be difficult to defeat them in one fell swoop..."

Yamada Toramori murmured: "The more important thing is the power of that person and his subordinates!"

As soon as this was mentioned, everyone in the entire review room fell silent.

That person, of course, refers to the supervisor of the ghost family, the ghost who has the name of the god ghost Xingzhisuke!

According to the rumors, this person not only possesses the power to slay a thousand men, which is equivalent to the combined efforts of a thousand men, but also is a terrifying Yin-Yang master, with extremely terrifying records!

And even though Gui Yifayan has seldom made shots in recent years, the ghost group under his command is also famous, and the record created is enough to scare anyone.

"My lord, please don't worry about this!"

Naito Takamasa sat down on his knees and buried his head deeply on the floor.

After the rise of the Oni family, for a period of time, the Yamada family was restless, and they dared not do anything out of line or cause hostility, for fear that the Oni family would seize the opportunity to attack.

And during that time, Mr. Teng Longchang made good use of the cover and convenience of being a businessman, and became the middleman in contact with Yi Yu's family, and his status was finally improved.

Otherwise, he wouldn't even be able to enter this room today.

"Although Guiyifayan is a powerful swordsman and onmyoji, the Yiyu family has agreed to send a group of priests to help in the battle. At the same time, they have also invited a swordsman and jounin, which must be enough to protect the safety of our family..."

As soon as these words fell, the review room was filled with gasping voices.

Swordsman and Jonin! In Wu Ming's system, they are all third-level masters, and even the king's name needs to be respected, and now they are dispatched two in a row?

There is even a group of priests participating in the battle! Those priests and witches are not only good at Yin-Yang art, they can also borrow the power of worshiping the gods to form magic spells, and even offer sacrifices to pray for the gods to help out!

"Ah... Since the priests of the Izumo Taisha Shrine, worshiped by the Yiyu family, are here, they must be able to exorcise those evil spirits!"

Hearing the news, the retainers all clapped their crowns to celebrate.

"Not only that... The old man of the Yiyu family, Qiu, will go to the Hall of Yizhizhu, and he will also lead an army of 3,000 troops. During the military parade of the ghost family, he will also be stationed in Fanshi County, putting pressure on the entire county... At that time , presumably the wealthy families in the entire county will make their choices!"

Naito Takamasa said respectfully.


Yamada Toramori slapped his fan and said pleasantly, "If this is the case, why should I be depressed?"

The joy was beyond words, and seeing Naito Longchang who was still kneeling respectfully, he couldn't help saying: "You contacted Yiyu's family this time and made meritorious service for the family, so I will give you a hundred stones to know what to do!"

"Ha! I will die for my family!"

Naito Takamashi already has a family name, and now he has hereditary knowledge, he is officially promoted to a samurai.

From then on, the descendants are all masters, and they can serve as officials in Numata City from generation to generation, and their status is much higher than that of humble businessmen.

And how many of them know the sweat and hard work he put in for this?

Naito Takamashi bowed his waist and bowed down with the most humble etiquette, but his eyes were already blurred.


At the same time, outside Numata City.

Taking advantage of the night, Kanosuke Yamanaka and Oniichi Yoshitsune also sneaked in here secretly with Ashgaru.

"The ninjas below have ambushed in the city, and will open the city gate later and create chaos in the city... Please seize the opportunity!"

The figure of Mochizuki Kotaro appeared, and then disappeared quietly in the darkness.

'This kind of ninjutsu... I'm afraid it's close to Jnin, right? '

Kanosuke Yamanaka's eyes twitched, and he immediately looked at the seven samurai in front of him: "Matsushita, Koizumi... I will leave it to you this time!"

After all, this battle was too important. Although Wu Ming had to sit in Yueshan Futian City and couldn't come to command in person, he still sent the strongest 'Oni One Seven Samurai' under his command!

"Do not worry!"

Matsushita Kenichi and the others answered solemnly, and soon a ferocious smile appeared on their faces: "I really want to see the beautiful scenery of falling blood cherry blossoms on the battlefield..."

These seven samurai were the first to follow Wu Ming and practice the way of ninja swordsman. At this time, they generally have the level of the second-level peak.

With such strength, its role in night raids is beyond doubt.

"The ninja has sent a signal, ready to attack!"

After setting it up, after waiting for a while, there were three very rhythmic crow calls in the darkness.

With Oniichi Yoshitsune's eyesight, he could see several black shadows flashing on the city wall, silently killing the guards.

Even the gate was slowly opened, and a few ropes were let down from the city wall.

"Kill! Kill! Don't make a sound!"

Even though Kanosuke Yamanaka lowered his voice, the taste of excitement and excitement continued to spread.

"My first battle!"

Oniichi Yoshitsune tightened his grip on the samurai sword in his hand. The blade of this samurai sword was as clear as water, with sharpness.

"We must win this city for our family..."

The young boy already has a plan for the future in his heart at this time: "If the Oni family can become the guardian of the Izumo country, they can support me in revenge in Shangluo!"

At this time, no one could see that the purple luck on top of him was constantly flourishing, suppressing the vitality of Numata City.

The team is moving fast.

After all the information, more than a hundred ashigaru sneaked into Sannomaru immediately.

"Who? Kill!"


In the sudden darkness, there was still a shout and the sound of slashing with a samurai sword.

'It was discovered! '

Kanosuke Yamanaka's face changed, and he shouted loudly: "Kill! Kill in!!!"

"Rush to Ninomaru!"

Oniichi Yoshitsune took the lead, and formed a powerful attack arrow with Oniichi samurai, hacking and killing the samurai and ashigaru who rushed up to fight.

Sannomaru, the outer city of Numata City, is the tallest and most solid. It uses stone walls, while Ninomaru is made of wooden walls. From here, you can even faintly see the splendid castle tower. The lights are flickering and the voices are chaotic. startled.

chi chi!

Seeing this, Oniichi Yoshitsune took off the bow and arrow on his back without hesitation, bent the bow and shot continuously, the Ashgaru and the samurai on the top of the Ninomaru fell to the ground one after another, while the Ashgaru of the Oni family saw this scene, but It was a great boost of spirit, roaring up.


After the bow and arrows were exhausted, Oniichi Yoshitsune pulled out Mikazuki Munekin, and his training in ninjutsu and onmyojutsu made him as light as a swallow. In an instant, he leaped onto the city wall of Ninomaru.

The blades flashed repeatedly, and the two surrounding warriors were hacked to death.


The flag representing the Yamada family was chopped down, and the gates and fences of Ninomaru were also opened with a bang.

"My ghost, Yoshitsune, broke the Ninomaru!"

Oniichi Yoshitsune roared excitedly, feeling an unprecedented joy in his body, and his blood was constantly boiling, which made him know that he was born for this battlefield.

"Very good! As expected of a samurai from the Oni family!"

Kanosuke Yamanaka, Kenichi Matsushita and the others arrived later, with expressions of relief on their faces: "This is the first time on the battlefield, right? Sure enough, I have inherited the bravery of the Governor-General!"

This evaluation is quite good, and it means that some of them have begun to prefer Oni Yoshitsune to be the heir of the Oni family.

According to the direction of the people's hearts, a trace of qi flowed into the top of Gui Yiyijing's head, and was firmly grasped again. With this help, the natal qi became more active and wanted to manifest its power.

Of course, Oniichi Yoshitsune himself didn't know all this, he just shouted excitedly: "Surround the castle tower!"

This Tenshukaku is the headquarters of the Yamada family, the highest place in the entire Numata city, and when Oniichi Yoshitsune came here before, he could only look up high.

But now, you can step on it!

"In the castle tower, there are at least a hundred ashigaru and samurai guarding... If we attack hard, our ashigaru will also be damaged, which is not good for our family! Now it is time to organize the elite to charge, and I am willing to be the captain of the charge!"

Ghost Yoshitsune said.

In a world without demons and without extraordinary power, even if they practiced martial arts, there would be limited differences between individuals. With the narrow terrain and mechanism of the castle tower, one hundred people could kill and injure hundreds of people, which would seriously damage the vitality of the ghost family.

After all, this is the residence of the daimyo, and it is also the last defense.

But in Fusang World, it is different.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you!"

Kanosuke Yamanaka's eyes glowed with affirmation: "When the castle tower is captured, I will definitely ask for credit for you!"

The stormtroopers were assembled quickly, and there were less than 20 of them, including Ghost One Seven warriors, and a few ninjas, all of whom had the same characteristics but had a second-level cultivation.

With such a cultivation base, each of them is a strong man who can cut a hundred people to the first level, and ordinary traps are even more ineffective.

"For the great cause of our family, go!"

Oniichi Yoshitsune quickly set up a Yin-Yang magic circle, and immediately summoned a thick fog to wrap the entire castle tower before rushing in.


"what happened?"

A little forward in time, Yamada Toramori was just able to escape from the usual anxiety and fell asleep peacefully, but was awakened by the noise again.

When he was condescending and saw a lot of screams and flames in the city, his hands and feet were cold.

"The ghost family attacked us, and now they have killed under the castle tower..."

Naito Takamasa was lucky enough not to be beheaded, and fled back to the castle tower. Looking at the Oni family below, he felt as if he had fallen into an abyss... (To be continued.)

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