Original Wolf -

Chapter 66 - 66 Hormones

While Nevan was rubbing her back to calm her, Ludwick coming out of his mental breakdown looked at them with disdain- "Is this your woman? She..."

Nevan not wanting anything to disturb her at the moment, transformed only his arm into Nobless form and sent a blade of energy cutting his head off, silencing him for good. It was the first time he's only shifted a part of his body like that, it didn't feel good, but he didn't want to bother Rebekah with whatever filth he was about to spout.

'Whelp there goes my information, guess I'll have to wait again for another one, not a big deal, not like I care all that much.' he thought

Nevan still rubbing her back felt her calm down as she stopped crying and just held him.

"Rebekah, I will never let anything like that happen to you again."

Rebekah buried her head in his c.h.e.s.t and just nodded, not yet willing to speak.

Nevan looking at Lubwick's body started to make him hungry as his stomach growled. Which for some strange reason made Rebekah break out in laughter.

Nevan confused asked- "What's so funny?"

"I feel like only you would have their stomach growl at a time like this." she laughed

Nevan not getting it, let her have her fun.

Then it was Nevan's turn to laugh when he heard her stomach growl, but she didn't even realize what had happened and asked- "Why are you laughing?"

Nevan- "Your stomach growled."

Rebekah denied it- "I think your mistaken, vampires don't get hungry," but she was soon greeted with another growl as the scent of blood reached her nose.

Nevan smiling- "Well I think you're hungry now my dear."

Rebekah blushed in embarrassment- "I don't understand, this has never happened before, even with the wolf change, I still have my vampire body."

Nevan giving it some thought replied- "Maybe it's due to the baby..." looking at the body, "Maybe it's hungry for the Originals body."

Rebekah smacked him- "Don't call our precious baby it, and what body are you talking about?"

While she certainly smelled it, she has yet to notice what Nevan was doing here and who he was with.

Rebekah seeing the headless cat monsters body and the head nearby grew curious as her hunger grew- "So this is those jaguars you keep telling me about? It seems our baby is hungry for them."

The closer she drew to it the hungry she got, eyes glowing she instinctually shifted into her werewolf form which immediately set Nevan off.

Nevan yelling- "What the heck are you doing, I said no shifting while pregnant."

Seeing she was ignoring him he walked in front of her as she proceeded to gorge on the body.

"Did you hear me?" he asked, only to see, she was completely out of it as she instinctually ate the body.

"Maybe the baby needs the nutrients of Originals, it is my child, it would probably speed up the growing process from inside the w.o.m.b as well as provide the best substance, I wonder if this kind of diet will lead to a monster superior to myself if I kept providing more.

Easier said than done though, where the heck will I find the other Original jaguars, maybe I can find other powerful creatures to substitute till I do." he thought out loud to himself, thinking about his future little monster.

He will need to find substitutes even if he did get the rest of the Originals, not like there were enough Originals around anyways.

Without realizing it most of the Original was already eaten- "Hey save some for me, baby or not I still want a piece, there's a limited number of such good food left, you need to learn to share."

Reaching for a piece only to get a growl from Rebekah as she swiped his hand away and snapped at him before continuing to eat.

Nevan scrunched his eyebrows- "Rebekah, I know the baby is making you hungry for this, but you can't just go feral on me."

Just as she was about to eat the last arm, Nevan shifted into his werewolf form eyes glowing as he let out a growl and swiped it from her.

Thinking it was over he brought the arm to his mouth only to be tackled by Rebekah before he could sink his teeth into it.

Dropping the arm where he last stood they rolled together through the warehouse wall out into the open.

The warehouse's location was out away from the city on private land, so no one was around to witness it.

Nevan was back on his feet as he saw Rebekah let out a threatening growl towards him, again he flashed his eyes sending even more pressure to her trying to get her to wake up.

Nevan growled out- "Rebekah snap out of it!"

Rebekah could no longer ignore the pressure as she felt his dominate aura wash over her.

Eyes gaining clarity she shifted back to her normal form.

Nevan- "We'll discuss this later, for now, I'm going to go eat the scraps you left me."

Rebekah blushed hearing that as she recalled what she did even though she wasn't in control, but as she gave it more though she snapped back at him- "Hey I remember everything and while I won't say what I did was right, how dare you steal food from your precious child."

Rubbing her tummy she started whispering- "Don't worry about that mean old man I'll make sure he never harms you."

Nevan eyes twitched at being called an old man- "Hey what are you doing calling me an old man to our child."

Rebekah yelled back- "And what the heck are you doing stealing food from our child and scaring our child, can't you feel it? I can feel how you scared it with your stupid blood pressure."

Nevan frowned at her ridiculousness, how the heck is a baby who hasn't even formed big enough to be a bump feeling anything? It probably hasn't even developed a brain yet.

Nevan- "Rebekah, you need to get a hold of yourself, it seems your hormones are starting to get affected."

Rebekah yelled- "You need to get a hold of yourself, stealing food from a baby, what kind of monster are you? Where is the proud wolf you claim to be?"

Nevan mouth opened to say something before closing it thinking it would be a waste to talk to her now.

'The Originals jaguar body seemed to have triggered her motherly instincts and made her a bit hormonal, I can only hope this doesn't become something I'll have to continue to deal with until she gives birth, why the heck did I have to chase after a chick who wanted to get pregnant, should have found one that didn't like or want kids.' he thought to himself as he zoomed away to find that last arm.

'Wants me to give up my share of something so limited, get real, I'm not that nice, lucky I'm willing to give anything at all.' he angrily thought as he snacked on the arm, tearing pieces off in anger as he slowly chewed thinking more hateful things, still peeved that she insulted his pride as a wolf.

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