Original Wolf -

Chapter 52 - Revived

Nevan found his phone and called Rebekah- "Hey honey, I confirmed she is your sister, well she said she was the oldest that was sold away before you all were born."

Rebekah skeptically asked- "You think she's telling the truth?"

"Well no reason to lie, plus as I said she is definitely of your blood, as for what the rest of her story is, I never got around to it cause she threw my phone out a window."

Rebekah couldn't help but laugh, this went on longer than he thought it would.

Nevan frowning a bit- "Ok, I think that's enough."

Rebekah was truly tickled by this and continued to laugh before he hung up.

Rebekah called him back a few minutes later, he didn't answer the first call, but realizing she was just going to keep calling accepted the 2nd one, "Have you finished laughing?"

Rebekah giggled a little- "Yeah I'm done, it's just that the great Nevan being bullied by a girl, I couldn't help but picture something hilarious, it's pretty funny."

Receiving silence in response she went on- "Ok grumpy, just wanted to tell you I'll be back shortly after Finn found us and Elijah blew him up with the house."

Nevan- "I know I can feel you coming, Finn huh? So did you have any problems with him?"

"No, I was out when he fought with Elijah, he's dead now though, just leaves us with having to find our parent's bodies and end this, then we can go," she said knowing he was tired of being here.

Nevan perked up hearing that they could leave soon- "Well why didn't you say so, I can go find the bodies right now."

Rebekah wanted to stop him until she got there, but he hung up on her and already started making his way around trying to sniff them out.


Freya found Finn's body in the morgue, first, she heals his body before using the pendant to send his soul back into it.

Finn inhaled a deep breath after returning, he took some time to adjust before turning to thank his sister- "Thank you Freya, I was caught off guard, it's a good thing you gave me that pendant."

Freya smiled at him before turning serious- "I felt the child's magic, which means Dahlia felt it, she'll be on her way."

Finn frowned- "I'll need to recharge my power then we will take care of the child once and for all."

Freya didn't know what to say to that, she didn't like the idea of killing a child, only reason she first agreed was because she was truly scared of Dahlia, but with her already on the way, it's not certain that killing the child now would make any difference, she may still come to the location to find out what happened.

Not wanting to become at odds with her brother she instead asked him- "Finn, I want to see father."

Finn shook his head- "He's not the man you remember, he has grown crazed trying to kill Niklaus over the centuries, he's..."

Freya interrupted- "Finn, he's my father, please."

Finn sighed- "I suppose you want to see mother as well?"

Frey spat out with spite- "She sold me, behind our fathers back no less, I have no love for her."

Finn- "Alright follow me."

Frey smiled as she hugged him- "Thank you."

Finn smiled back- "It's the least I could do."


Marcel was back at his place getting a drink when he threw it against the wall out of anger.

The Mikaelson's have always caused death and destruction wherever they go and he hated that, he hated them, even Rebekah no longer has a place in his heart, being taken away by some random guy, controlled or not, no longer mattered, she was a Mikaelson through and through just like the rest of them.

A vampire entered at this time seeing the place a mess after Marcel let off some steam destroying some things. - "Did I come at a bad time?" he asked as he grinned thinking to himself he came at a great time.

Marcel angrily looked over- "Who are you and why should I care?"

"Who I am doesn't matter, I am just a scout sent by a group of vampires called The Strix, we are the oldest society of vampires in existence, which was founded in the Middle Ages and I am here to invite you to join."

Marcel hearing this calmed down and thought about it- "If what you say is true, why do they want me? And why now?"

"Well recent disturbing activities have driven them to seek help for what's to come and they have long heard about you and how you ruled New Orleans, these are the type of vampires they value. The Strix is a group of ruling class vampires, you'll receive standing and prestige the likes of which you have never witnessed."

Marcel liking what he was hearing, another way to get out from under the Mikaelson's was very appealing to him- "Tell me more."


Elijah, Rebekah, and Camille holding Hope finally arrived at their New Orleans home, where Hayley rushed out to accept her baby thanking Camille for all her help and giving a nod of thanks to Elijah before standing in front of Rebekah.

Hayley- "Rebekah can you please tell Nevan how sorry I am for what happened."

Rebekah snorted- "He goes out of his way to help you and you treat him like that, I don't care what was going on, you should have realized, he the long-lived Original wolf, deserves far more benefit of the doubt than you the recently created whelps."

Hayley saddened didn't stop- "Please Rebekah." Hope also looked over with her baby smile which warmed Rebekah's heart seeing them together.

Rebekah sighed- "I'll do what I can, your lucky your Hope's mother."

Niklaus came out- "Sister, still being controlled I see." looking down at her hands with disdain.

Rebekah ignored him knowing there was no chance of changing his mind easily.

Niklaus snarled out- "Elijah, you shouldn't allow her to get so close to my child."

Hayley rolled her eyes- "Come off it, she isn't a threat."

Elijah- "Brother, I agree with Hayley, Rebekah is our sister and she would never harm Hope, who I remind you has taken care of her before all alone."

Rebekah being reminded chipped in- "Yeah Nik, you should know I had this ring back then as well, guess you didn't notice cause you were in a rush."

Niklaus hearing this was caught off guard- "What! how long have you been under his control?"

Rebekah frowned- "Enough! if you spout that crap one more time, we're going to have a problem."

Elijah put his hand on her shoulder to calm her- "Brother, I will always be on your side and I will always protect Hope, you have nothing to fear from Nevan, I will be on the front lines against him should it be proven otherwise."

Niklaus dropped it knowing he wasn't going to get anywhere, it seems they were all against him.

Niklaus- "Alright then, I need you to help finish this, with Finn gone now all we have to do now is find the bodies, Hayley why don't you round up a few wolves and sniff them out for me."

Rebekah flinched hearing this, thinking it would be best not to mention Nevan was already doing that, she looked over to Elijah who nodded towards her knowing that they should keep quiet.

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