Original Wolf -

Chapter 40 - Alpha Hayley

The new alphas were now circling the new mountain ash barrier, sometimes running there hand along it as they watched some of the werewolves come and check on them. Surprised to find 5 great big werewolf monster trapped in a circle of mountain ash.

Hayley kept the peace as she explained what's going on and also kept them from bothering Nevan and Rebekah who were sitting side by side now looking up to the moon that was almost full.

Hayley catching a break made her way over to them and took a seat wiping some sweat off her head as she sighed.

Rebekah chuckled- "Well since I've been gone you've become queen of the wolves it seems."

Hayley gave a slight grin as she said- "I think we all know who is really the queen of the wolves." which received a laugh from the couple.

Nevan- "Well don't think so much about it, your doing good here with the wolves, if it wasn't for you I doubt they would all stay so calm and collected."

He truly appreciated what she was doing here, elsewhere the werewolves were not as united or as peaceful as what she has been able to achieve here.

A frown soon showed on his face as he thought maybe that was because they didn't have an alpha, which he just introduced.

Looking back to Hayley he decided to let what comes, come- "Hayley, did you find one to kill for yourself yet?"

Hayley now frowned as she didn't like the idea of someone becoming a sacrifice for her, but thinking of Hope she steeled herself as she nodded- "Yes, I found one that has done way to many terrible things, but I don't think it'll be easy to convince the rest of his pack to hand him over, regardless of what he's done, they'll probably say something like 'We take care of our own'"

Hayley felt a chill down her spine as she sensed his seriousness, she hoped none of the packs tested him.


The next day Nevan walked over to his new alphas who finally stopped pacing around in an uncontrolled state, they were now sitting in a circle facing each other, eyes closed as if in a meditation.

Nevan- "Listen up, if your in control come to the edge and shift back and I'll let you out."

All of them opened their eyes, stood up and started to walk over slowly shifting back with grins on their faces as they laughed at their new power.

Jackson smiled towards Hayley who was blushing hard staring at them, Jackson confused called out- "Hayley?" But soon heard a scream, looking over he saw Keith on his knees as he saw Shirley holding his broken arm behind his back.

His eyes going wide as he just realized they're all n.a.k.e.d. He quickly covered his privates as he looked looked back at Hayley who was still blushing madly at seeing them all n.a.k.e.d.

Nevan laughed as he watched Keith try to take advantage, but receive no mercy from Shirley,- "Yeah forgot to mention you all would be n.a.k.e.d from shredded clothes."

Rebekah however showed up with some already knowing what would happen and finding that there was none prepared.

Nevan backing away from her pinch- "Please Rebekah, can't a guy forget things he doesn't concern himself with since we have clothes on regardless, one tends to forget what one doesn't worry about."

Rebekah snorted at his comment, she would have believed him if it wasn't for the buxom Shirley who had quite the pair on her, shame she had that scar.

They each thanked Rebekah as they got dressed and had regular human friends remove the mountain ash so they could have another meeting.

After the alphas caught up with their packs, they all came together again to listen to what Nevan had to say.

Nevan had glowing orange eyes as he sent out just enough pressure to silence them and have them pay attention.

Nevan- "I have turned your voted alphas into true alphas, the price for this is for you to unite under one banner, in the short term (he stressed)...When things are stable the alphas can take their pack and do their own thing, but only when things are stable, for now everyone will unite."

He looked around to see if anyone would speak against him, but it seems they've all learned their place. Who would speak against someone who seemed to be an Original that could make alphas like that.

Nevan- "Now I will show you something very important for the alphas so listen up and pay attention." He walked over and grabbed a lanky man with a scruffy beard and wild brown hair, pulling him out from the safety of his pack into the center.

Some of his pack mates tried to move to help, Nevan just suppressed them so they could only watch in anger, other packs watched on in silence not feeling much since it wasn't one of their own.

Nevan silenced him with his suppression, this unnerved them as they all realized how much this guy who they all now truly believed to be the Original had control over them. Some even now realizing what the vampires must be going through at this moment with their Originals back in town.

Nevan growled out forcing the man to show his blue eyes- "This man has blue eyes, as you know this means he's killed an innocent, I see more than I would like out their with blue eyes, but I also understand some circ.u.mstances could have happened, this however is an exception and not the rule, the rule is they killed an innocent for no reason and are dangerous."

Looking around he could see the ones with blue eyes growing nervous but stayed to watch.

Nevan- "This man is the worst of the ones here, he takes great joy in doing all sorts of horrible deeds..." looking over to his pack as he further suppressed them to stop their whining in an attempt to speak, "...His pack should have taken care of this but since they seem unwilling I will."

He bent over and bit into his neck and waited for him to transform, Nevan also shifted now as his human form might struggle with keeping him pinned down.

Everyone watched in confusion as he just gifted him the ability to turn alpha.

The man went through the painful process of transforming, made more painful by the fact Nevan now as a werewolf kept him pinned with his sharp claw digging into the back of his neck.

The man now a big brown werewolf tried to struggle against his oppressors hand to no avail.

Nevan now used his suppression to make him stay still- "Now alphas as I was saying earlier, listen up and watch, for this could happen to you." he nodded towards Hayley who came over with an axe to make it a quick death.

Nevan- "Just swing already."

Hayley hearing him still hesitated as she aimed for the back of his neck, but looking over and seeing Nevan glaring at her she swung down with eyes closed.

The brown werewolf's head rolled away as she cut clean through, opening her eyes she saw his hand wasn't apart of it and sighed in relief before feeling extreme pain, falling down to her hands and knees as she felt a surge of power.

Jackson yelled- "Hayley!" running over before being suppressed by Nevan

Nevan- "All of you watch and pay attention, this is what happens when one of your beta's kill you, they can take the powers for themselves."

The alphas watched as Hayley luckily survived the transformation without having her hybrid status kill her. She was now a 6'8" black werewolf with red glowing eyes as she let out a mighty roar activating everyone's eyes, all now glowing as they felt her might.

Unlike the others she managed to keep her sanity right from the get go, the hybrid status making her stronger than the rest before, still applied even now.

Everyone seemed excited by this new development, the alphas on the other hand started to look nervously at their betas, taking special note of the ones with blue eyes.

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