Original Wolf -

Chapter 23 - Misunderstanding

Nevan's new magical eyes were now working full force to help him out of his current predicament. His magical resistance was growing by the second as he used it to start walking towards Freda one step at a time.

Freda now truly on edge, lifted her hands to push him back into place while unconsciously looking down to make sure the table was still between them as her nerves were getting pricked. "Nevan stop it, I just wanted to test you, nothing more!"

Nevan however was hearing none of it, even if he did hear her it would mean nothing. There was never a time in Nevan's life where he allowed someone to push him around without responding in kind. What do you expect from the worlds Original alpha.

He roared out as he made a breakthrough in his magical ability, allowing him to defend against more magic than ever before.

Freda seeing his magical resistance grow, clicked her tongue as she finally stood up for the first time. Raising her hand towards Nevan, chains shot out of the ground to subdue him. Rebekah was helplessly watching in her own chair still stuck and unable to speak.

Freda didn't let the chance go to finish him while he was chained up, she sent an electrical current through the chains, lighting him up. Nevan roared out in pain, shifters were weak against electricity. Freda kept pouring more and more power into it trying to knock him out. Rebekah seeing this couldn't take it as she finally closed her eyes full of tears at seeing his torture.

It wasn't going according to plan though, as Freda noticed once again his magical resistance was growing, so she stopped sending electric currents so to not further strengthen him. Nevan unwilling to continuously be on the receiving end, took this moment to shift into a wolf, which allowed him to get out of the loosened chains, breaking the ones that managed to stay on him as he zoomed towards Freda with his increased speed knocking into her barrier with such force it sent her flying back into the house.

Some blood now could be seen on the edge of Freda's lip as she walked away from the wall that was unharmed. She frantically looked around to try and spot Nevan who seemed to have disappeared. A look of horror appeared on her face as she saw the garden in the distance being destroyed.

Freda furiously yelled out- "Nevan you bastard, your taking this to far." it took her years to get everything just right and now it was being destroyed because of a stupid misunderstanding. She could feel the magic leave as the formation came apart.

Nevan was zooming in wolf form crashing through tree after tree, when he felt the formation weakened enough he shifted to full werewolf and started swinging with all his might at the perfect lines that were all over the ground to further destroy the formation.

Freda was going absolutely mad at this point- "Fine you want to take this little misunderstanding to the end, we'll take it to the end." looking over at Rebekah who was still trapped she formed an evil grin.

Nevan already expecting this, was zooming into Freda from the side crashing into her barrier again sending her back to the wall. This time he followed as he started to claw at her barrier relentlessly, the 5th strike made it through were he grabbed her neck with his left hand and held her up against the wall so that she was at eyeline.

Nevan roared out- "Freda, you have made the biggest mistake of your life and for that you will pay."

Freda trying to choke out- "Ne..van, I was...just..."

Nevan interrupted- "Enough! It no longer matters, I'll see what you have to say once your compelled." pausing as he saw her eyes widened, before continuing with the compulsion,- "Freda from now on you will do as I say when I say."

He noticed though that she wasn't affected, she was after all one of the strongest witches.

Nevan- "Well as you can't be compelled it's time to end this." Lifting his right hand in striking pose to pierce her with his claws, he soon felt soft hands hugging him from behind.

Rebekah hugging him whispered- "I think its enough now my love."

With his arm in position to pierce, he hesitated at her words.- "Why shouldn't I end her for hurting us, for hurting you?"

Rebekah coming around to face him looked at Freda with disdain before looking back towards her husband asking cutely- "Well, don't you want magical clothes?"

This put a grin on his face as he chuckled a little, before turning a serious look back towards Freda, "Can you make me another pair of those magical clothes you've seen me wear?"

Freda nodded as much as she could in his grip. Nevan finally relenting, dropped her on the ground where she started a coughing fit. Rebekah walking over gave her a kick to the gut so she would suffer more, then turned around and skipped over to be by Nevan's side, who now in human form, took her in his left arm as he hugged her and placed a kiss on her head."

Freda looking up caught sight of something she would rather not see at the moment couldn't help but exclaim.- "I guess it's good you found another Original huh."

Rebekah was the one who blushed hearing this- "Shouldn't you be to old to think of such things, just make him some clothes so we can get out of here."

Freda frowned at being called old from someone like Rebekah, it didn't sit well with her, but she wasn't going to make the mistake of saying something about it.

Freda catching her breath as she strained to get up, the lack of magic now that the formation was destroyed was having an affect on her.

"I will, I will, but you can't just leave, we have much to discuss."

Freda slowly making her way into the old cottage, that was reinforced with enough magic to not crack once during their fight. Nevan seeing this hesitated whether or not to allow her to go inside, should she try to come at them again with who knows what she has stashed in there.

He followed behind her closely ready to snatch her life away at the slightest feeling of something going wrong. Rebekah right behind him, a bit more apprehensive was already shifted into her Noblesse form.

Inside the cottage it was similar feel and look to the gift shop run by Anita. Only difference being the magic runic circle she had drawn in the center. Nevan seeing her head to it, cut her off and ready to act.

Freda seeing how nervous he was couldn't help but break out in a grin- "There is nothing to fear, I've been trying to tell you for a while now, all I wanted to do was test you, I was not intending for it to go as far as it did."

Nevan growled- "Then you shouldn't have hurt my wife!"

Freda simply rolled her eyes- "Who would've ever thought you would get married."

Knitting his brows together, he ultimately let her go about her business, watching as she fiddled with things on the cupboards.

Freda grabbing a pair of clothes, dropped it into the nearby cauldron which she had Nevan drag to the center of the magic circle.

Nevan couldn't resist commenting- "This isn't how it was done in the past."

Freda snorted- "Maybe if someone didn't destroy my formation I would have the necessary magic to not do it this way."

Nevan yawning with his arms crossed- "Can't you just repair it?"

Freda now pointing at him yelling- "Bastard! Do you know how long it took to make it and now with it destroyed I'll have to start all over, I can't just repair it, it has to be redone from the beginning."

After she finished her cauldron mixing magic, Nevan received his new clothes, much to his happiness as he put it on and willed it to black sport shoes, black shorts, and a nice grey shirt.

Rebekah- "Honey remind me to take you shopping, so I can show you what real clothes look like."

Nevan genuinely asking- "Yeah I know, that's why I made the shirt grey! So it's not all black, right?" thinking he did good.

Rebekah rolled her eyes- "Like I said remind me."

Freda now conjured up a flat top table like desk with her sitting in one facing the other two.- "Come, it's time to discuss what should be discussed."

Nevan and Rebekah sat down same side as they did outside, looked over waiting for her to begin her explanation.

Freda- "Now let me first apologize for not being clear during this conversation, I for one have things riding on this that I'm not willing to give up." Clearing her throat as she thought of where to begin and how to say it without getting herself mixed in.

"Nevan you have drawn the notice of an entity that shouldn't be messed with, this entity wants your life, but this isn't all, he won't just..." Stopping as she considered whether that was enough information "...Lets change thoughts, instead of talking about this thing which i can't discuss much of, lets just say, you have to get stronger."

Freda taking a sip of her tea before sighing- "I was only trying to test your strength earlier and while you did surprise me, it's not enough, you have to get much stronger....Let me put it this way, I should be an ant to you with the formation helping me."

Nevan frowned hearing this, Freda's warning was not something he could ignore, so if she said he had to get stronger then he should find a way to increase his strength.

Nevan- "Well during our fight I'm sure you noticed as you shot magic at me, I was increasing my resistance towards it."

Freda- "Yes I did notice and while I can help you with that, it's not enough, could you explain how you even started to develop that power."

Nevan waved it off saying- "Not necessary to explain where it came from, but with this power I should be able to use magic, I just need to figure it out, can you teach me to use magic?"

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