Ordinary Little Golden Dragon

Vol 3 Chapter 1: Morton's routine (on)

北方 North of the French mainland, Ang Imperton.

At the gate of the local bank, the two guards on duty leaned against the door frame lazily, yawning boringly.

It's almost time to snooze, and there are only a handful of adventurers and businessmen on the street.

The Principality of Principality of Bolton and several neighboring principalities formed a confederation and settled in a war-torn northern continent.

There are no special products, and it is not on the main road of traffic, so the business here is not well developed.

Because Ang Imperton is the capital of the Principality, the Church of the Goddess of Commerce established a bank here, otherwise there is no temple of the Goddess of Commerce in the entire principality. Although the business here is underdeveloped, there are still beliefs.

Although adventurers in the north also do their job-to explore various places.

But now the better option is to be a mercenary. Countries in war always have a variety of reasons for demanding a large number of mercenaries. The competition between nations makes mercenaries very well.

So it's not popular with adventurers either. Only some junior adventurers and adventurers who are tired of war are active here.

All in all, this is an unimportant principality, an unimportant city.

As the guard thought about what to eat tonight, an ordinary decorated carriage stopped at the bank door.

On the continent of Franlon with underdeveloped productivity, the characters who use carriages are either rich merchants or nobles.

The carriage has neither the goddess of business goddess nor the family emblem of the nobility, which makes the sheepmen guard very confused.

The lizard man who drove his car came down from the car's bow, and walked into the bank with his legs raised.

The lamb rushed up to him, blinked at the lizard, and whispered to him, "Brother, you may have just started driving. You should get the person on the carriage down and let him take you in."

Moonkins are very common in the northern part of the mainland. Humans and beastly humans live together equally, at least on the bright side.

Lizardmen dwelling in the Everglades rarely appear before the world. So the sheepmen's gatekeeper thinks that this lizardman may have just left the swamp and doesn't understand the rules. As an animalized brother, he had an obligation to alert the lizardmen.

谢谢 "Thank you, brother." The lizardman Morton thanked first, and then continued: "But I'm getting money for the owner today. There is no one in the carriage, it's used to hold money."

The Sheepmen's guard nodded first, and then said to Admiral Morton in an admiring tone: "It's incredible that you can make your host trust you so much."

Morton nodded modestly. "It's getting late, I have to send the money back as soon as possible. Also ask my brother to guide me."

"Okay, okay ..." The sheepman doorman quickly led the lizard man into the bank. "I don't know how much the brother wants to withdraw? I'll take you to the right priest."

The salamander enters his paw into the small bag on the belt and draws out two 50,000 bank vouchers. But his claws were too big, and he accidentally brought out several other 50,000 bank vouchers.

These vouchers made the sheep's eyes straight, and he bent over with Morton to pick them up. Attracted, he didn't notice that Morton followed the action after seeing him bend down.

The sheepman looked at the two 50,000-gold bank vouchers in his hands, and he didn't return until the lizard man asked, "Brother, can you return the vouchers to me?"

"Oh, of course, okay." Although the sheepman guard said so, he grasped the credentials in his hand.

Seeing this, Morton the Lizardman said, "Brother, please return me the voucher. If my host knows that I lost his money, he will kill me."

Holding these two credentials in his hand gave the sheepman the illusion of having everything: when he was richest, he only had ten gold coins, and this was 100,000 gold coins.

This fluttering feeling makes the sheepmen lost ...

"What's the matter?" The bishop's voice was like the water splashing on the guard's face, so that he was fully awake.

The Sheepmen's gatekeeper then remembered that Morton's voice was very loud just now, ‘He must be intentional, just to attract the bishop. ’This idea immediately breeds in his heart.

"I accidentally dropped the owner's bank voucher to the ground. It was this brother who helped me pick it up." Morton said to Bishop Tiger, who had approached.

虎 The tiger man in a priest's robe glanced at the sheepman and snatched the bank voucher in his hand. "Barry, pay attention to your courtesy. This is a distinguished guest."

The Tauren said as he handed the credentials to the Lizardman Morton. Morton quickly thanked him.

The Taurus waved for the sheepman Barry to leave, and the sheepman had to grit his teeth and walk back to the bank entrance.

"How many coins do the guests need to exchange?" Bishop Tiger took Morton to the place where he exchanged the gold coins, and reached out to hook Morton's shoulders. "I'm the top person in charge of this bank. You can speak directly if you have any questions. "

Morton crawled away the Tiger's hand with his paw. "I'm here to exchange gold coins for the owner. A total of 500,000 gold coins."

The Tiger Tiger frowned and took back his hand. "This may be a bit difficult ... We are not giving out 500,000 gold coins. But for the normal operation of the bank, we cannot exchange for you so many gold coins."

"How much can you take out?" Morton was not surprised at all, he knew it would be like this.

The Tiger Man looked up and down the lizard man ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It depends on who your host is ... I wonder if you can tell me? "

"No." The Lizardman answered decisively.

The tiger tiger's expression of embarrassment, "That can only take up to 100,000 gold coins."

The Lizardmen recovered the excess bank voucher into the packet and said "OK."

The Taurus struggled, and finally made up his mind. "Then please come with me."

Soon, two chests containing 50,000 gold coins were placed in front of Morton.

The gold coins specially made by the Commercial Temple are sufficient, and each box weighs nearly one ton.

But Morton was not in a hurry to move the boxes. He looked at Bishop Tiger with the eyes he asked, "Can you help me move the boxes to the carriage, I can't seem to move them."

The Bishop Tiger Man looked suspiciously at the Lizard Man, but didn't say much. He turned to the bank entrance and shouted, "Barry! Shawn! Come and help!"

Barry the Sheep and Human Sean immediately rushed over, "Bishop, what's the matter?"

"You help him move the box to the carriage." Bishop Tiger did not use a title of honor for Morton this time.

完 He gave the order and turned away from here.

莫 Under Morton's ingenious control, Barry and Sean spent a lot of effort before moving the two boxes into the carriage behind the carriage.

"Is this OK?" Sean asked. "These boxes are heavy."

Morton waved his paws. "The owner's carriage is specially made. Don't worry."

那 "That ..." Barry motioned to Morton to tip them.

"Yes, yes, yes. Here, brother." Morton pretended to be suddenly realized, stretched out his paw and felt in the back of the carriage for a while, and took out a bag full of copper coins. "One person can take a thousand copper coins as a tip . "

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