Opening: Stealing Superman's Stuff

Chapter 123: The End Of Defeat (Gagen)

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"How to become a god? Teacher Liu, you are really joking. The gods in my mouth are not the kind of gods in your world. Even in my world, there are only a few."

Teacher Liu's blue eyes turned around: "Your world?",

"Yeah, a world full of war, blood, confusion, confusion and unforgettable beauty."

The voice changed: "You brought this little girl to earth, and you didn't intend to give people a good explanation, right?"

"The choice is never in our hands," Teacher Liu glanced at Lena.

"This is precisely the difference between me and you. You rely on technology, or in other words, this universe, while my Kryptonian civilization will always rely on myself."

Teacher Liu nodded, this is just a different concept and development direction, he understands.

"I haven't heard of you, why are you...?"

Sean is looking at Lena, you are very similar, genetically modulated, to achieve a perfect state, unfortunately, tens of thousands of years ago, our civilization seems to have a bottleneck."

"The Kryptonian civilization is so destroyed. Can you believe that an interstellar civilization will all die on the mother planet?"

Teacher Liu opened his mouth wide: "How is this possible?"

"You don't believe it, do you? I don't believe it either. When I heard the news, I had the same reaction as you, but they just died like that."

"So I guess, either, there is a deeply hidden enemy, or the Kryptonian civilization is choosing perish."

"We have all experienced disasters and pain, but I still want to ask, what are you doing here? I don't know your purpose," Teacher Liu expressed his doubts.

The engine can't locate Sean, can't interpret, can't decrypt, can't control, even if people from the dimensional world appear in this world, they will still be detected by their technology.

But Sean is like an outlier.

"Look at the students you recruited, whether they are the power of the galaxy or the goddess of dawn, or those with the power to kill gods or those with the power of judgment, they all have the opportunity to grow into what you call the highest combat power, but here I come. The purpose here is not for them."

Teacher Liu wondered: "What is that for?"


With a finger, outside the barbed wire, a group of soldiers was running past. Even if their strong discipline prevented them from watching the training of super soldiers, they couldn't help but be curious.

Is this the future of mankind?


"Yes, ordinary soldiers."

"I don't understand".

Sean smiled: "So, you are aliens, and I, a human being, whether it is the Sunstar, the Angel civilization, or you aliens, will never understand the power born in a nation." .

"How huge and unstoppable, even if the mountain of swords is a sea of ​​fire, they are the first to rush up, and they will only be the last to retreat." He turned to look at Teacher Liu.

"You said, how can you not love such a person!"

Wandering dumbly: "Do you have a solution?"

"There is no way to tell. The technology in your universe is a bit incredible, but it relies too much on space technology, too much on dark technology, and too much on so-called genetic technology."

"And my way, genetic technology."

Alwin was taken aback: "Sean, isn't it the same? It's all genetic technology."

"No no no, not the same, their technology is like... a computer".

Sean said this, clutching his stomach and laughing, crazy, hahaha...! ! !

"It's so funny, do you know that Arwen, a group of interstellar civilizations, is just a collision between several computers. Whoever has the stronger computing power will win."

"What's wrong with this?" Teacher Liu was baffled by Sean's actions.

Sean turned his head and asked Alwyn, "Do you know any limitations on computers?"

"Memory? System, computing speed, hardware? Is that so? I'm just learning, and I don't know much about it." Arwin felt a little embarrassed.

"You're right, but you forgot one thing, energy".

"Mr. Liu, if I remember correctly, all the high-end civilizations you know rely on dark energy to build their own gene bank information database, right? This dark energy is like the foundation that drives all your abilities." .

"What if I blocked this energy?"

Teacher Liu stood up abruptly: "Void technology? Can you do this?"

"The dark plane is the foundation of all of you. As long as someone can block all this, you are actually just a stronger genetic warrior."

"And that's all."

"Then what can you do? Your Excellency Kryptonian Civilization," General Dukao came out from behind, and he heard exactly what Sean said just now.

"It's just to improve the basic quality. It's enough to raise our warriors to the level of interstellar civilization."

The three of them were stunned, what did this say? Just like what they didn't say, if they had this resource, they wouldn't be a pre-nuclear civilization.

"Oh, that is to give them a breakthrough based on human genetic potential, which is not much worse than anyone else's."

Dukaao looked unconvinced, who wouldn't know the genetic modulation method, but why didn't they choose so? That's because it doesn't fit.

The battlefield is not suitable, everyone cultivates cutting-edge standing, you use small soldiers, others carry out the beheading plan, you use small soldiers.

Sean knew by looking at the expressions of the two that he was thinking crookedly. His genetic methods were different from the methods in this world that were modulated by computers.

"Would you like me to try it? It's a way anyway, maybe it works?"

Dukao was lost in thought. There was Yuqin in the base. Even if something went wrong, it could be rescued, but if it did, maybe this war would not be so difficult.

"How sure are you?"

He opened his hands and stood up.

"I am the example".

"Sean, if you don't let them stop, there may be an accident," Arwin interrupted.

The painting of people who want to live and want to die, so happy, Nima, all of them have become bruised and bruised.


"Just like you, you still want to be a hero? Wash and sleep!"

Ashamed, no one said a word, even the three basic friends who were funny on weekdays buried their faces on the ground.

"Two, excuse me, I'm going to hit them."

Wandering Ryze:  ….

Dukao:  …

This is a real dog, what's your identity, they are just a bunch of children!

"I thought you could last a little longer, but it turned out to be very disappointing! What are you going to use to save your home? Mouth?"

Liu Chuangda was the most dissatisfied: "Hey, don't insult us, no one can do it overnight."

cut! Sean crouched down and looked at him.

"Yo, I still use idioms. Do you know how old the person who singled you out just now is? Maybe less than ten years old, that is to say, you were beaten like this by a ten-year-old person, and you are still clamoring. unfair".

"Tell me, who will give you justice in the war? Will they send people like you to fight?"

"That's not called war, that's called food delivery."

Standing up, turning around and leaving, before leaving, he said faintly: "Tomorrow will be the last lesson I will teach you, you are not worthy to study with me".

Clap, a fist hit the ground hard.

One...two...all stood up and started training staggeringly, and now, they have finished school, even if they can rest.

"It seems they were hit hard."

Sean nodded: "You can only grow if you have experienced wind and rain. Their time is running out."

Dukao glanced: "Mr. Sean, you said just now that tomorrow is the last lesson you will teach them, how do you say that?"

"I want to train soldiers. Compared with them, the soldiers need me more. Definitely, you need to deploy them here, not too much, about 500 is enough."

no problem.

At night, the bedroom was silent.

Suddenly, Lord Xin's voice sounded: "You said... Are we really ready?"

"What are you going to prepare? Lord Xin, have you been hit?" Galen turned to look at him.

"No, I just suddenly felt that each of you has this or that Ability, I seem to be a big soldier, maybe I can't help you."

The two were talking, and Jia Wen opened his eyes. The sky was full of stars outside the window, and he wondered if there were any stars in his hometown.


In the classroom, Sean with a golden and white cloak walked in. This time, with a pair of sunglasses on his eyes, he nodded to Teacher Liu and Dukao who were sitting behind him, and glanced at the students.

"Everyone, today is the last lesson I teach you, and strictly speaking, it should also be your first lesson."

"What I'm going to talk about today is very simple, it has only one name, the fate of defeat."

The windows were closed, the classroom was plunged into darkness, and the dark glasses Sean brought in flashed images.

"Act 1, Resident Evil World, the T virus was originally used to study the evolution of human beings, but it has become the source of killing under the use of people with intentions."

A tube of blue potion is broken, and then a dense number of people are infected. Human beings around the world are slowly being eaten by zombies and slowly disappearing. In the end, only a few thousand humans are left. To a certain extent, civilization has ended.

"Act 2, Interstellar Hunting Ground, once the lower civilization is discovered by the higher civilization, it will only become the object of resource plunder and the object of entertainment."

Civilizations were destroyed and reincarnated countless times.

Countless warriors and civilians have been captured to feed the alien prey, and human life is meaningless at this moment.

Until the Titan civilization was destroyed, the Jagged civilization was destroyed, and everyone watching was indignant.

The planets were smashed into pieces and floated in space. Those who survived or died were all cautious.

"'Act 3, when you have what others want, get ready for war'."

Countless dwarfs, humans, orcs, elves, died at Sean's hands, and even their so-called gods couldn't hold it back.

Looking at Sean in horror, could it be that this person is leading all of this?

Whoops, the window opened, and a light source appeared in the classroom.

"The above is what I want to teach you."

Galen's face was calm, but he didn't know how many waves appeared in his heart: "Mr. Sean, do you want to teach us about killing? Like you, do you slaughter millions or more of life without expression?"

After a pause: "No, you can't do what I do, don't give yourself a face."

"Even if I give you my strength, do you dare to start? Do you dare?"

Galen: "...I...I won't, I'm not the executioner".

hehe~! sneer.

Reina looked at him coldly: "Have you ever regretted doing this? Even once, how can someone like you be worthy of using the ability of the sun?"

Sean shook his head: "No, even if I did it again, I would still choose this way, no matter whether I was an executioner or a butcher, I will never regret it. After all, hehehe... I didn't die."

"You're a lunatic, a total lunatic."

Clap, the lectern in front of Sean suddenly shattered, and he was furious.

"And what if you are defeated in the future? Have you ever thought about what will happen to the people standing behind you? Do you really think there are more resources to train new super soldiers?"

"No, the resources of the earth are only enough to train you, and your performance is poor and disappointing."

There was a smile on the corner of Sean's mouth: "Interstellar war, war between civilizations, the result will only be one, life and death, there are no exceptions, I think this, Jia Wen understands very well."

Looking at Jarvan again, his hands were already clenched.

"So, please remember this lesson, you can't fail, otherwise, you can look at the earth on other planets, turn into a light, and maybe you can make a wish or something."

Qi Lin said weakly: "Then why didn't you do it? You can easily control Reina's divine power, and you have various means, if..."

Sean waved his hand to stop her: "Why?"

"Aren't you human?" Lena said with disbelief, Sean would say such a thing.

Then what qualifications require them?

"It's your problem, that's all."

"Okay, classmates, that's it for this class, I hope you have something to gain, and now, the get out of class is over."

Without waiting for everyone to say anything, he left the classroom by himself. In the original play, whether it was Dukao or Wandering Ryze, they were too lenient with them.

Thought is too hard, skills and skills are not good, and they are idiots who are catching up. In fact, they can do better.

The classroom was silent, and no one moved. No matter what Sean said, the projection just now clearly told them the fate of defeat.

"Okay, remember this lesson, Mr. Sean is still in the school, and you can continue to communicate. However, although what he said is a little extreme and extreme, there is nothing wrong with it." Dukao stood up and said After saying a word, he nodded to Teacher Liu and left. He still needs to prepare the person Sean wants.

"Teacher Liu, is this all true? Is the universe really that cruel?"

Why! With a sigh, whether it is the Kamigawa civilization or other civilizations, who did not come from this stage.

ps: Writing a book is not easy, asking for flowers, asking for collections, asking for a monthly pass, asking for a reward... Shameless selling all kinds of requests! ! ! .

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