Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 788: Resurgence

The black cloud pressed the city to destroy it, and the light of the armor opened to the golden scales of the sun.

Qin Shuo raised his head and glanced at the dark clouded sky, wondering why he had lifted it up all at once. Seeing the "commotion" in the camp opposite, Qin Shuo already knew that the opposite should be about to attack.

The dense crowds were like rain, and they looked more like ants. If they were replaced in normal times, Qin Shuo would treat them as beings.

However, during the war, these people are just the victims of the war. Perhaps there is no way to kill an enemy until death. This is the cruelty of war.

Countless soldiers also have the idea of ​​being rich and worthy, but they are only a few that can be achieved.

Especially when their aptitude and "sex" are already restricted by the game, it will make people feel more helpless. They are born as chess pieces, and even if they die, there are not many people who pity them.

Two days have passed. Qin Shuo didn't know what they were preparing, but Qin Shuo was also doing his own preparations. After all, he was not afraid of ten thousand yuan, just in case.

Now Lu Bu's hands, Yuan Shu's hands have so many soldiers, by all accounts, Lu Bu's hands still have a trapped camp.

The ambition to be trapped is death but no life.

It can be seen that there is a very conspicuous torrent of black "colors" among those troops. Everyone is wearing armor of later generations, and the weapons in his hands are also extremely sophisticated.

Lu Bu had actually planned for a long time to build such an army, and he had always treated it as a treasure.

Now this army may become famous after this battle, but there is also another possibility. It may be wiped out after this battle.

But no matter which possibility it is, it can be seen that there is no fear on the faces of the soldiers in the trapped camp, but only a slow excitement.

Blood is actually synonymous with this army, no matter from any direction, it can be seen that the strength of this army is absolutely very strong.

The entire city is already busy now, and has entered a state of alert. Although no one has been injured until now, after a period of time, it is completely different.

The various defense weapons in the city have also been moved to the top of the city wall, and the soldiers below have moved one by one. For this battle, each one has full confidence.

A large part of this confidence is because Qin Shuo is here, and this time he brought 30,000 soldiers. It shouldn't be too difficult to defend the city.

The opposite should not want to waste time, Qin Shuo can also feel it.

Now Tweety (Diao Chan) did not send any news back. Qin Shuo already knew some results, but it didn't matter.

He had already thought of this when he sent that Tweet out, but he didn't blame Tweet that much in his heart.

After all, a girl is simply powerless to stop this major event in the world. She is just a large number of beings, and Qin Shuo cannot ask her to do so well. Now relying on his own ability, he can completely defeat them. This is Qin Shuo's confidence.

Qin Shuo has always had such a kind of self-confidence, especially after his own power has expanded. Perhaps this is not a kind of self-confidence, but a kind of trust in himself.

Standing on the wall of the city, Qin Shuo could feel a rush of blood, but this was not because of a big battle, but because he was very close to Lu Bu.

The hidden profession in Qin Shuo's body itself corresponds exactly to Lu Bu, so the excitement of Qin Shuo's level is just average.

"How are the preparations in the army now?"

Qin Shuo turned his head, glanced at Ma Yuan behind him, and said.

"It should be completely prepared. This time we have brought all the three thousand archers here, and we have already fixed a lot of trebuchets, as well as a lot of three-bow bed crossbows. At that time, so even if they piled up corpses, they couldn't climb up."

Ma Yuan confidently said that Ma Yuan was sure about defending the city.

The opposite must have been prepared, and Qin Shuo also had a perfect plan.

The sound of the wind gradually rose, just like the whimper of the ancient souls, and it seemed to herald the tragic situation that would happen here.

It is still peaceful now, but the city has actually become an empty city, and basically all the people have been transported out.

In fact, the abacus on the other side was also very good this time. This time they wanted to attack here, but they didn't know that Qin Shuo had already come to this city.

In fact, according to the current situation in the city, and the terrain of Xuzhou, it is not a good choice to attack from Langya County first.

It was just because of this that the other side thought of doing the opposite, but Qin Shuo had already guessed their thoughts.

On the other side, Penengcheng County is actually easier to attack. In fact, because Penengcheng County is a small county, there are fewer defenders.

It's just that Qin Shuo also arranged a large army to be stationed in Pengcheng County. In fact, 50,000 of the 100,000 army was on that side, but the most elite was in Langya County.

This kind of approximate number can be figured out by the other side, but they can't figure out who is the elite.

So they actually have the same thoughts as Qin Shuo. In fact, they have some "chaos". In a simpler word, I predicted your prediction.

This is what happened now. Qin Shuo predicted the current prediction of the other side, so such a situation had occurred.

Generally speaking, the opponents didn't know that this was the focus of Qin Shuo's defense.

The mountain rain was about to come and the wind filled the building, and now the sky was gradually dimming, and there were many torches on the city.

At this time, Qin Shuo had already seen Lu Bu, who was on the opposite side, leading a team of soldiers and horses. It seemed that they should be the camp in the legend, but they did not attack, and they seemed to be fighting. .

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