The Flood Dragon in front of him had actually reached the point where the Flood Dragon was about to reach the Horned Dragon. This caused Qin Shuo to have some worries, and he wondered if his men could handle it.

"Do you think this flood dragon can be an enemy?"

After Qin Shuo looked at his men, he also asked.

"This, one person shouldn't be able to, but three people can try it together."

Everyone's faces were also embarrassed for a while, and no one was confident, but this was normal.

These military commanders themselves are arrogant people. Since they have already said that they need three people, they have also proved the strength of the dragon in front of them.

Just as several people were thinking about countermeasures, the eyes of the flood dragon slowly opened, and his head slowly turned to Qin Shuo's side, seemingly wary.

"Be careful, he seems to have found us."

Ma Yuan also spoke at this time, and as expected, everyone felt a little dazed after looking at the Jiaolong's eyes.

This dragon is probably about thirty meters long. It stands tall and upright, and its mouth is constantly spitting out venom, as well as some purple mist.

These purple "colored" mists are also constantly eroding the golden "colored" protective cover on Jingwei's body, and there is also a squeaking sound. It shouldn't take a long time before it can be completely dissolved.

This Jingwei has probably disappeared for almost ten days. Within these ten days, the flood dragon was also constantly attacking the protective shield that defended the baby, and this gave the baby some decay.

After the Jiaolong glanced at the Jingwei at his feet, he seemed to hesitate a little, but in the end he decided to solve the problems in front of him first.

After thinking of this, Jiaolong also immediately opened his own blood basin and rushed towards Qin Shuo and the others. The mouthful of venom was first shot at Qin Shuo and the others.

"Separate quickly, don't gather together."

Qin Shuo quickly commanded. At this time, his three generals also hesitated a little, and finally dispersed.

In fact, what they worry about is also very simple, that is, they are afraid that they will not be able to protect Qin Shuo after they disperse, but since Qin Shuo has already ordered this, naturally he can't refuse to follow this order.

After everyone dispersed, the dragon was hesitant, but after taking a look at Xue Rengui on Qin Shuo's side, he attacked Xue Rengui's side again.

He already has some spiritual "nature", and he can naturally see that, in fact, among such a group of people, this Xue Rengui is the most powerful.

But Xue Rengui didn't underestimate the enemy, so he took out his Fang Tian painted halberd, and blocked the poisonous liquid and poisonous mist outside, but there was nothing inside.

After seeing this situation, Jiaolong still didn't give up, and breathed out his second breath of mist, and his body immediately moved forward.

"Look at me, first axe, split the head." At this time, Qin Shuo and the others couldn't stop either. Holding their own weapons, they rushed directly towards the dragon, and hit the dragon fiercely.

This Jiaolong was entirely on Xue Rengui's body, and he didn't notice the changes in the environment. Without any precaution for a while, it was already attacked by Qin Shuo and the others.

After being attacked, Jiaolong also wailed in pain. After wailing, his body tilted slightly, but the attack of the three Qin Shuo was just to pierce his skin. There are no other circumstances.

"This snake skin is really too thick, and our full attack actually didn't have much effect."

Cheng Yaojin also spoke, and then several people attacked again.

The three of them are first-class historical generals, so naturally they are not too weak, but this dragon is also really strong.

Although Qin Shuo was also helping, even with the power of the Overlord Spear, he still couldn't break the snakeskin, and could only leave deep and shallow marks one after another.

At this time, the Jingwei on the other side seemed to slowly wake up. Without the control of the Flood Dragon's power, he just went into a coma.

The defensive baby on his body also gradually recovered his brilliance at this time, and at a speed visible to the naked eye, it is estimated that after an hour, this dragon's efforts for such a long time will be wasted.

Qin Shuo was greedy when seeing this defensive baby. He didn't know what it was. The defensive ability and recovery ability were so powerful.

That Jingwei is probably only about 13 or 14 years old now. He is dressed in green clothes, looks pretty, and still has some unique youth.

In fact, it is not only Yandi, Huangdi actually has a daughter, but Huangdi's daughter is now dead.

It's just that although she was dead, her body was still preserved between the world and the earth, and she was still with Huang Di.

It's just that the Yellow Emperor is not a pervert. The point is that this corpse can move as well as have human emotions, but it can't be seen from the outside.

These are things to follow, and of course I have to stay for later.

Let me talk about this scene. Jing Wei also blinked his big eyes, watching the battle in front of him. Everything he had experienced before seemed like a dream, making him feel some unreal feelings.

But this unreality was broken by this reality, perhaps because of fear, she also walked directly to the edge of the reef and looked at the sea, but she did not dare to jump down the same.

There were also some tears hanging under her eyes. It seemed that she was also frightened by all this. Perhaps it was also the memory of her being caught before that made her so scared.

At this time, Qin Shuo was removed. This Jingwei was not drowned, but was arrested by the dragon. It is also very different from the fairy tale. Of course, this may be the system's own play. .

After all, this era is very long ago, so it is like this. It is possible to fabricate any system, anyway, it is also a myth.

Moreover, the connection between this era and the era of later generations is very small, and making this era a little "chaotic" will have no effect on the future.

Even if Qin Shuo rescued Jingwei, then it is estimated that in the world of later generations, there is no legend of Jingwei filling the sea, and only a mythical story. It has nothing to do with the historical premise relationship.

Now his three first-class generals have successfully contained the dragon, so Qin Shuo naturally did not step forward to help, but jumped directly and came to Jingwei's side.

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