When Jiang Hao and Lu Fei returned to Wanhua Town, the sun was already above the Sunset Mountains.

After a while, the sky will completely darken.

As he walked towards the yard where the guards were, and saw a guy beside him still with a dark face, Jiang Hao said

"I didn't do that to help you? Why are you still angry?"

"I want your help!"

Lu Fei's backhand is a blank eye.

"Well, I won't help you next time!"

Thinking of dragging this guy like a sack in the cave just now, Jiang Hao wanted to laugh.

Returning to the small courtyard where the guards were located, Jiang Hao found Captain Li immediately.

Seeing the two of them coming back, Captain Li was obviously relieved, and he asked

"How is it, two adults, have you found the beast's nest?"

"Found a cave, but I don't know if it's the beast's lair!"

In response, Jiang Hao went on to say the purpose of looking for Captain Li this time.

"Captain Li, there should be gongs, drums, bells, and fireworks in the town, right?"

"Yes." Captain Li nodded, and then asked with some doubts, "Sir, what are you asking about these things?

"If you need anything, you can tell me!"

"Captain Li, I need these things right now, you immediately arrange for someone to bring the town's gongs, drums, bells, fireworks..."

After pondering for a while, Jiang Hao simply said

"Well, like this, Captain Li, you have someone find everything that can sound in the town and bring it here!"

"My lord, can I ask, are you looking for these things..."

"You immediately arrange for someone to find the things and bring them here. I will use it myself!"

"it is good!"

Although Captain Li was full of doubts, he didn't know why Jiang Hao was looking for these things.

But he left immediately and found members of the escort outside

"Li Laosi, you should arrange it immediately, and let the people in the town find everything that can be heard and bring it here!"

"Captain, why are you looking for these things?"

Li Laosi, like Captain Li just now, was full of doubts.

"I don't know what to do." Captain Li said, "It's what the two adults in there need, you can arrange for someone to come over immediately!"

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now!"

Li Laosi replied and turned around and left the yard.

Walking out of the yard, he looked back at the yard where Jiang Hao and Lu Fei were, but he muttered to himself.

"The big man doesn't have much ability, but there are so many things!"


Soon, the sky darkened.

And in the open space in the middle of the yard where the guards were located, there was also a pile of things piled up and down.

These things are drums, gongs, bells, fireworks, pots, whips...

At this time, people from the whole town also gathered here.

They looked at the things in the open space in the middle and talked a lot.

"What do you think the two adults want these things for?"

"Who knows, we don't understand the big man's mind either!"

"It's gongs and drums and fireworks again. Why does it seem like a gala is going to be held?"

"What kind of gala, our Wanhua Town has been so miserable during this time, isn't this a joke?"


Standing in the middle of the yard, ignoring the noisy discussions around him, and looking at the pile of things in front of him, Jiang Hao nodded in satisfaction.

Seeing that the sky was about to turn completely dark, he immediately raised his voice and said.

"Everyone be quiet!

"Now, people who are incapable of resisting alien beasts, men, women and children, all come up and pick something that can make a sound from here and take it!"

Hearing this, the noise rang again, and no one knew what Jiang Hao was going to do.

Except for the dark-faced Lu Fei.

Soon, those who were incapable of resisting the alien beasts took drums, bowls, etc., all with one hand.

At this time, someone finally couldn't help but ask

"My lord, what are you asking us to do with these things?

"After a while, the alien beast will come!"

Jiang Hao no longer sells the key, and directly picks up the road

"I know the alien beast will come later.

"What I want you to do is, when the alien beasts come, do your best to knock the things in your hands and cooperate with us to kill the alien beasts!"

Hearing this, rows of small question marks suddenly appeared in the yard like bamboo shoots after rain.

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and both see the doubts in each other's eyes.

A member of the escort team took a step forward, stood up, and said loudly

"Sir, are you sure you're not kidding?"

Jiang Hao frowned and asked back

"Do you think I'm joking?"

"My lord, then I don't understand. When are you making trouble, and you have to make trouble at this time, does it show that your big man is different?"

"I'm not making a fuss, and I'm not showing anything different, I'm just letting you resist the alien beasts and keep you from being attacked by the alien beasts!"

Jiang Hao said seriously.

"Let us be free from the attacks of alien beasts? By what, by the abilities of the two adults, or by these gongs and drums in their hands?"

This guy is angry

"Our Wanhua Town is already miserable enough, my lord, I think you are making a fuss to make our Wanhua Town completely die!"

"Yeah, my lord!" Someone echoed, "Even if you ask us to take up weapons to resist alien beasts, we can all understand.

"But you asked us to do this when the alien beasts came, isn't that making trouble?"

"My lord, why don't I change their weapons?"

Captain Li also tentatively said that he also felt that something was wrong.

"You believe me!" Jiang Hao said again patiently

"When the alien beasts come, the guards will take up weapons and kill the alien beasts with us, and the others will do their best to knock the things in your hands!"

"Sir, forgive us for not being able to accompany you, we still want to live!

"When the alien beast comes, if we follow what you said and knock the things in our hands, I am afraid that not only will we not be able to resist the alien beast, but the alien beast will lock us at once!"

"Yeah, my lord, you can't do that!"

"What kind of lord, in my opinion, this kind of person is not worthy of our calling him lord!"


Seeing the angry voices in the yard, Jiang Hao's face sank completely, he raised his voice and said


"I am now ordering you as a knife camp. When the alien beast comes, do as I just said, and cooperate with us to kill the alien beast!"

Originally wanted to get along with them as ordinary people, but now in this situation, Jiang Hao had to use his identity as a knife camp.

At this time, he can't let these people make trouble.

Sure enough, as soon as he said these words, the scene instantly became quiet.

However, many people have anger on their faces, a look of anger and dare not speak.

Even Captain Li fell silent.

The atmosphere of the whole courtyard suddenly became depressed.

Jiang Hao ignored them and waited quietly.

Ten minutes later, a dark shadow appeared in the distant sky.

Like a piece of black cloth being pulled by someone, that black shadow quickly shrouded Wanhua Town, as if to completely devour Wanhua Town.

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