Online Games: Peak Summons

Chapter 815 Anxious Wang Kai

When it was almost midnight, the staff of the Three Realms drove a large car, carrying two bodyguards, Chen Tianlei and Qin Tianzhu, and their luggage to the airport.

Wang Kai woke up with a start and watched them get busy.

Everyone unloaded the four health cabins and a lot of luggage, loaded them into the cargo warehouse of the chartered plane, and left the airport again.

Under the guidance of the air crew, the two bodyguards boarded the plane.

"Boss, everything is ready." Chen Tianlei said.

"You are also tired, take a rest, someone will take you to the new studio when you arrive in the city." Wang Kai said.

"The boss isn't going to the new studio?" Chen Tianlei asked in surprise. Baidu Search|Search "Six Nights Romance" to see the latest chapter

"I want to take care of Qingqing, and stay in Yanyu for now." Wang Kai shook his head.

"Then let's go too, we are bodyguards, how can we leave our protector behind?" Chen Tianlei said.

"Nonsense, Misty Rain is all girls, what are you doing?" Wang Kai laughed.

"Uh..." Chen Tianlei was speechless.

City, after going through so many things, is finally leaving

Feeling sad, Wang Kai came to the city to recover Qingqing, but had no choice but to stay here after experiencing the tragedy.

Xiao Ning's meticulous care made him feel hope and motivation again, and then the killer attacked, established the peak studio, moved into the Three Realms and got two bodyguards

All these scenes happened in just one month in the city!

Now that he was about to leave, Wang Kai was a little sentimental. He couldn't say whether he liked or hated this place.

Xiao Ning was still sleeping sweetly next to him, with both hands tightly hugging his arms and leaning against his shoulders, but when they arrived in the city, could they still be so close?

Wang Kai had mixed emotions in his heart, thinking about the big ticket tomorrow, and he no longer felt sleepy at this time.

He was thinking about his mind, time passed by

At one o'clock in the morning, the plane took off on time, shot into the sky like an arrow, and left the night of feasting and feasting in the city.

City Airport, Ye Xuan and several sisters, holding flowers, waited for the exit outside the airport.

Fatty, Xiong Zai, Zi Feng and others also drove here, and they happened to join Ye Xuan's large team. Their task was to move things, and take the two bodyguards to the studio by the way.

When Wang Kaibao's special plane arrived at the airport, the ambulance that had already been waiting drove in quickly. Several medical staff carried Qingqing's hospital bed down. Ye Xuan, Liu Hong and others put flowers beside her with tears in their eyes. We carried her back into the ambulance

Qingqing needs to undergo a comprehensive physical examination at the hospital here before being accompanied by Sun Ying into the special care room that Yanyu Studio has already set up.

"Follow Fatty and the others, and we'll see you in the game." Wang Kai and the brothers who picked up the plane hugged one by one, turned around and told them.

"Good boss, call me immediately if you need something." Chen Tianlei said helplessly.

"Boss, take care." Qin Tianzhu said reluctantly.

They knew in their hearts that Qingqing's illness could not be cured just by talking about it, and the parting this time was estimated to take a long time.

Although they are all in the city, the transportation is inconvenient, and everyone has to work hard in the game, so it is difficult to get together again in reality.

Fatty took Xiong Zai and others, and they had sorted and packed all the luggage. Wang Kai and Xiao Ning's health warehouses were thrown into the truck brought by Misty Rain.

"Kaizi, come on, Qingqing will be fine." The fat man comforted him, but he glanced at Xiao Ning.

"Kaizi, remember to go to the studio to have a look, you are the boss, but you never go to the company, that's not good!" Xiong Zai shook his head.

"Hi boss, brothers want to see you very much." Zi Feng shook hands with him.

"I also want to see the brothers, but don't worry, I will find time to go to the studio after the arrangements here are made." Wang Kai laughed.

Everyone nodded and said goodbye, the fat man got into the car and left with others

"Let's go, let's go back too." Ye Xuan and Xiao Ning held hands, and led the sisters to share several cars.

Sitting in Ye Xuan's car, Wang Kai felt drowsy, and fell asleep on the back of the car before the car pulled out of the airport parking lot.

"This kid, fell asleep so soon." Ye Xuan said in surprise while driving the car.

"He's exhausted, and the heart is even more tired. Let him sleep for a while." Xiao Ning said pitifully.

"I said Ningzi, why did you fall in love with him!" Ye Xuan never had a chance to ask about the things between them.

"Emotions are something that I can't explain clearly. Maybe after I heard him say 'I don't make money for myself', I have his shadow in my heart." Xiao Ning said quietly.

"But there is Qingqing between you and him." Ye Xuan said with a frown.

"If Qingqing wakes up, I won't fight with her. As long as I have had it, nothing else matters." Xiao Ning said softly.

"You, you're really dizzy!" Ye Xuan said helplessly.

The convoy speeds down the city's avenues in the early hours of the morning, entering the increasing traffic flow

Half an hour passed, several cars parked outside the small building of Yanyu Studio.

"Xiao Li, Xiao Yang, come out and help my sister move things." Ye Xuan jumped out of the car, closed the door, and began to shout at the top of her voice.

Two security guards ran out of the lobby and began to busy with luggage and health care warehouse

"That's it?" Wang Kai woke up from his deep sleep, and found that the car had stopped, only Xiao Ning and himself were left in the car.

"If you're sleepy, go up and rest for a while, Qingqing, we'll make arrangements." Xiao Ning said softly.

"No need, I'll wait here." Wang Kai shook his head.

The ambulance took the girl into the hospital for an examination, and she would be sent there in a short time. Wang Kai insisted that he should wait until Qingqing fell asleep peacefully before he could go about his own affairs with ease.

"Well then, you rest in the car now, I'll call you when the car comes." Xiao Ning said speechlessly.

"Yes." Wang Kai nodded, closed his eyes and began to take a nap.

For two hours in the morning, the core members of Misty Rain Studio were busy, cleaning the room and waiting in line. Finally, when it was almost o'clock, the ambulance arrived at the door.

Sun Ying was the first to jump out of the car, and directed the medical staff to lift Qingqing out of the car, followed by several people who quickly carried the instruments and infusion tubes upstairs

Wang Kai hurriedly followed them up to the fourth floor. After they placed Qingqing in the newly arranged special care room, he immediately took out a stack of red envelopes from his arms and stuffed them in.

Everyone thanked and left, and only he and Yanyu's sisters were left in the room.

"Qingqing, you're home." Zhang Jing looked at the girl lying on the hospital bed, her eye circles suddenly turned red, and tears fell down her cheeks.

When she shed tears, it was like an infectious disease, and all the beauties in the room began to cry softly

Wang Kai's heart throbbed in pain for an instant!

He immediately rushed out of the room, threw himself on the window to light a cigarette, and took a few big puffs.

"No, Qingqing's illness must be cured. Even if all the money is spent, he must find a way!" Wang Kai thought hard, and now he couldn't wait for a moment for what he planned to do later.

He took out his cell phone from his pocket, found Li Mingyu's phone, and pressed the dial button

"God's War? Do you have something to do?" Li Mingyu's voice came from the phone, as if he hadn't woken up yet.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your rest. I'm going back to the market now and I want to talk to you." Wang Kai said.

"Oh, when did you come back?" Li Mingyu immediately woke up and asked in surprise.

Baidu search "fiction field" to see the latest|chapter "Just got off the plane, you should be clear about my affairs, I want to talk to you right away, just today." Wang Kai said impatiently.

"Okay, see you at the Science and Technology Museum in the morning." Li Mingyu said.

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