So Lu Cang felt that there must be something wrong with the person in front of him.

After Lu Cang threw all the coins away, he turned and returned to the garden.

At this time, the garden was covered with dark clouds. Oreki stood under the dark clouds, looking up at the sky with a condensed expression.

Lu Cang walked up to Oreki and asked,"Is that guy still there?"

Oreki whispered,"She is now pervasive, so you have to be careful."

Lu Cang was stunned, and then suddenly heard a shrill scream. A call came from behind.

Lu Cang turned his head reflexively and saw a monster with a dragon head and human body rushing towards him, seemingly trying to catch him.

In the end, the monster didn't succeed at all. His hand happened to touch Lu Cang, and Lu Cang suddenly disappeared, and Oreki also disappeared at the same time.

The entire garden was like a nightmare in the dark night, burning with black flames, but she was the only one within a hundred miles!

She yelled angrily, but all she could hear was the wind.

You may not understand at all why the person you were fighting with just now suddenly disappeared so quickly.

"Just wait, I will destroy all of Aslantis!"

She shouted to the sky.

The next second, a cold feeling suddenly came from behind her, and a sword was placed on her neck.

Lu Cang stood behind her, raised his hand slightly and said to her:"You say what? To wipe out all of Aslantis?"

Lu Cang's voice was like a basin of cold water, pouring cold water on the monster.

The monster turned its head and glared at Lu Cang, but saw Lu Cang raise the corners of his mouth:"With the body of a dragon, it seems that you are not at all. An orthodox dragon, you should be a hybrid of human and dragon, right?"

Although the failed fusion and the mixed-blood look similar, the smells on their bodies are very different. The monster's expression trembled and he shouted at Lu Cang.

The ground shook in an instant, and the ground of the garden, which had been almost destroyed, slowly swayed The cracks revealed the iron sheet underneath.

Lu Cang looked down at the fluorescent iron sheet under the ground, and was a little surprised.

This is not a garden at all?

Then where did those puppets come from? Could it be that they weren't the Dragon Clan's magic?

No. , the ability of a real dragon to use those spells cannot be that weak.

And when I copied her ability just now, although it was a 100% copy, the Patron Saint of the Undead that I copied was much more powerful than hers.

It stands to reason that he should have noticed something strange just now.

He is a human, and that woman is a dragon. Her own magic is not as powerful as that of a human, which means that this magic should not be used by her in the first place.

Thinking of this, Lu Cang frowned slightly.

He was too stupid. This was not the mission he had originally thought of.

This was the conspiracy of the Lord of Atlantis!

And this man was definitely a child of dragons and humans.

No! In Asia There should be more than one child in Atlantis.

Lu Cang suddenly remembered the female dragon and the black dragon with human faces.

That was also the love between humans and dragons.

How is it possible?

Although Atlantis is on the seaside, But it’s not too close to the habitat of the dragons. How could there be so many pairs of humans and dragons falling in love, and even children born from humans and dragons?

Someone should be doing something behind the scenes, and someone could bring the dragons into the territory of the human race.

Otherwise This will not happen.

Is it possible that all this is the fault of the city lord?

Remembering what the city lord secretly said to Tathagata in the castle, Lu Cang became even more suspicious.

In any case, the human race and the dragon race are both It's impossible. The two people wanted to be together in the past, but one of them turned into a fool and the other turned into a monster. It was only through Lu Cang's ability that he slowly became normal.

But now this person What happened to He Long's child?

She must have the key to solve these mysteries.

Thinking of this, Lu Cang decided to stop fighting. If he didn't continue fighting with this person, it would be much easier to just arrest her. After all , if you want to study a creature, you must first get that creature within your control.

Lu Cang turned to look at Oreki, who immediately understood and made a barrier to trap the monster in the center of the barrier.

The monster was furious at first, jumping around, but not long after, the barriers from all directions suddenly shrank in and surrounded him.

The monster was trapped in the barrier designed by Oreki and could not move, no matter how Knocking was useless.

She looked extremely frightened and cried.

Instead, the cry sounded like the sound of a baby or a young dragon.

Is she trying to summon someone?

The earth began to tremble.

Below The iron skin became more and more obvious, seeming to tell Lu Cang that there must be a mystery below.

Sure enough, not long after, there was a strange movement in the ground.

Compared with this and the world, below, it is more like a cage, locking people up.

Lu Cang was curious He lowered his head and looked at the shattered earth. He took out the universal treasure box from his arms, took out a shovel, and went to the place where the vibration was strongest.

It didn't take long for him to shovel a big hole in the soil.

Below is the iron sheet, which looks very solid.

There were several more vibrations, and the monster tied up by Zhemu seemed to feel them too.

She screamed louder, as if looking for someone to help.

Lu Cang frowned.

The next second the earth suddenly stopped shaking, and everything became quiet, as if it was a dream.

Although he seemed very calm now, Lu Cang could vaguely feel someone approaching him.

He could feel that the aura seemed a bit familiar, similar to the aura on the city lord, but it was probably not the city lord, but the people around him.

Sure enough, Lu Cang turned around and saw the city lord's butler suddenly appearing.

He is very close to Lu Cang!

When... when did you get close?

The housekeeper saw that Lu Cang was about to speak first:"Dear warriors, I am sent by the city lord to help you. I heard that there are monsters that you can't deal with."

Lu Cang sneered and said:"Your city lord is really kind. I went there just now. When I begged your city lord to save my companions, he said he had no way to save us. Now that I have defeated that monster and you have fallen out, you are not trying to take the credit from me, are you?" After

Lu Cang finished speaking, the housekeeper immediately Explanation:"Well, this is my problem. I received the mission from the city lord a long time ago, but because Lao Han couldn't walk, I came a little late. I didn't expect you to solve it so quickly."

He looked at it one glance monster

"This monster is very weak, and I was able to deal with it in two or three strikes. However, when I dealt with her, I suspected that she should have human blood. Did your city lord do anything shameful before?"Lu Cangpi said with a smile.

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