Luo Li knows a lot about the Star Hammer.

The start was extremely straightforward.

There was no intention of leaving anyone alive.

Such an important department.

In the consistent style of Star Forging Hammer.

There are usually a number of dead soldiers hidden inside.

Just give them a little time to react.

At least nothing will be gained, at worst they will be taken away and buried with them.

There is no need to think about how much value can be squeezed out.

But even though Luo Li has been so decisive.

The accident happened anyway.

A certain dead soldier seemed to have bound his pulse to a self-destruct device.

With his death.

Several high-energy reactions appeared within the detection range of Luo Li's phased array radar at the same time.

Luo Li cursed secretly.

Raise your hand to release all twelve shield guardians in the exclusive space.

They stagger each other to open up the electromagnetic shield.


The bright light of the explosion filled the main control room.

The powerful shock wave hit the electromagnetic shield of the 17th Shield Guardian.

It was bounced back along the original path.

Finally, it leaked out through the door opened by Luo Li.

Wait until the smoke clears.

The main control room was originally full of science fiction.

Most of the instruments were gone.

Only a few monitors and consoles were left, barely surviving under the protection of the shield guardians.

"Too careless."

Luo Li stepped forward to check with a dark complexion.

The results were unsatisfactory.

Ninety-nine percent of the database has been destroyed.

The remaining content seems to be a directory overview.

What's even more annoying is that this is the case.

Its permissions were blocked at the last minute.

Luo Li can't even see the table of contents.


After all, it is not in vain.

At least the hard drive where the directory overview is located is intact.

It was successfully retained by Luo Li.

With this thing.

Even if there is no permission.

It is only a matter of time before the contents are deciphered.

This is also why the Star Hammer has to install a self-destruct device at its headquarters.

There is also a reason why the dead man should be included in the main control room for double insurance.

There was no physical destruction.

The so-called confidentiality is just a piece of paper.

Remove the surviving hard drives from the console.

Luo Li put them into a scanner specially designed for cracking.

"Authorize the opening up of all computing power."

"Brute force attack."

A progress bar popped up from the power armor's screen.

To this day.

After obtaining the taboo-level skill intelligence center.

Luo Li's computing power is directly doubled.

It is equivalent to eighty super large computer centers.

Such a huge scale.

Run at full power.

It also makes cracking extremely fast.

Ten minutes later.

The progress bar is filled.

Luo Li successfully obtained the data on the hard drive.

He quickly opened it and browsed.

This time there were no surprises.

After searching through tens of thousands of experimental entries.

Finally he found Yun Daier's trace.

"No. S——Experimental Subject 3721."

"Research direction: healing injuries and accelerating spiritual growth."

"Current research progress: awaiting autopsy."

"Remark 1: This experimental subject is highly dangerous and has not yet been completely controlled. It is expected that its force will be lifted in nine months and twenty-three days, and further research will be carried out."

"Note 2: The subject is held in a separate military base."

"Remark 3: Blood samples are stored in the human experiment area, genetic research institute, and C-27 storage room. One sample can be obtained every week."

"Remark 4: You can apply to obtain 3kg of blood samples at one time. This mode is a slaughter mode and cannot be recycled. It requires the minister's signature and approval."

There are not many records about Yun Daier.

Judging from the number, it should belong to the batch of experimental subjects with the highest level.

But not unique.

This is not good news.

As an experimental subject, low value means not being taken seriously.

May be processed at any time.

The research progress, notes 1 and 4, prove that this possibility is becoming a reality.

"Isn't there even a name for the place of detention?"

My eyes lingered on note 2 for a moment.

Luo Li couldn't help but frowned.

Everything is easier if you have a name.

Whether it's interrogating the surviving personnel of the Antarctic headquarters or going to other bases to inquire.

You can always find it.

But without a name, there is nowhere to start.

The entire Star Hammer has tens of thousands of bases distributed 877 times around the world.

God knows which one.

But being in a daze is not the answer.

Browse through it again to make sure you haven't missed any information.

Luo Li put away the hard drive.

Turn around and go to the human experiment area.

Even if you can't find anyone.

At least the blood sample can be considered a clue.

Better than nothing.

Follow the address noted in the file.

Luo Li found the corresponding storage room.

Take out the preserved blood sample of Yun Daier from the freezer.

And just when he was trying to store the sample in an exclusive space.

It has been lying quietly in his system toolbar.

It comes from the forbidden level advanced mission reward, a dream converging device of unknown use.

Suddenly it started beating.

Then disappeared without a trace.

Luo Li felt dizzy.

I seemed to hear a whisper from the system.

Wait until he opens his eyes again.

I found that I seemed to be above a sea of ​​clouds.

The power armor he was wearing was missing.

All that was left was a summer dress.

"This is where?"


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