Because they were eager to escape before, Ning Yuan and his party did not feel any difference between the territory of the Angel Clan and the outside world.

When they calmed down to appreciate the unique scenery here, they immediately felt a strong warmth.

There are not many tall trees on the territory of the Angel Clan, and there are silver-white holy light mushrooms everywhere.

After learning that the mushrooms here can be eaten raw, Ning Yuan and his party picked a few with curiosity and put them in their mouths.

Hmm... It's a little sweet, it melts in your mouth, and after you swallow it, there is a slight cooling sensation, just like eating a green banana, but the taste is much better than bananas.

"This holy light mushroom is the main food of our angel family, how about it, the taste is not bad."

Looking at the satisfaction on the faces of Ning Yuan and his group, Hart looked proud.

"Well, it's very delicious, I..."

After eating other people's food, Ning Yuan was about to say a few good words to compliment the other party, but when he raised his head and suddenly saw the majestic outline of Yunzhong City in the distance, he opened his mouth wide in surprise.

cloud city

The special natural wonder, the mountain peak, is also known as the city of the sky. It is said that the first generation of angels was born in the cloud city. The cloud city is the holy city of the angel family.

Settling near Cloud City will give you a little scientific research value every day.

Sky Domain: In the space covered by the sky domain, all flying races are no longer restricted by low-altitude flight, and here they can soar freely. In the sky domain, all special effects of air ban are invalid.

Bright Angel Domain: Also known as the Holy Light Domain, during the daytime, Yunzhongcheng is always bathed in the holy light, and the holy light is only effective for the angels.

The holy light will automatically provide each angel warrior with a set of silver-white holy light armor formed by the energy of the holy light.

The holy light armor can resist all kinds of damage for the angel warriors before the energy dissipates. Every time the damage is resisted, part of the energy on the holy light armor will be consumed until it disappears completely. Each angel warrior can only summon one set of holy light armor every day. light armor.

The holy light has the effect of healing and accelerating wound healing, and the angels bathed in the holy light can be immune to various diseases and toxins.

Blessing of light: All angel warriors who died in battle in the field of light angels,

There is no need for other angels to use light to resurrect them, the holy light will automatically resurrect them in the temple of light in the city of clouds, and angel warriors who have no number of resurrections cannot enjoy the blessing of light.

Silver of Light: A silver-white magical metal extracted from the Holy Light. Silver of Light is not only very hard, but also has almost no weight. Cloud City can automatically extract ten cubic meters of light every month. of silver.

Holy Light Mushroom: A mushroom that can only grow in the Light Angel Domain, it only takes a week from mycelium to mature body.

Holy Light Mushroom has magical effects of detoxification, hemostasis, and accelerated wound healing.

Before they knew it, Ning Yuan and the others had reached a place where they could overlook Yunzhong City.

Regarding Yunzhong City, Ning Yuan and the others had various guesses, but when they saw this majestic sky city with their own eyes, they immediately discarded all the previous guesses.

From a distance, Yunzhongcheng looks like a huge stone mushroom, with straight stalks that go straight into the clouds, and the huge umbrella surface is looming in the clouds.

Although they couldn't see the situation on the umbrella, they were still deeply impressed by the uncanny craftsmanship of this nature.

What shocked Ning Yuan and the others the most was that the entire Cloud City turned out to be a special natural wonder.

Apart from those lake-like natural wonders, this is the biggest natural wonder Ning Yuan has ever seen.

As a special natural wonder, this cloud city is simply tailor-made for the angel family.

The sky domain allows the flying race to break through the shackles of low-altitude flight, and it can also ignore various special effects of forbidden air, directly abolishing the forbidden air domain of the demons to restrain the angels.

The field of bright angels is even more unreasonable.

This field is only valid for the angel family. It can not only provide the angel family with a free set of holy light armor, but also keep the angel family away from diseases and toxins, and allow the angel warriors fighting in the field to be healed by the holy light at all times.

Although I don't know the specific effect of the Holy Light Armor, but just looking at the attribute introduction, you can know that it must be very powerful, and then it can be combined with the cabbage price that can summon a set every day, MD, there is still a place to reason. ?

If it is said that the resurrection of the light still has some hard conditions that can be cracked, then the special effect of the blessing of the light can be said to be perfect.

In the field of light angels, the special effect of light protection does not give the enemy a chance to destroy the corpses of angel soldiers. As long as they feel that the angel soldiers are killed in battle, as long as the dead angel soldiers still have the number of resurrections, then no one can stop them from resurrecting.

The Sky Domain, the Bright Angel Domain and the special effect of the Blessing of Light, this is the absolute home of the Angels, and it is as difficult as ever to turn against the guests.

No wonder the demon cavalry didn't dare to chase into the Angel Clan's territory. It turned out that they had lost restraint to the Angel Clan here.

No wonder the demon clan on the Lost Continent is so powerful, but they have never eliminated their natural enemy. It turned out that it wasn't that they didn't want to, but that Yunzhong City blocked their progress.

However, it seems that the angel family on the Lost Continent can only retreat within the coverage of Cloud City.

Although the Demon Clan has nothing to do with Cloud City, but without the protection of Cloud City, the Angel Clan is still no match for the Demon Clan.

Therefore, it can also be said that Yunzhong City is the only sanctuary for the angels. As long as the demons exist for a day, they can only hide in Yunzhong City to survive.

Cloud City is both a shelter and a prison for the Angels.

The Angels are used to the feeling of fighting at home, and once they leave their home court, it may be difficult for them to accept the huge gap.

Maybe this is also the main reason why they are obviously very powerful, but they are still unable to expand outward.

Otherwise, how could the Golden Empire dare to invade the Holy Griffin Kingdom so brazenly many times?

After reading the attributes of Cloud City, Ning Yuan immediately understood a lot of things.

He had been unable to figure out how the Holy Griffon Kingdom, which monopolized the Griffon Holy Spring, survived under the siege of three powerful forces, and now he finally understood.

The Lonely Mountain Dwarves are complacent and intoxicated in what they think is a perfect life.

The Angels in Cloud City are used to the powerful feeling at home, and they are unwilling to go to the outside world.

The Mu family elves in the Golden Forest are ambitious, but unfortunately the Griffin is the natural enemy of the Silver Pegasus, they have more than enough energy.

The Griffin Holy Spring is so precious, if it wasn't for these three forces around, the Holy Griffin Kingdom would have been wiped out long ago.

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