Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

Chapter 485, Stepping into the Central Plains

In order to eliminate hostile player spies within the territory of the Condor Empire, Ning Yuan handed over two Zhenguo mirrors to Dongchang Changwei, and asked them to take the Zhenguo mirrors to travel every inch of the Condor Empire.

After several months of careful investigation, the guards of the East Factory secretly killed more than 5,000 player spies, and basically all the player spies arranged by the major forces in the territory of the Condor Eagle Empire were cleared out.

Although the guards of the East Factory have caught many aboriginal spies by following the vines, but Ning Yuan knows that the aboriginal spies will never be eliminated.

As long as those aborigine spies are not allowed to climb to high positions, there is not much danger, so he ended the cleaning operation directly after achieving his goal.

When Ningyuan cleaned up the player's spies, the Condor Navy also implemented his coastal expansion strategy.

The Condor Navy dispatched a large number of ships and mermaid troops to conduct a very thorough review of the coastal areas of the Huaxia District.

They set out from the sea area of ​​Shanhaiguan, followed the Huaxia coastline all the way south, and captured all the islands and mermaid tribes along the way.

Although Ning Yuan made the Condor Fleet fly the skull flag to pretend to be pirates in order to deceive people, but who the hell has seen pirates who are more regular than the regular army? Anyone with a discerning eye will recognize them as the navy of the Condor Empire at a glance.

Because there are players on many islands along the coast, it is inevitable that the Condor Navy and the players have conflicts.

The mermaid warriors scuttled the players' warships, robbed them of their property, and sent them back to prison.

So after learning that the enemy who killed them was the Condor Navy, the players immediately pointed their finger at Ning Yuan. They all condemned Ning Yuan's atrocities, and satirized him as farting, not at all accurate.

Facing the players' accusations, Ning Yuan gave full play to his shameless spirit.

He firmly insisted that the pirates that attacked the coastal areas of China were not the navy fleet of the Condor Eagle Empire. Now the Condor Eagle Navy is stationed on the Korean Peninsula. If players don't believe it, they can go and check it out for themselves.

Facing such a shameless Ning Yuan, the players have nothing to do. The Condor Empire forbids the players to teleport. They can't even go there, and they still have to check. So they can only use verbal abuse to vent their depressed emotions .

And Ning Yuan was used to being scolded, so he continued to command the Condor Navy to sort out the coastline of Huaxia District despite the players' scolding.

Ning Yuan's purpose is simple,

That is to take advantage of the fact that the major forces in the Huaxia region are focusing their attention on the land, and grab the command of the sea into their own hands.

Now because the major forces have no time to take care of the sea, the Condor Navy has an absolute advantage on the sea. They squeeze Ning Yuan on land, and Ning Yuan pushes them out of the sea.

As more and more mermaid tribes were conquered, the Condor Navy grew in size. They not only captured all the islands in the coastal area, but also burned down all the shipyards in the coastal area.

Ning Yuan knew that he was still unable to occupy those lands, so he simply did not do anything, and directly ordered the entire shipyard to be set on fire, completely eliminating the idea of ​​players wanting to go to sea.

After eliminating all threats from the Huaxia coastal area, Ning Yuan quietly transported a werewolf army from the Liaodong Peninsula to the coast of Weihai.

With the assistance of the vampire army, this werewolf army annexed a werewolf force in the Weihai area without anyone noticing.

After annexing the small separatist force named Qinglang Kingdom, Lang Xiaotian suddenly became the new king of Qinglang Kingdom.

In order to deceive others, Ning Yuan only gave Lang Xiaotian 5,000 werewolf soldiers, and then the Condor Eagle Empire's help to their legion was only this time, and the next step was entirely up to them.

In order to improve the survivability of Lang Xiaotian's lone army, Ning Yuan also gave Lang Xiaotian a national mirror before departure to prevent players from infiltrating their team.

After Lang Xiaotian captured the Qinglang Tribe, he immediately walked around the territory of the Qinglang Kingdom. After finding nothing abnormal, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Ning Yuan only gave him 5,000 werewolf fighters, these 5,000 werewolf fighters were elite soldiers who had experienced hundreds of battles, so in the next period of time, Lang Xiaotian attacked everywhere and conquered dozens of soldiers, large and small. The orc force.

He merged all the areas east of Yashan into the Qinglang Kingdom. So far, the Qinglang Kingdom no longer has a famous name, and finally has a territory that can match this name.

However, the rapid expansion of the Blue Wolf Kingdom came to an end here, because a relatively large orc force appeared to the west of them - the Dashi Kingdom.

Dashi Kingdom is a kingdom of orcs dominated by bear people. Their king, Xiong Dashi, used to be a general of the Beast Empire. After the split of the Beast Empire, Xiong Dashi took his subordinates and established himself as the king in the Weifang area. He was called Dashi. king.

Facing the powerful Dashi Kingdom, Lang Xiaotian took a team of personal guards to the Dashi Kingdom to meet Xiong Dashi, expressing that the Blue Wolf Kingdom is willing to submit to the Dashi Kingdom.

Facing Lang Xiaotian who is so knowledgeable about current affairs, Xiong Dashi was very happy. He immediately announced his acceptance of the surrender of the Qinglang Kingdom, and canonized Lang Xiaotian as the general of the Dashi Kingdom.

In this way, the Qinglang Kingdom successfully joined the Dashi Kingdom, and Lang Xiaotian changed from a little king to Xiong Dashi's right-hand man.

With the assistance of Lang Xiaotian, the Dashi Kingdom quickly captured a large area of ​​land in the Shandong area south of the Yellow River and east of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. Except for Mount Tai, which was occupied by a group of bald donkeys, other areas were incorporated into the In the territory of Dashi Kingdom.

While expanding the territory, Lang Xiaotian is also secretly carrying out an assassination operation against the player's spies.

Because he is carrying the Zhenguo mirror on his body, wherever he goes, players will always be assassinated quietly at night, so the players call Lang Xiaotian the King of Hades, and everyone will actively avoid him when doing tasks. in the area.

With the continuous expansion of the territory, Xiong Dashi's ambitions became bigger and bigger, so the Dashi Kingdom was officially renamed the Dashi Empire, and the Dashi King also became the Dashi Emperor.

In order to commend Lang Xiaotian's military exploits, Xiong Dashi sealed Lang Xiaotian as Xiaotian Qinglang King and enfeoffed the land as the territory of the original Qinglang Kingdom.

So far, after more than a year of hard work, Lang Xiaotian has successfully gained a firm foothold in the Central Plains by virtue of his ingenuity.

Although he is only the second in command in the Great Stone Empire, Ning Yuan has successfully opened a breakthrough in the impenetrable Central Plains.

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