Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

Chapter 1414, The Art of Defense

"Send my military order and withdraw the troops with gold!"

After gritting his teeth and giving the order to withdraw his troops, Ibn Haidar walked off the command platform with a livid face.

This is already the third time he has issued an order to withdraw troops.

After the army set up camp, Ibn Haidar organized a total of three critical battles within a week.

Counting today's time, all three offensive battles were extremely unsuccessful, and the defeats were quite embarrassing.

Because while paying a huge price, they simply failed to shake the defense of the Condor Empire.

In the first offensive, Ibn Haidar focused on testing. He sent the Persian Immortal Army to attack the defense line of the Condor Empire with shields strong enough to withstand the God's Arm Bow.

Facing the heavily armored Persian Immortal Army, Ning Yuan did not choose to launch a long-range attack on it, but let it go directly.

When the first row of Persian Immortal Army soldiers came to the edge of the trench, everyone was dumbfounded when they looked at the trench that was five meters wide and ten meters deep.

Because Ibn Haidar sent them here to test the long-range attack methods and attack firepower of the Condor Empire army, they did not bring any wooden bridges or sandbags to fill the trenches.

Ibn Haidar was also very surprised that the Condor Army directly released the Persian Immortal Army.

He originally wanted to use the Persian Immortal Army to draw out all the long-range attack methods of the Condor Empire army, and then make timely and targeted responses. Unexpectedly, the Condor Empire army on the opposite side unexpectedly acted out of common sense and even launched a wave of symbolic attacks. The Persian Immortal Army was sent directly over without even releasing a hail of arrows.

Seeing the Persian Immortal Army soldiers standing at the edge of the trench, Ibn Haidar had no choice but to send an army carrying a large number of plank bridges to support them.

After seeing the enemy take out the prepared wooden pontoon, Ning Yuan immediately asked the messenger to wave a flag painted with flames.

Immediately afterwards, countless ceramic jars suddenly fell from the sky and hit the long wooden pontoons with great precision.

As the ceramic jar shattered, the fire oil inside immediately splashed everywhere.

After the flowing fire oil splashed a wooden plank, the elven archers behind the earth embankment immediately launched the prepared rockets.

Under the large-scale attack that filled the sky with fire and rain,

Before the Central Asian and Middle Eastern coalition soldiers carrying the wooden pontoon had time to react, the rockets that landed on the wooden pontoon had successfully ignited the wooden pontoon.

Because the oil cans that just fell from the sky not only splashed a wooden board with kerosene when they shattered, but even some nearby soldiers were stained with a lot of kerosene.

So when countless rockets suddenly fell from the sky, not only the wooden pontoon was ignited, but many soldiers contaminated with kerosene were also affected.

While letting out painful wails, they kept beating the burning parts of their bodies in an attempt to extinguish the flames.

Some soldiers whose bodies were stained with a large amount of kerosene instantly turned into burning men.

They kept running and rolling, letting out horrible screams.

This sudden and huge change shocked all the soldiers, and many of them looked at their companions who were covered in fire in horror.

They were dodging involuntarily and looking around in horror, having long forgotten that they were on a battlefield.

After seeing that the enemy's formation was in chaos due to the internal fire, Ning Yuan immediately ordered the Divine Arms and Marksmen to fire at the enemy in random bursts.

The fire that had been ignited inside the military formation had not yet been extinguished. The long-range troops of the Condor Empire on the other side of the trench suddenly added insult to injury. This continuous attack directly made the already chaotic formation of the Central Asian and Middle Eastern coalition forces even more chaotic. .

The arrows fall in a parabola, while the crossbow arrows are fired directly.

When the Persian Immortal Army had no time to re-arrange their formation, the shields in their hands may not be able to protect against the parabolic arrows, and the shields in their hands may not be able to protect against the parabolic arrows. Crossbow arrow.

So in a flurry, many soldiers were shot down by cold arrows shot from nowhere.

Seeing that the army in front was suddenly in chaos, it was already difficult to recover.

If we continue to hold on like this, there will only be greater casualties.

Ibn Haidar, who witnessed all this from the command tower, had no choice but to order the troops to retreat.

In the end, the battle ended with the Central Asian and Middle Eastern coalition casualties of nearly 5,000 soldiers. In addition to losing some arrows and kerosene, the Condor Empire did not even have any injuries.


After learning and summarizing the lessons of the first failure, Ibn Haidar quickly launched a second attack.

This time, Ibn Haidar did not test again. He directly sent the Persian Immortal Army to cover the pontoon army as it moved towards the trench.

In order to prevent Ningyuan from disrupting the formation again using Seraph's tactics of airdropping fire oil, Ibn Haidar not only had the entire wooden pontoon wet, but also sprinkled a layer of moist sand on it.

Sure enough, when Ning Yuan repeated his old trick, the ideal oil fire did not reappear. In just a moment, the soldiers carrying the pontoon successfully extinguished the small flames by flipping the pontoon.

In this way, before the Seraph army on the side of the Condor Empire threw fire oil again, the soldiers of the Central Asian and Middle Eastern Allied Forces successfully lifted the pontoon to the edge of the trench.

After reaching the edge of the trench, some strong orcs directly erected the wooden pontoon, and then pushed hard towards the other side of the trench.

As the huge wooden pontoon fell heavily on the slope to the north of the earth embankment, the Central Asian and Middle Eastern coalition forces were finally able to launch an attack on the earth embankment guarded by the Condor Empire troops through the pontoon bridge, even though the slope at this time was filled with sharp weapons. Even the wooden thorns could not stop their progress.

However, before the soldiers of the Central Asian and Middle Eastern Allied Forces could get rid of the wooden thorns stuck on the slope, a group of huge figures appeared on the earth embankment.

As the bear-men heavy infantry of the Condor Empire appeared carrying huge iron guns about five meters long, the soldiers who had rushed up the slope were immediately attacked head-on.

Facing the huge fine iron spears that can only be used by two Ursine heavy infantry warriors, any armor or shield immediately became fragile.

Because even if the armor and shields on their bodies are strong enough, they themselves cannot withstand the huge impact force.

So in just a moment, thousands of soldiers who climbed the slope were pierced by iron guns.

Seeing how painful they were after falling to the ground, it was estimated that it would be difficult for them to participate in the battle in a short time.

As the saying goes, take advantage of his illness and kill him.

At such a close range and from a high position, this is definitely the best time to use crossbow arrows to sneak attack the enemy.

The Condor Empire possesses the Divine Arm Bow, which is far more powerful than other crossbows. Naturally, the elven soldiers holding the Divine Arm Bow will not miss this great opportunity to kill the enemy.

I saw them leaning out from between the two bear warriors from time to time, and then shooting arrows at the enemies who showed their flaws.

At such a close range, except for the thick iron can that may be able to withstand the powerful blow of the God's Arm Bow, other ordinary armors are basically useless.

So as the elven warriors holding divine arm bows kept shooting cold arrows, the death rate of the Central Asian and Middle Eastern coalition forces suddenly increased.

After more than ten minutes of violent attack without any effect, Ibn Haidar once again issued the order to retreat.

This time he was completely frightened by the lethality of the Divine Arm Bow.

In just ten minutes, more than 10,000 Persian soldiers of the Immortal Army died in the sneak attack of the Divine Arm Bow.

Although he also dispatched archer troops from the coalition forces in time, facing the more well-equipped Condor Empire army, their long-range firepower not only failed to pose any threat to the opponent, but was also defeated by the opponent's long-range firepower. The army took the opportunity and shot thousands of archers.

Seeing that if the fight continued like this, it was very likely that hundreds of thousands of people would not be enough to fill it in, so Ibn Haidar had to give up temporarily.


After a day of repairs, Ibn Haidar launched his third attack on the Condor Empire's positions.

This time, as soon as Ibn Haidar came up, he sent out the strongest main force - the heavily armored orc army of the coalition.

The armor on the heavily armored orc warriors is much thicker than that on the Persian Immortal Army. In order to prevent being penetrated by the God's Arm Bow at close range, Ibn Haidar specially asked each orc warrior to wear two sets of armor.

In this way, even if they are hit directly by the God's Arm Bow at close range, the orc warriors protected by two layers of armor will not suffer much damage.

Sure enough, as the wooden pontoon was set up again, the orc warriors wearing two layers of armor were not afraid of the close range direct fire from the God's Arm Bow.

As long as they are not shot in the face, even if the crossbow bolts fired from the God's Arm Bow can penetrate the double-layer armor, the remaining force will not be enough to cause serious damage to the orc warriors.

As we all know, the biggest characteristic of powerful orc warriors is their rough skin and thick flesh. Not only are some minor injuries not a problem to them, but they are also a stimulant.

After seeing blood, their anger level will soar, and they will definitely fight with full firepower.

Facing the huge iron spear thrust down from the earth embankment, the orc warriors showed no fear at all. Many of them even wanted to grab the spear stabbing them with their hands, hoping to use the spear to climb to the top of the earth embankment.

Fortunately, the bear warriors on the embankment were not vegetarians either. Faced with the arrogant behavior of those of the same race on the slope, they swung their spears left and right, directly getting rid of the opponent's grasp.

Although they did not let the enemy's intention succeed, facing the enemy's desperate attack, the bear warriors of the Condor Empire at the top of the earth embankment fought extremely hard.

Because the power of the God's Arm Bow has been reduced to a minimum, and the spears in their hands cannot cause much damage to the rough-skinned guys below.

The huge spear made of fine iron is very heavy. Even the strong bear warriors cannot bear it if it is wielded for a long time, so this fighting mode must not be allowed to continue for too long.

After seeing that the fine iron spear formation was unable to effectively kill the enemy heavily armored orc troops that were constantly attacking the embankment, Ning Yuan immediately asked the messenger to wave a flag with a sea of ​​fire painted on it.

As the command flag was waved continuously, an elf army on standby behind the embankment immediately picked up the barrels beside them and rushed up the embankment.

When the elven warriors threw the barrels directly on the wooden pontoon laid over the trench, the enemy orc army, which had just been highly motivated, was immediately frightened and turned around and ran away.

It wasn't that the orc warriors were timid, but they recognized that the liquid splashing everywhere was the fire oil they were most afraid of.

Although the orc warriors are not afraid of death, none of them want to become a fireman and be burned alive.

So after discovering that the enemy was pouring fire oil again, they instinctively retreated.

However, the fire expected by the orc warriors of the Central Asian and Middle Eastern Allied Forces did not appear, because Ning Yuan only asked the elven warriors to pour fire oil on them and did not order the fire.

So the orc armies of the enemy and ours faced each other across the wooden pontoon bridge dripping with kerosene.

The Condor Empire had no intention of starting a fire, and the Central Asian and Middle Eastern coalition forces did not dare to continue the attack.

After learning what happened on the front line, Ibn Haidar sighed up to the sky and once again issued the order to withdraw his troops.

Although the casualties of the orc heavy armored legion this time were not large, facing the kerosene deterrent tactics of the Condor Empire, they had no choice but to withdraw.

After Ming Jin withdrew his troops, in order to facilitate another attack the next day, Ibn Haidar directly sent a team of archers to fire a round of rockets at the place where the kerosene was.

His original intention was to ignite the fire oil and clear the way for tomorrow's attack.

However, the team of archers responsible for lighting the kerosene fired more than ten rounds of rocket rain, but there was no movement from the trench. Not even a small flame could be seen, let alone a big fire.

After learning about this situation, Ibn Haidar was so angry that he cursed Ning Yuan for his shamelessness. At this time, no matter how stupid he was, he knew what was going on.

It turns out that the kerosene poured out by Ning Yuan this time was all fake stuffed with ingredients.

Logistics supply for long-distance cross-border expeditions is a big problem. The fleet responsible for logistics transportation cannot even provide food and grass supplies for the front line. How can they have the time to transport kerosene from the rear to the front line?

If kerosene was so easy to transport, the Central Asian and Middle Eastern coalition forces would have shipped a large amount for siege.

The batch of kerosene brought by Ning Yuan was actually seized from the territory of the Kazakh Khanate, and the quantity was very limited.

This batch of kerosene can be used to launch airdrops, but if it is used to set fire to a large area, it will definitely not be enough.

But this is not a problem for Ning Yuan at all, because the real kerosene is not enough, so he can use fake ones instead.

After successfully launching a fire attack, Ning Yuan asked people to mix the remaining kerosene with water. After stirring thoroughly, he had people sprinkle a layer of real kerosene on top of each barrel of fake goods.

Ning Yuan knew that the orcs were very afraid of oil fire, because if the hair on their bodies was contaminated with oil fire, it would be difficult to extinguish it.

So after the enemy sent out a heavily armored orc army, Ning Yuan directly asked people to use fake kerosene to scare the enemy.

Sure enough, after the orc warriors smelled the strong smell of kerosene, they did not dare to stay and take a closer look, and everyone moved away from the trench in an instant.

In this way, by taking advantage of the orcs' weakness of fear of oil and fire, Ning Yuan successfully won this psychological game, forcing the enemy to pay more money and retreat.

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