Imperial capital.

Rented civilian area in Liubei

"Put it here, put it here."

Liu Bei commanded three courier boys.

He asked them to place the nutrition cabin of Hero Continent gently on the ground.

As for the blind date with the big star?


Basically, it fell through.

Yang Chaoyue also said it was accurate. talk

"My boyfriend should at least be able to buy me a villa in Huazhou Junting"

"if not……"

"No need to talk!" Liu Bai knew this very well.

What made him dumbfounded was that

Sister Ya didn't know where the relationship came from. It was an ordinary blind date.

It turned out that the blind date ended up with a big star...

Liu Bei wasn't licking Gou, I don’t want to be a licking Gou.

It’s impossible to buy a villa for a big star who I’ve known for less than an hour, so I can only let this blind date go.


"The recipient on the courier signature is called Sister Ya?"

"Sister Ya?"

"The name sounds like a female?"

The three courier guys showed puzzled expressions.

"she is���Girlfriend~"

Liu Bei said nonchalantly without blushing.

Hearing this, the three courier boys were all shocked and speechless.


Bei lived in a civilian area, so he definitely didn't have much money.

As a result... there was actually a rich woman.

It's really strange to buy him such an expensive nutrition cabin. But when he saw Liu Bei's appearance, he suddenly felt sad and angry.

"You can really do whatever you want if you are handsome! Rich women are all raised in a rush to keep them."

"Damn it! If my mother had given me a good baby, why would I have to be a courier boy?"

"So angry!"


All kinds of jealousy envy hate


In Liu Bei's originally small bedroom.

There are now two identical nutrition cabins.

Does it take up a lot of space?!

He refilled the nutrition cabin with nutrient solution worth 5 million RVB.

Press the button and the hatch opens.

He took off his clothes and lay down.

There was a flash of white light.

Liu Bai enters the game. soon.

Liu Bai arrived outside the cathedral.

Inside the cathedral.

Met Father Farah

"Father Farah, I got the horns of the Bull King."

Liu Bai smiled.

He chose to submit the task of [Defeating the Bull-headed King's Token]

"As expected of the famous Baron Liu Bai"

"The horns of the Bull King are very important to our church"

"Thank you, Baron."

Took over the horns of the Bull-headed King.

Father Farah smiled happily.

The system prompt sounded.

——System prompt: Congratulations on completing the mission [Token of Defeating the Bull-headed King]. You will receive a mission reward of +1 million experience points and +50,000 gold coins!

——System prompt: Your mission reward will be increased by a hundred times, you will gain experience +100 million, and you will receive mission reward gold coins +5 million!

What the hell!

Whether it is experience rewards or gold coin rewards.

It’s all leverage!

It can be seen from this.

Taking on quests is the way to level up.

Much easier than fighting monsters or something!

"Our church is relatively poor, so we can only offer this small reward."

Father Farah looked embarrassed and said embarrassedly.

Although in Father Farah's view, his reward was not much.

But in Liu Bai's view, this reward was quite OK!

"Father Farah, if you have any other trial tower tasks, please share them with us."

"I can help you do it! Liu

Bai said confidently

"Well, only you can complete such a difficult task!"

Father Farah gritted his teeth and said

"On the third floor of the Tower of Trials, there is a monster called a vampire."

"Their blood is the core raw material for making the anti-aging drug 'Eternal Life Pill'!"

"Can you collect more vampire blood for me?"

Father Farah said.

Cathedrals and monasteries both sell a miraculous medicine that can delay aging and prolong life.

Immortality Pill.

This medicine is quite popular among the rich and powerful.

The price of each medicine is also extremely expensive.

Get it The only way to do this is to hunt vampires.

Pure vampires can only be found in the third level of the Trial Tower.

——System prompt: You have been given the trial tower mission [Blood of Pure Vampire] from Father Farah in the Cathedral of Stronge Town. Do you accept it? (Task progress: 0|500) (can be submitted repeatedly)

(Task description: On the third floor of the Tower of Trial, there is an undead race called vampires. Kill them and bring back the blood of the vampires.)


Liu Bai looked at the mission description.

He was very excited.

The mission can be submitted repeatedly!

He has the guild skill of [100-fold increase in mission rewards] 0.......

This kind of task is just right for me!

In this way, you can enter the Tower of Trials and accept tasks at the same time.

This is the correct posture to break into the Tower of Trials!


As for the vampire race being very powerful?

Just ignore it!

That's right.

This is definitely not Liu Bai's expansion.

This is confidence!

This comes from Liu Bai's confidence in his own strength!

"But then again……"

"Can I buy vampire blood directly in the auction house?’?"

"If you can buy it directly……"

"Isn't it much more convenient than going through the third floor of the Tower of Trials? Liu

Bai thought in his mind.

He opened the auction house interface.

Searched for the keyword 'vampire's blood'.

The test result... there was no 'vampire's blood'.’!

"All right!"

"Nothing is as it should be!"

Liu Bai said calmly.

At this stage, there are no more than 100,000 players who can break through the Tower of Trials.

Most of them are Waiguoren.

Players who can break through the third floor of the Tower of Trials.

Even more They are rare.

Most of them are the main players of foreign professional teams and wealthy people. They will not sell vampire blood in the auction house. This is definitely Liu Bai's opportunism. Be careful. Liu Bai opened the door and entered the Tower of Trial.

——System prompt: Does player Liu Bai want to enter the Tower of Trial? (You need to pay 100 gold coins to enter the Tower of Trials.)



——System prompts: The scene is loading...

The world is spinning for a while.

Liu Bai directly activated the [Tower of Trial Teleportation Ring] skill.

Directly entered the third floor of the Trial Tower!


The third level environment.

It's a dark world where you can't even see your fingers.

In the sky, a half-quarter moon hangs in the sky.

Emitting a faint light.


You can hear the sound of water dripping on stones

"Oh no!"

Liu Bai was shocked.

This dark environment made him feel very insecure!

He immediately activated the summoning circle

"Come out, my servant, Goblin Emperor Gog!"

"Come out, my servant, Xiao Zhan!"

The summoning array just lit up.

At this moment, dozens of bats made piercing noises and rushed towards Liu Bai!.

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