Online Game: God-tier Assassin, I Am the Shadow!

Chapter 188 Everyone else is fake, but this thing is real? !

When Qin Feng made his choice.

This challenge is officially started!

He remained invisible, standing on a high white jade platform, overlooking the complex maze below.

When the challenge begins...

One hundred players in the maze finally gained the ability to move!

And, each of them gained an identity.

Or a fugitive.

Or the pursuer.

"Although I had to make this choice."

"But as expected, there are a total of 20 escapees, a dozen of them are friends I met in this life, and many are friends I met in the previous life..."

"Let's go, Ausilio."

Qin Feng shook his head.

He summoned Ausilio, turned into a dragon, and soared like a gust of wind!

In The Runaways.

There is Wang Meng, there is Lin Liyu, there is a wisp of smoke... and there is also Qin Xiaoyou!

Qin Feng will kill some people if he wants to.

But some friends or partners still need to be taken care of. How much life has been lost, let’s give them some compensation later!


Qin Feng rode Ausilio and descended more than 300 meters to this maze in just ten seconds!

What appeared in front of him...

He is a young man, dressed as a legal professional, holding a staff and wearing a light blue robe.

He carefully leaned against the white jade wall, wearing a layer of thunder element shield on his body, and was walking forward along the maze passage...

His identity is that of a ‘fugitive’.

The task is to survive in this 'Place of Judgment' for thirty minutes.

And his code name is - 'Mom said if the name is too long, fools will read it'.

This code name...

Even Qin Feng was taken advantage of!

This guy was Qin Feng's guild subordinate in his previous life. Because of his code name, Qin Feng was deeply impressed...

"It's just your name that's long, right?"

"Die to me!"

In Qin Feng's invisible state, a dart flew out, directly penetrated the magic shield on his body, and then accurately hit the opponent's eyebrows!



-47.4w (weak point attack)!


[The fugitive ‘Mom said if the name is too long, fools will read it’ is dead! 】

[Number of escapees -1! 】


This codename is outrageous.

Qin Feng didn't know why he included this person in the guild in his previous life.


Qin Feng saw that this guy's current guild was the 'Knights Temple'. I wonder if the players in the Knights Temple would curse every time they saw this guy's code name?

But when Qin Feng came back to his senses, he was suddenly stunned.

Because he discovered a blind spot.


"This guy didn't explode the life-span light ball?"

"Besides, there seems to be a missing system prompt?"

Qin Feng holds the 'Tailon III Maker Star-Killing Blade' in his hand. It stands to reason that after killing the target, the opponent will obtain the 'Tailon III Mark'.

But at this time...

The young mage did not become the ‘grandson of Tai Long’!

Qin Feng was unable to track his post-resurrection position in the game.

It’s even impossible to track its location in reality!

"The legendary weapon special effects are not taking effect."

"The player's lifespan is not expended when he dies."

"There is only one possibility - this is not a real person at all!"

Qin Feng suddenly realized.

Originally, he felt that it was a bit outrageous to bring so many complex players into the same venue for an inexplicable mission.

Now it seems……

These ‘players’ are not human at all!

It's the 'illusion' created for Qin Feng's challenge this time!

"In that case, why bother?"

"I'll kill, kill, kill!"

Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

At first I felt a little sorry for killing my friend, and I would have to make amends later, but now I'm fine.

So, Qin Feng continued to fly to the next fugitive...

Soon, it was in his field of vision.

A holy shield warrior, 'Wang Meng', appeared holding an emerald-level shield and wearing platinum-level armor!

And he was struggling to resist the attacks of two 'pursuers'.

The two pursuers were clearly...

Dragon swordsman ‘An Yu’, and white bird priest ‘Gu Yixue’!

"It's really not a real person, right?"

"Otherwise, how could they fight so easily?"

Even if the fugitives and pursuers don't reveal their identities to each other during this event, there is no way to explain it.

Because identity and appearance can be hidden, but skills cannot.

Once a fight breaks out, both sides throw around their skills, and usually a team can identify the other party at a glance.

But now, 'Anyu' and 'Gu Yixue' are beating 'Wang Meng' to death!

'Anyu' wields an emerald-level sword. Every time it attacks a target, it will either trigger 'Dragon Flame', 'Dragon Teeth', or 'Dragon Breath', as well as 'Dragon Roar', 'Dragon Armor', etc. gain status.

Wave after wave of explosions made ‘Wang Meng’ retreat continuously.

As for the violent priest 'Gu Yixue', his slim figure cast spells from a distance, and light shock waves fell from the sky, even knocking out 'Wang Meng's' professional skill 'Invincible'!

‘Wang Meng’ is struggling to support...

Suddenly, three shadow blades flew from mid-air and hit Wang Meng's head accurately.

The second shot dispelled his invincibility and killed him by the way!


[The fugitive ‘Wang Meng’ is dead! 】

[Number of escapees -1! 】


Same as last time.

There was no life-span light ball, and there was no system prompt about the 'Tailon III Mark'.

So, Qin Feng flew all the way.

Other players can only get lost in the maze.

He is the only one who has a flying mount, and he can fly around in the sky and hunt down 'fugitives' at will.


[Number of escapees -1! 】

[Number of escapees -1! 】



Soon, Qin Feng killed a total of 19 fugitives.

His speed was so fast that the other "chasers" couldn't react at all. There was only one fugitive left in the field - Xiao You!

Qin Feng quickly flew over her.

She is found to be being hunted by two pursuers.

"She's not a fugitive. Doesn't she have a 30% movement speed bonus?"

"Why are you running so slowly?"

Qin Feng was a little surprised when he glanced at it, but soon he recalled - this Qin Xiaoyou had his legs amputated by a murderous demon!

Although entering the game in a disabled state, the limbs in the game will definitely be sound, but it will also cause all attributes to be greatly reduced, including movement speed!

"Although it is an illusion, this illusion is quite realistic."

Qin Xiaoyou moved hard and darkly in the maze, like a snail.

Qin Feng didn't hesitate.

Flying up on Ausilio, he fired a shadow blade.

Directly penetrate her heart and send her to the West!

"20 guilty people have been killed! Is this mission completed?"

Qin Feng's expression did not change.

Just when he wanted to turn around and leave...

He suddenly froze.

Because he saw...

On top of Qin Xiaoyou's huddled body, a large ball of life-span light condensed!

"Wang Defa?"

"Everyone else is fake, but this thing is real?!"

Qin Feng was confused!

(I'm stuck today because it involves the development of key plots and world views. I wrote and deleted tens of thousands of words. QAQ~ There are only 2 chapters today. Sorry guys, I will make up for what I missed when the plot goes smoothly. Please give me some advice. 'Power for love'...)

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