As the saying goes, nothing can't be solved with a meal.

So at this time, the Straw Hats and Brooke were already sitting at the dining table on the fifth floor of the Merry.

Looking at the luxurious configuration in front of him, Brooke couldn't help exclaiming: "Hey, this is really a perfect banquet hall!!"ωwW.QQXSNΕ

"Wahhahaha, of course!" Franky said proudly, "Because it's su~per~ I made it."

"Hmph~" Melly on the other side also put on a proud look.

"The cooking is done." Sanji said after setting up the whole table, "This is your milk."

"Yo **** ho **** ho, thank you so much, Mr. Chef, I haven't eaten anything decent in decades."

After drinking the milk in front of him in one gulp, Brooke also made a sound of comfort.

"By the way, Lubuke, what's going on with your body!" Luffy said to Brook while eating meat.

"My name is Brooke, Mr. Luffy." Not long ago, Luffy also introduced the identities of everyone to Brooke: "As for my appearance, it is because I once ate

Huangquan fruit. "

"The only ability of the fruit of Huangquan is [regeneration], that is, it can become a [resurrection person] and be given a second life."

"Yo **** ho **** ho, it's an incredible ability."

At this time, Robin also interjected: "Is the price of resurrection is to become a skeleton?"

"Oh my! This lady is also very good-looking!"

Hearing Robin's words, Brook looked like a gentleman again and said: m.

"Well, let me see your..."

boom! !

"I've said it all, who will show you, you pervert." Nami on the side directly interrupted Brook's spellcasting.

"Yo **** ho **** ho, it's really heartless, my heart is about to break."

"Ah, I don't have a heart."

After saying something in disappointment, Brooke began to answer Robin's question:

"In the past, I was also a pirate sailing on the great route. My friends and I came to this sea area on the ship just now."

"But unfortunately, I encountered a very powerful pirate, which led to the annihilation of the whole army, including my death."

"When I was alive, the fruit of the underworld just gave me the ability to not swim."

"But on that day, Guoguo's ability was finally revealed!"

"My soul has come to the world from the underworld!!"

"Originally, I just need to possess my body immediately to be resurrected, but because of the thick fog here all the year round, my soul lingered here for a whole year."

"When I found my body, I found it had become bones."

"That's it."

After listening to Brooke's narration, everyone finally understood Brooke's tragic experience. He could have been resurrected perfectly, but he turned into this ghostly appearance because he lost his way.

"It turned out to be a pirate?" Luffy muttered to himself first, and then shouted at Bai Ye:

"Hey Bai Ye, do you have Brook's reward order there?"

"I remember that you even have a reward order from the giant uncle!"

Hearing this, Bai Ye was stunned for a moment, and then said helplessly:

"Have you gotten into the habit yet?"

"However, about Brook's reward order?"

"There is indeed one."

ps: Every time I come to this kind of plot, I will write a lot for no reason, sorry everyone.

There will be more time recently, so I will try my best to save the manuscript, and when it reaches the top, I will try to update a little more every day and finish it earlier.

Chapter 254 Brook agreed to the invitation?

Devil's Triangle sea area, the banquet hall on the fifth floor of the Merry—

"[Rumba Pirates] is the captain's agent, codenamed [Nose Song] Brook, and the bounty is 33 million Baileys."

At this time, Bai Ye had already taken out Brook's reward order, but the expression on his face was very unnatural.

Sometimes, in order to complete a lie, it takes a lot of effort.

At the beginning, Bai Ye just wanted to use some reward orders to rationalize his sense of disobedience for opening the foresight. Qianqian

But later, Bai Ye discovered that other people seemed to really think that he had a habit of collecting reward orders.

When sailing before, every time that guy Luffy fought against the navy fleet, he would deliberately look for the reward order when he left.

Bai Ye originally wanted to explain, but seeing Luffy's "Am I awesome?" expression on his face, he swallowed his words back.

So later, Bai Ye really started to collect reward orders, and Brook's reward orders were also collected at that time.

"Well, Bai Ye must have found it based on his hair." Usopp looked at the afro that was exactly the same as Brooke's on the reward order, and said with certainty.

"Yohohohoho~ It's indeed my reward order. It still looks exciting!" Brooke said happily from the side: "Ah, even though I'm a skeleton, I don't have a heart."

"However, there is usually no hair left on the bone, how can you still keep the afro?" Sauron found Huadian at this time, and asked.

And Brooke replied solemnly: "Hi, because I have a lot of hair!!"

Sauron: "...Forget it, pretend I didn't ask."

Bai Ye also had the urge to roll her eyes when she heard this conversation.

It turns out that the hair grows in the hair follicles. How could this guy, Brook, have a lot of hair?

This guy's hair obviously grows in the bone marrow! !

"I don't know why, but I always feel like I've heard the name of the Rumba Pirates somewhere."

Sanji on the side lit a cigarette and said, "Rumba Pirates...Rumba...Rab...That's right!"

Sanji suddenly looked at Luffy and said, "On the Gemini Gorge, Mr. Kulocas told us about the Rumba Pirates who made an agreement with Rab."

"Raab, Kurokas?!!"

Sanji had just finished speaking, before Luffy and the others could react.

Brooke, who was still happily drinking milk, felt as if he had been shocked by an electric shock.

Like collapsed.

"Sanji-san, have you met Rab and Kurokas? Rab is okay now?"

Clutching Sanji's clothes, Brooke was already trembling with excitement.

Of course, it may also be that the trembling is so obvious because only the bones are left.

"That's right, the pirate group that entrusted Rab to Kurokas is called the Rumba Pirates." At this time, Nami also remembered.

"So you are the ones Rab is waiting for?" Luffy said with a smile at this time, and the stubborn whale appeared in front of his eyes, and then said: "But you really made him wait too long. "

Then, Sanji told Brook and other partners who hadn't boarded the boat at that time, the story about Rab.

Chopper couldn't help but shed tears when he heard Rab crashed into the red land day and night in order to find the Rumba Pirates, scarring himself all over his body.

And after hearing that Luffy and Rab had re-established the agreement, and Bai Ye helped to heal Rab's injury, Chopper even jumped onto the chair and danced excitedly.

As for Brooke himself, he has long abandoned the image of a gentleman and is lying on the ground, covering his eyes with his hands and rolling all over the ground, and countless tears are constantly flowing out of his long-dried eye holes:

"Ahhh! Rab is still here! It's so good, so good!!"


At this moment, everyone in the Straw Hats tacitly did not speak.

Just quietly waiting for this man to vent his decades of pain and unwillingness.

Bai Ye can better understand Brook's feelings. Having read the original book, he knows that Brook watched his partners fall one after another.

Afterwards, I felt lonely for decades, and now I suddenly learned the news of my former partner. The indescribable anxiety is really indescribable.

"Thank you so much!"

After a long time, Brook, who finally stabilized his emotions, regained his gentlemanly appearance, and said to the Straw Hats:

"In this sea that knows no day and night, I have been drifting alone for decades on a big ship with a broken rudder."

"Sometimes, I really want to die."

"The only thing that supports me is the agreement with Rab. I didn't expect not only to meet happy people this time, but also to know the news about Rab. "

"So, you're not a ghost, are you?

? Usopp on the side didn't know when he made a cross, and said while facing Brook.

Although he knew Brook's identity, for the timid Usopp, he should be afraid.

"Well, I hate ghosts the most. If I see a ghost, I will definitely cry, yohohohoho!" Brooke replied solemnly.

"So, haven't you ever looked in a mirror?" Nami asked after hearing this, and took out a mirror from her chest to Brook.

"Wow! Don't show me the mirror!!" Unexpectedly, it was only the mirror, which made Brooke feel as if he was facing a formidable enemy, and hurriedly covered his skull face.

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, Usopp made a louder voice than Brook, and he looked at the mirror with a face full of horror, and said tremblingly: "In the can't see this at all. Guy!!"ωwW.QQXSNΕ

"Really?! That's amazing!!" Hearing this, Luffy's eyes seemed to fly out.

Others also came to visit this scene one after another, and they were even more amazed.

The cross in Usopp's hand clenched even tighter, and Chopper cried out, "Vampire!!"

"Hey, if you look closely, this guy doesn't even have a shadow."

Franky on the side also noticed something strange, and pointed to the soles of Brook's feet.

This time, Brook fell into a rare silence.

He suddenly stood up and saluted Mr. Luffy and said:

"Mr. Lu Fei, you invited me on board just now."

"Well, that's right." Luffy nodded heavily and said, "Join us, Brook, and sail the great route with us, and then go find Rab!"

It may be that after staying with Bai Ye for a long time, Luffy has also learned some tricks to pull people.

"That's exactly what I mean, Mr. Luffy."

To Luffy's surprise, Brooke agreed directly, but then he changed the subject:

"but not now."

"There is one more thing that needs to be done by me."

"And before leaving, let me, as a musician, present a song for everyone~"

After Brook finished his last sentence, everyone in the Straw Hats looked at Luffy in unison.

And seeing Lu Fei's expression of seeing meat, everyone completely predicted what would happen next:

"Absolutely let you on my boat! Brook!!"

Chapter 255 It's just a mere Shichibukai

After knowing that Brook is a musician, Luffy's attitude towards Brook became even more excited.

Under Luffy's persistent questioning, Brook also gave his reasons:

"Because my shadow was taken away by a man a few years ago."

"The shadow...was taken away?" Usopp and Chopper showed puzzled expressions.

"Even talking and moving skeletons can appear, so it's no surprise." Robin said at this time: "After all, there are people on our ship who can bring paper dolls back to life."

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