One Piece World has No Savior

Chapter 603 Elephants

Chapter 603

For a powerful country, it is not external expansion that is important from the beginning to the end.

but internal stability.

As long as the internal stability is stable, no matter what kind of ups and downs the external world is, it will not be able to attack or defeat this country.

This is why many countries take it as their responsibility to mess up the internal affairs of other countries: when both sides hold nuclear weapons that can destroy each other, it becomes extremely dangerous to shake the foundation of the other party's internal affairs and let the other party collapse without a fight. Cost-effective choice.

The high cost performance of this exchange ratio is really fascinating.

It is precisely because he is familiar with history that Leo understands that the biggest enemy of the revolutionary army is not the so-called Four Emperors, the Navy, or the Qiwuhai.

Instead, the revolutionary army swelled up enormously.

If the foundation is not well established, the rapidly expanding body alone can cause the revolutionary army to fall a big fall.

So even if the revolutionary army has long been invincible and has the power to sweep the world, it is extremely dangerous and deformed during the years when it absorbs a lot of nutrition and becomes a huge fat man that is crumbling.

So it's better to eat well, drink well, and exercise well step by step now, and slowly turn nutrition into your own muscles, and advance to the new world step by step.

As long as the revolutionary army does not waver, there is nothing in this world that can defeat the revolutionary army.

So internal stability trumps external tactics.

This is the fact that the revolutionary army is changing in strength, and its posture is already different.

The difference in weight not only makes the revolutionary army different in action, but also in their thinking and thinking.

Because every move is related to the lives and property of too many people, it is inevitable to become conservative.

Most of the big countries, if they are not forced to the point where there is really no way, such as finance, military, or foreign enemies, most of them are reforms, not reforms and innovations. As for revolutions, it is even rarer in the world. Five thousand It's been a year since such a thing happened.

The reason for this probably lies in the fact that there are too many internal vested interests, and the food and clothing of millions of waterworkers, if they are lost, no one knows where these people should be placed.

It seems that modern people can easily sarcastically say such words, but considering the situation at that time, it was indeed a more terrifying factor of social instability than the invasion of foreign enemies.

The reason why the Song Dynasty would rather spend hundreds of millions of dollars each year to support millions of Xiangjun is the same. Those who cannot escape the laws of history can only spend money to buy peace.

Counting and counting cannot escape the word of maintaining stability.

Although Leo doesn't need to maintain stability, he needs to act more prudently.

Perhaps this book will be renamed: Obviously strong and terrifying, but steady and invincible in order to rule the world. More appropriate.

The Revolutionary Army had already driven people crazy, turning a man named Doflamingo into a clown.

He struggled so hard in this era, and what he finally got was an extremely funny stage.

Because it was completely different from the line of the Supernova Alliance, he almost saw the appearance of the legendary Elephant Lord in a very strange posture.

The four feet of the huge elephant master, which is as high as a hundred meters like a ferris wheel, support its body like white jade pillars that support the sky.

The wide and wide back above can directly allow tens of thousands of people to live in it, without worrying about the lack of logistical supplies.

To Doflamingo, this was simply a treasure bestowed by the heavens. He couldn't help but cover his face, laughing wildly.

Funny, so funny.

This world is indeed the biggest joke.

so funny! ! !

The ring finger of his left hand moved lightly, like a puppet being manipulated. Standing behind him, his eyes were white, and Moonlight Moria, who lost his consciousness, started to move unconsciously.

Fortunately, white mist has been shrouded around the body of the elephant owner all year round. I don't know whether it is because the sweat of the elephant owner has been transpired, or because of its huge strides, and the waves smashed into its body.

In short, these fogs helped Moonlight Moriah a lot. I saw their huge cabin open, and countless "people" rushed out of Class A and clinged to the thigh of the elephant owner, measuring 1.8 meters and 2 meters. The people on the elephant's legs are as big as sesame seeds. Doflamingo's battleship is very strange, like a honeycomb. These people are all curled up in the honeycomb. They don't move at all in normal times. But once activated, it rushed out of the hive like a zombie coming out of the cage.

No, they can no longer be said to be people, they are just a group of corpses, a group of corpses stuffed into shadows.

They constitute the lowest fighting class of the entire joker pirate group.

But don't look at how weak they are, in fact their fighting power is not bad. Even if their bodies can be cut apart, they can also be spliced ​​back together.

What's more, the biggest difference from ordinary people is that they don't need to worry about guns, swords, pain, and death. Except for sea water, these cannon fodder will die when they die. As long as they win this war, the shadows of the living can be cut Come down to make power, and the dead can be soaked in formalin to become a new weapon.

Compared with ordinary pirates, these people can be one or three, and there is no doubt about their combat effectiveness. Otherwise, Moonlight Moria would not be able to become Qi Wuhai.

The pirates whose shadows were harvested quickly crawled out of their hives in groups. They still seemed to maintain their minds, but they were neither human nor ghost, unkempt. , the whole body was involuntarily controlled by a filament, and they followed behind their own shadow corpse and climbed towards the top of the elephant owner.

All of a sudden, the elephant master's legs were covered with people the size of sesame seeds. It looked as if there were countless tumors and granules, and it really made the scalp tingle when viewed from a distance.

"Young master, what about this boat?" Seeing that everyone on the boat was almost emptied and climbing up, Virgo stood behind joker and asked in his ear.

This is the only remaining subordinate that Doflamingo can rely on and trust. He laughed wildly and waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, let it go, we have a new ship!"

He stared frantically at one of the elephant master's legs, and laughed loudly.

I only saw the moonlight Moria beside him suddenly turned into countless bats and flew straight into the sky, and a lot of string appeared in his hand, dragging these bats to fly together.

Perona, who was next to her, let out a helpless breath. Doflamingo really never let down her vigilance. She opened the parasol and floated up slowly.

Virgo looked around, but didn't find any danger. He stepped on the boat instantly, sinking the whole boat for a few minutes. In the next second, he disappeared in the Above Class A.


PS: First it was Yuewen, then Lu, and now there is Rotten Tomatoes, alas, one after another, I don’t know how many years I can eat this bowl of rice, so I implore everyone to pay attention to my personal princess account, okay? Push the book every two or three days, and update some sand sculpture pictures the next day, and update it there in case there is no food in the future.

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