One Piece World has No Savior

Chapter 591 Unsinkable Aircraft Carrier

Chapter 591 Unsinkable Aircraft Carrier

Before boarding the New World Annihilation, everyone thought that the sea was extremely unstable. The swaying waves and sea wind made you wobble and dizzy on board.

There are quite a few people who spit it out directly when they board the boat for the first time.

But after boarding the New World Annihilation, everyone discovered that big is good, big is beautiful, and big is strong.

The huge island firmly combines those large warships into one through the caliper of the port, forming a whole.

On these battleships, they seemed to be members of the New World Annihilation, and these mechanisms made them firmly and firmly fixed on the battleship when facing the waves. Any strong winds and waves can't cause any fluctuations to them, and they seem to be connected with the earth.

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Countless propellers began to rotate, and began to provide power to the island, allowing the island to move forward rapidly.

In the world of Leo's previous life, how to start a warship was a matter of a systematic knowledge system. Many countries did not have their own warship manufacturing system and naval training system, and even bought warships could not even be started.

After warships have entered the era of aircraft carriers, whether it is taking off and landing aircraft, commanding the entire fleet, or calculating inventory, it has become a discipline that requires at least one year of study and training. practise.

The revolutionary army's practice of turning an island into a battleship also turned this huge battleship into an extremely complex systematic project. All the revolutionary army has to do is to run these revolutionary troops together to achieve a fighting state of 100,000 people who can enforce orders and prohibit them.

Doing so was very whimsical at the beginning, but as an aircraft carrier battle group, more than 5,600 people will serve on an aircraft carrier, plus 364 people on the Ticonderoga-class cruiser. It is close to 6000 people.

Coupled with two Arleigh Burke-class cruisers, each with 380 people, the two ships have a total of 760 people.

That's about 6,700 people.

In addition, there are two Perry-class guided missile frigates with 200 members, and Los Angeles-class attack nuclear submarines with 133 members, a total of two ships, plus about 2 to 3 oil ships and supply ships.

The number is close to 10,000.

This is an extremely modern aircraft carrier battle formation, and the Revolutionary Army can only use the old-fashioned method-connecting them together with a large number of phone bugs.

First of all, the general command room is responsible for the unified command. All the phone bugs are arranged here. These phone bugs are not allocated to the grassroots level, but one by the middle-level commanders.

Listen to the commands of the command room uniformly.

This also includes a large powerhouse in the mid-level of the island's hill.

In this unified and integrated command room, Sabo gave the order, and everyone listened to the order before passing it on to the crowd at the grassroots level.

Finally, it is up to them to advance the order.

The first commands are extremely simple.

——Give me 10 minutes to sort out the back——

Everyone starts moving forward, ready to move forward. Then they will start to make forward, reverse, turn left, and turn right, which are more complicated instructions. At this time, the commander in the command room needs to have a very clear mind to know which fleet should be ordered to turn right. At this time, the power output will turn off the command phone bugs of other warships, so don't look at the revolutionary army leaving Gaya Island in such a majestic manner. In fact, after leaving the sight of Gaya Island, they began to conduct an extremely embarrassing unified command of the fleet. As for this point of action, the former admirals Kizaru and Aokiji and the former vice admirals at the grassroots level were all tortured. They were assigned to the power organization for artificial power output, and then the battery supplied power to the entire engine compartment. The benefits of doing this have been clearly stated in the previous article, so I won't repeat them. Soon their naked muscles began to sweat profusely. It is almost the purest physical exercise that squeezes out their physical strength. to the limit

But Sabo is not torturing people by doing this. If the Revolutionary Army wants to open such a huge thing, it must not let it drift in the horror fog like Moonlight Moriah. The wind and waves in that place are not Huge and filled with dark mist all day long, as an island, this ship cannot be hit and sunk by other ships, so if it is just sitting somewhere in the Buddhist family, this ship might as well be directly tied to an island like It used to be tied to the pressurized island, but now the Revolutionary Army wants it to advance on the sea deftly, so the effort required must be more than a hundred times that of the previous Moonlight Moria.

It is also thanks to the fact that the Revolutionary Army used to be an army known for its discipline. Ever since Leo became the second-generation chief of the Revolutionary Army, he has never given up on the discipline of the Revolutionary Army. These elites of the Revolutionary Army who grew up in the headquarters He is extremely sensitive to discipline and orders and is extremely obedient. In addition, the entire command room has the strongest brain combination in the Revolutionary Army to help Sabo straighten out the orders. It is only natural that this situation has resulted in such a huge ship revolution. It only took less than a day for the army to become proficient. A large number of animal devil fruit ability users who ate the bison fruit began to help all the ships and islands with their strength not inferior to the green pheasant and yellow monkey. When they started to generate electricity, they bypassed one island after another. As the sun set, the western mountains began to stop slowly, and then a large number of pure bird fruit ability users began to soar into the sky and spread out in all directions to investigate the situation. The speed of the whole day is astonishing. Now I have crossed the Chambord Islands and came to the Kingdom of Dressrosa. In the Kingdom of Dressrosa, there is another country hidden in the dark. Lilliputian

People in Lilliputian live very happily and don't need to communicate with humans. Leo didn't even tell anyone, just let them live quietly and independently in their own country. They may have a little impact on humans, but once After human beings know of their existence, it will not only have a slight impact on their lives

Leo, who has seen this matter very clearly, also told them this time specifically to those who have damaged the bird fruit ability and asked them to keep it a secret. For the small people who are difficult for ordinary people to find Not only do they have eagle-like eyes, but their dynamic vision is extremely amazing. They are the nemesis of those who have many fruit abilities in the small people. With their abilities, it is too easy to find them, so Leo has to remind them that the birds are natural. He fully agreed and spread the scouting network

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