530: Dreams?

The chief scientist, Vincemock Leijiu, has inherited all the bloodline factor technology of the Vinsmock family, plus some of the bloodline factor research passed on by the Emperor Yi before, Leijiu's research in this area has entered the world's top ranks.

And Emperor Yi strengthened her brain before, and with the continuous use of her brain, the degree of development of her brain is also increasing, and now she looks more charming in a tight-fitting hip-wrapping professional outfit with light-colored glasses and ears. is charming, and has a bit of a cold temperament.

There were a number of other carefully selected assistants in this research institute, but for some unknown reason, all of Lei Jiu's selection were young and intelligent women, and no male appeared in her research institute.

Maybe she's showing some traces of her heart.

The assistants who conduct scientific research here know that Lord Lei Jiu has a very strange temper, and basically pays attention to these assistants, occasionally comes over for guidance, and spends all day in his office doing research and development work day and night.

"Lord Lei Jiu is really desperate!"

"Yes, it's been a whole year, and I've worked so hard every day, aren't you worried about getting tired?"

"It's not, shhh, be quiet, I heard that Lord Lei Jiu likes Emperor Yishen, but God doesn't seem to take a fancy to her~ Oh. "

"Really? No, Lord Lei Jiu is very close to God, and she is not bad except for Lord Rose!"

"That's really pitiful, but I also like Emperor Yishen so much! God, how can there be such a perfect man in this world, if only I could be a divine servant of Emperor Yishen!"

"Don't think about it, hurry up and work, Lord Lei Jiu will be miserable when he finds out about you!"


This assistant occasionally gossips when he works, as some spice in the extremely dull work here, but these smart girls in the kingdom of God are also very serious about their work, but as a girl of this age, they will inevitably gossip a little.

When it comes to Di Yi, every assistant is overjoyed, revealing a yearning look.

"Lord Lei Jiu is here!!"

The assistants, who were laughing a little more relaxed, immediately became serious and were busy at their posts one by one.

Tight-fitting business attire envelops beauty. The wonderful Lei Jiu walked in, glanced at them and didn't say a word, just came over to check the progress of some research experiments as usual.

These girls thought that Lei Jiu didn't know what they were talking about, how could this be possible, they even knew it in the blink of an eye, Lei Jiu, who had a smart brain, could easily handle this huge amount of information.

It's just that she also understands that she has suffered from this, and she has been following her own research, and it is nothing for them to relax occasionally, so she only keeps these gossips in her heart.

Although they pretended not to know, every time they talked about Emperor Yi, pretty. There is always a hint of loneliness on his face.

She's almost 23 years old, and she's long old enough to get married in the pirate world, but now... She didn't think much about this matter, and even looked forward to a slower time, so that she would have enough time to do more research on the emperor.

As for getting married... There is only one person in her heart... But they didn't say anything to her.

This kind of suffering can only be numbed by crazy work.

Lei Jiu, who has been working frantically for a long time, is a little pale and has lost a lot of weight, but a beauty is always a beauty, which adds a bit of love and pity.

"Deal with these well, and classify these for me, I need the latest beast-related data, and at the same time..."

Lei Jiu arranges the content of her work one by one, which is something she repeats every day.

Her voice stopped suddenly.

········ Asking for flowers...

Because a figure appeared in front of her, and the man had a hearty smile on his face.

Lei Jiu was stunned, and the test tube in her hand fell to the ground with a click.

The assistants around were also shocked, breaking things here can be a very dangerous mistake.

All eyes are focused on the past, and these young girls are even more pretty. There was a burst of consternation on their faces, and some of the girls almost screamed, and they were covered by the girls behind them. Bar.

There was a series of kneeling sounds, and all the assistants were respectfully kneeling on the ground, prostrate and delicate. The waist is filled with the smell of youth.


In front of Lei Jiu, it was Emperor Yi, the god of the kingdom of God.

"Your Highness. Lei Jiu's voice trembled a little. Trembling, her beautiful eyes fluctuated violently a few times, and then steadied.

"Good work, Lei Jiu. "

Di Yi smiled warmly, and reached out to touch Lei Jiu's somewhat pale pretty. face.

The crystal mist swirled in Lei Jiu's eyes.

"That's what Lei Jiu should be. This beautiful beauty lowered her head slightly, but there was a trace of excitement and grievance in her tone.

"Stand down. "

Emperor Yi commanded to the female assistants around him.

These female assistants didn't dare to make any sound, and quietly left one by one, closing the door, this place belonged to God and Lord Lei Jiu.

"By the way, Your Highness, a new style has been researched on the battle armor, and you can get a greater boost when fighting, and also, over there in the Beast Paradise, I have..."

Lei Jiu lifted her hand. face, mood agitated, speech is a little not fluent, the first reaction is to report the latest research results to Diyi.

But she wasn't done yet.

"I know. "

Emperor Yi said softly.

"Is this a dream? Lei Jiu asked.

Could it be that I'm too tired?

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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