They had seen this mad scientist before, but now they obediently became the command of Emperor Yi, which is really an unpredictable method.

Next, the members of Bondiwald's pirates help Ratchet renovate the city here, while Bondivald himself is relieved and follows the Emperor, Black Rose, and Frankie into the northern jungle.

Boreal Forest.

It belongs to the primeval jungle, but it seems to be different from the ordinary primitive.

Emperor Yi and his party of four had already appeared on the outskirts of the forest.

"Your Royal Highness, super surprised!!The trees here don't seem to be wooden, semi-metallic?" said Frankie, his eyes shining.

Emperor Yi and Black Rose also noticed this, it seemed that the trees and grass here were a bit similar to the steel jungle of Advance City, and even the grass on the ground was like steel needles, which was extremely sharp.

"Your Highness, there are vague energy fluctuations at a distance of ten kilometers. Black Rose said suddenly.

Emperor Yi was slightly surprised497, and then smiled: "Rose, you also found it? That should be the place we are looking for." Frankie, Bondiwald goes, leave this alone. "

After finishing speaking, Emperor Yi took the lead in leaving, Black Rose followed, and Frankie hurriedly followed, but Bondiwald's old face was red, and he didn't feel it, which made her slightly shocked by the powerful Black Rose next to Emperor Yi.

The four of them entered the forest.

About five kilometers into it, it was silent, and even the sounds of snakes, insects, rats, and ants peculiar to the forest were rarely heard, except for the faint sound of the wind blowing, and then there was the sound of metal blades crashing.

"Be careful, it's starting to be unsafe here. Emperor Yi's speed slowed down, and the four of them continued to march forward.


A black shadow swooped down from the side, and a stone popped out as Bondiwaldden reacted, turning into a boulder under the hundredfold increase of the Momo Fruit.

Bang bang, strong. The hard golden stone fell into shards, and the black shadow only stopped slightly in the air before swooping down again.

"Beast!" Bondivald jumped out, he didn't want to disturb the emperor, and threw a punch, and there was a strong force in his fist. A hard feeling.

Similar to metal but not like it, a painful whimper sounded, and the figure of the large black shadow finally emerged, spilling a little blood.

Only then did everyone see what was in front of them clearly, and their hearts couldn't help but tighten.

It was a huge tiger-shaped beast, but the beast had metallic scales all over its body, and the sharp claws on its limbs were more like metal, shining with a dazzling brilliance.

Half-metal, half-life mechanical creatures!!

The beast's head was blasted with a punch from Bondiwald, revealing a black hole in its severed neck. The muzzle of the hole, the pale white halo kept gathering, and it was obviously in a state of self-detonation.

"Not good!" Bondiwald's face changed for a moment, and he kicked the thing out with a sharp kick, sending the thing (bifb) flying in an instant.


With a deafening explosion, the tiger-shaped beast with its head shattered exploded in the distance, directly leveling the metal giant trees in a radius of about a kilometer, revealing an open space.

"Shhh It's super powerful!" Frankie exclaimed in surprise.

Emperor Yi and Black Rose also narrowed their eyes slightly, because after the beast blew itself up and leveled an area, a large number of green eyes had appeared in that area, and a black leopard, tiger, lion, giant elephant and other cyborg creatures and beasts appeared from inside, one by one, full of killing. The meaning of killing.

"There's a lot of trouble to clean up, try the power of these guys, Rose. Emperor Yi chuckled.

He and Black Rose's figures had leapt out, one with black flame in one hand and the other frozen, and the cyborg creatures in their path were either scorched into charcoal or frozen into ice sculptures.

And Black Rose is a thin sword in one hand and [Demon Wings] in the other, she is extremely good at double sword flow, sword qi is vertical and horizontal, and all these mechanical beasts where the sword light passes are shattered, especially the [Demon Wings], which is invincible and incomparably sharp!

In less than a minute, all of these mechanical monsters in front of him were dismembered or shattered under the attack of Emperor Yi and Black Rose, and none of them blew up, because the speed was too fast, and it was too late to blow themselves up.

"No wonder Lachett has not been able to occupy this forest, these beasts are afraid that they can reproduce on their own, what a curious species. Emperor Yi smiled lightly.

"I'm afraid it's a loss for ordinary swordsmen to break through their defenses. Black Rose agreed.

By the way, Emperor Yi asked Frankie to collect some specimens, and when the time comes, he can study them himself or give them to Lei Jiu, and maybe he can analyze something useful.

The four of them continued along their goal.

It wasn't long before he finally discovered Vegapunk's former mechanical research center. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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