One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 7 Chapter 5: Once Qingzhi, now Kuzan.

For Qingzhi's idea of ​​taking a good night's sleep, Simon shook his head, feeling quite helpless. He didn't want to hear a snoring sound in less than a few seconds. He turned his eyes and his forehead could not help but drop a few lines. black line.

Qing Zhi's blindfold, which had been pulled to his forehead, returned to its original position, and fell into a deep sleep.

Simon sighed helplessly, sat down on the soft sand, and lay down on the beach, looking at the blue sky and white clouds like cotton candy, and started to stay stunned.

It seems that such a short rest has never happened in the past few years. In vain, Simon envied Qingzhi a little, and was able to live comfortably and freely without any burden on this small island for two years.

As soon as this idea emerged in my heart, it was like quenching the burning smoke in an instant, and only a trace of residual smoke gradually drifted away.

Just staring at the sky like this, Simon, who has very low sleep requirements, has almost no dependence on sleep, and naturally he is not sleepy. The two hours he sleeps every day is also a strong self-requirement to fall asleep.

Sometimes Simon also thinks about when he can get a good night's sleep, don't care about anything, think about nothing, don't listen to anything, don't say anything, just have a good night's sleep.

However, life is like a long road. Stop-and-go is a simple and trivial matter. It is difficult to do it when you are in a hurry.

Time passed quietly, night fell, the stars filled the night sky to form countless galaxies extending in all directions, reflecting on the dark sea, blooming the light of fireflies, so beautiful that one could not bear to look away, this is the place on earth. There will never be a beautiful scenery. The strange thing is that you can't see the existence of the moon, and there are only bright stars in the sky.

Simon's eyes were full of stars, and he felt that time passed by so fast, as if in a blink of an eye, the sky was dark.

"It's beautiful."

On the beach where there was only the sound of the waves, a lazy voice sounded inappropriately.

Kuzan removed the blindfold, straightened up and stretched out a big slack, yawning constantly on his mouth, as if he was not satisfied after a day's sleep.

"It's beautiful." Simon looked at the night sky quietly.

"Oh, I didn't expect you, a cultivator, to know how to appreciate this kind of beauty?" Kuzan's surprised eyes kept scanning the calm Simon.

Simon raised his brows and said, "I'm human too."

"Well." Kuzan scratched his hair, nodded and said, "That's right, then before solving the problem of eating." Kuzan glanced at Simon, his lazy expression turned serious and serious, and said slowly: "Let's talk about it first. What trouble have you encountered? Two years later, you should fill the vacancy and become a general, right?"

Simon laughed at himself and said: "Not long ago, I did become a general as I wished, but I didn't have the slightest joy in making my dream come true. I don't understand why."

Kuzan's mouth twitched slightly, "Just because of this little thing?"

"Of course not, I am now... an enemy of the government."

Simon's words were nothing more than a loud sound of muffled thunder, which shocked Kuzan greatly.

In his impression, Simon is very likely to combine the advantages of himself and Akainu in the future and become an indispensable big man in the navy, but now...

"I killed all the Tianlong people." Simon said lightly, without the slightest turbulence in his tone.

On the other hand, when Kuzan heard the news, his face was calm. He scratched his head and said with a wry smile: "I didn't expect you to be so irrational, even if you are a general, you don't have any capital against the Tianlong people."

Simon smiled coldly and said, "I don't have a choice, it's the Five Old Stars who gave the order, but even without their orders, I'll do things like killing all the Tianlong people."

"I seem to have misunderstood, let me explain in detail." When he heard that the Five Old Stars were involved, Kuzan was slightly startled, his eyes flickered slightly, and he said lightly.

Simon nodded and simply said everything.

When Simon came to this small island, he did not want to find some comfort from anyone, but wanted to find a suitable place to hide for a period of time, waiting for the opportunity to reappear in front of the world.

After listening to the narration, Kuzan touched his chin, and his eyes fell on Simon's plain face from time to time. He found everything Simon said very interesting. As an observer from the first perspective, it was not difficult for Kuzan to guess Simon. thought, so it was interesting.

And the exposure of identity is too unusual. There must be some reason why the Five Old Stars would abandon Simon in such a hurry. The unknown reason is what needs to be paid attention to.

Just listening to Simon's simple narration, Kuzan, who has been in the Navy for most of his life, directly judged the causes of various things, but he could not think of what choices the Five Old Stars encountered, so he used the question to abandon Simon's sharp sword, Kuzan. He is not someone with a high IQ like Crane, so naturally he can't think so thoroughly.

However, if Lieutenant General Crane did not hear Simon's narration from beginning to end, he would simply think that this kind of thing is normal, because this is the style of the rulers of the Five Old Stars.

Kuzan knew that there must be an unknown reason, but he didn't want to tell Simon his opinion for the time being, but asked with a smile: "Do you regret it? Karp must be disappointed?"

"The old man will really be disappointed. After all, I failed his expectations." Simon's face darkened, and he couldn't help feeling a little guilty, but when he thought about killing all the Tianlong people, he never regretted it at all, and Jun's face couldn't help but appear. coldness.

"As for doing something like this, I never regret it."

Simon has never regretted making such a big event, and he also considered the possible consequences in the future, but Simon still did it without the slightest Because such an opportunity is rare, because Tianlong people In Simon's eyes, it is already a must-kill existence, but it's just a matter of time.

The original purpose of the Five Old Stars was to use Simon as a chess piece, but Simon did what he wanted to do by taking advantage of the opportunities created by the Five Old Stars.

It's just that I didn't expect the Five Old Stars to abandon his chess piece so quickly. The reason for this is definitely not because of the reason exposed in Punksahad, but a deeper reason.

Simon thinks so... His idea coincides with Kuzan.

But Simon just realized it intuitively. After all, in his mind, there are still many places where the Five Old Stars can use him, so his attitude in this regard is much more casual, and he is not as sure as Kuzan.

"It's amazing, Simon..." After Kuzan gave a soft compliment, he got up and patted his dust-free buttocks, and said with a smile, "Don't talk about this, it's time to eat."

Simon said lightly: "I'm not hungry."

Kuzan shrugged and said lazily: "Oh, I forgot that your ability is usually very light on food, but let's eat a little, do you know why I chose this island? It's not because of pure quietness. Good for sleeping."

Simon raised his head in amazement, and spit out a rare voice: "I personally think it was pure silence that made you choose this island."

Kuzan's face suddenly looked ugly, he touched his hair, and sighed: "You are much more difficult to deal with than Karp, but the ingredients on this island are really good, how about, try it?"

Facing Kuzan's serious gaze, Simon pursed his lips, unable to refuse at all, he could only nod in response.

Seeing Simon nodding, Kuzan smiled slightly, turned and walked towards the woods.

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