One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 6 Chapter 110: angry with pain

All the grievances and grievances seemed to be released in this battle. For the first collision, both sides did their best.

The knife-like cold wind stopped abruptly, and the offensive that shattered the sky and the ground disappeared. There was a vast expanse of white snow, and the sound was completely lost in the air.

The waving arm stopped, and the dark and broad epee became extremely quiet after moving extremely, but the sword light disappeared after a few seconds. He lowered his epee slightly, revealing Simon's eyes that were flickering with a faint red light. In the eyes that were as dark as the night sky, there was no hiding the surging murderous intent.

Simon kept telling himself in his heart that killing Duflamingo today was just the first step. If he couldn't even take this first step, how could he continue to rush to the top of the new world? .

After stopping the attack, Duflamingo didn't seem to show any signs of being active, but turned passive. He looked at the faint red light in Simon's eyes and showed an interesting smile.

The red-eyed demon who has turned the underground world upside down for two years has unexpectedly made Duflamingo interested, vaguely, as to who this red-eyed demon is, Duflamingo has actually already made a conclusion, so he just strengthens it. Instead of taking action against the red-eyed demon

What makes Duflamingo interesting is that this red-eyed demon is also the murderer who killed all the Dragons in the Holy Land Mary Joa. This is the main reason why Duflamingo is interested, so he is sure that in Simon There must be an unknown person standing behind him. This unknown person gave Simon such instructions, and he thought about it up and down, and Duflamingo also thought of a possibility.

The person standing behind him is the Five Old Stars... Don't I know the eyeliners that the old men placed in the underground world?

So the target this time is Caesar, do you feel threatened... but it's too late, it won't be long before the prelude will pass...

Duflamingo's face was as calm as a secluded pool, and a deep cold smile shook. From the moment Simon broke free from control, he knew that the control had lost its due effect, and he was in contact with Duflamingo. Everyone is quite afraid of the control ability of this hand. Rao is a big pirate who is very confident in the armed domineering, and he also hates the control of this hand, but now, it does not work for Simon.

Because of what, Duflamingo has no interest at all, and this means of controlling itself is used to deal with trash fish.

On the other hand, Simon, after holding the heavy sword, his heart seemed to be scorched by hot blood, and the cells in the blood vessels were throbbing with excitement. Involuntarily, a cold voice kept ringing from the bottom of his heart.

Kill, kill everything in front of you!

The sound was like a maggot on the tarsus, wrapped around the auricle, and like a carving knife, it carved a lingering carving on the heart.

At this moment, Simon did not reject the voice, because the person in front of him was the one he wanted to kill.

The pale red eyes suddenly became blood-like, and the blood-like eyes were full of bloodthirsty color, but there was no hint of madness.

Simon could feel that after accepting this murderous intention, his reason did not disappear. At this moment, he was very awake. At this moment, his limbs and bones were filled with a feeling of power.

Suddenly looking up, the **** eyes turned into afterimages, and Simon moved.

Suddenly, there was a gust of wind on the white snow, and a loud noise exploded out of thin air. Where Simon was standing, a wave of snow rose into the sky.

Carrying a fishy wind, the dark epee was like a deadly black wind, rolling up thousands of snow flakes, and slashing towards Duflamingo head-on with an aura that would destroy everything in front of him.

This slash was too sudden, this slash seemed to leap through time and space, so fast, even if Duflamingo was on guard, he would not have expected it to be so fast.

The ferocious sword edge was approaching, and in a trance, he told him that he couldn't dodge this strike, he really couldn't dodge it...

Just like a seed, it took root and sprout in the blink of an eye, and immediately grew into a big tree. The idea that could not be avoided instantly occupied Duflamingo's mind.

Do you want to drink hatred on this sword? Died at the hands of a kid I met more than two years ago?

Suddenly, the big tree with strong roots was destroyed and thousands of residues flew in the air, as if it was cut by thousands of sharp threads...

Duflamingo's eyes flashed brightly, and he retreated violently.

Simon's blood-red eyes flashed a strange color, and the epee rolled with the black wind snorted from top to bottom, and crossed Duflamingo's chest.

Originally, Simon thought that this sword would cut Duflamingo in half. Originally, there seemed to be Duflamingo whose body was turned into two halves, but this must-kill sword was avoided.

For the first time, the judgment developed in the fight made a wrong estimate.

It was just at that moment that Simon definitely felt the feeling of splitting the skin from the blade, and at that moment, he really felt the blood shot out from where the blade crossed.

Even if there is no sword to kill Duflamingo, but the cut...

A **** arrow shot into the air, and then fell heavily, dyeing a layer of dazzling scarlet on the white snow-capped mountains. This layer of scarlet is like a long red carpet, from thick to faint at first, extending to Dove a hundred meters away. Where Lamingo stands.

For some reason, the cold wind that had stopped before picked up again, and rolled up snow flakes, gently covering the 100-meter blood-colored road, but no matter how many snow flakes covered the blood, they were also soaked in bright red.

The strong smell of blood was transmitted in the cold wind, and Duflamingo frowned. He hated the cold wind at this moment, which brought his own **** smell that made him uncomfortable, and made him feel it coming from his chest. deep pain...

Duflamingo felt a lot of pain in his chest, because it was the wound cut by the kid named Simon.

If it was hurt by the figure on the ice Iceland, then Duflamingo would not feel any pain, on the contrary, he would feel relieved, but...

He stretched out his hand and wiped his chest, like a blood flower blooming in the palm of his hand, Duflamingo suddenly raised his head, and the other hand that was not stained with blood lightly touched the sunglasses on the tip of his nose.


A small sound was drowned out by the whistling of the cold wind, and the pink sunglasses worn on the tip of Duflaming's high nose were split in two and fell on the **** snow beside his feet.

Losing the cover of his pink sunglasses, he revealed a pair of golden eyes. The eyes were filled with Simon's figure at the moment. Duflamingo stared at Simon with a cold face, as if he had abandoned all his previous actions. , For the first time, I looked at Simon with a serious face, and I wanted to keep that figure in my mind.

"Does it hurt..."

Simon, who was standing with his sword raised, raised his head slightly, and a faint irony brewed in his blood-colored eyes, but the tone was as plain as water, like a greeting that he was accustomed to as a childhood sweetheart, but these two words entered Duflamingo's heart. superior.

"Pain." Duflaming said the most sincere thoughts in his heart.

Simon's expression was straight, and he did not hide the murderous intent that appeared on his face from time to time. He gently swung the epee, as if to shake off the blood that did not exist on the sword.

"Right now, I'll make you hurt more."

Duflamingo laughed when he heard the words, and a dangerous smile appeared on the man's face again.

At this moment, he felt full of genuine anger!

At this moment, a noise reached the ears of the two people on the snow.

"Finally out!"

The voices with cheers were mixed, but they were united.

A transport vehicle carrying a large number of people rushed out of the Punksahad base and landed heavily not far from Duflamingo and Simon.

Cheers, suddenly quiet...

The people on the transporter, including Luo, watched the scene in front of them, and their eyes slowly widened.


At this point, this book is about to enter the final volume...

Going to finish the million-word book~!

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