One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 6 Chapter 56: perish

I created a few characters by myself. In fact, if I want to write about the battle, I really need to write it, but I don’t want to write it this way, so I skip it.


During the confrontation, Beharie deceived himself to Simon and shook his head slightly.

Simon nodded absentmindedly.

With the help of the two fire radars Lilith and Liliu, it was detected that there was no ambush, and everyone was in front of them.

After confirming his identity, Butler glanced at the heavy sword in Simon's hand, and said coldly: "Remember, this is the place of Lord Kaido, do it!"

There is no unnecessary nonsense. After Butler said a sentence, he rushed towards Simon first. There were more than two hundred people standing behind him, and they followed suit. Just like the barbarians, the team of two hundred people moved towards Simon. More than 300 navy members led by Simon collided.

In this battle of 500 people, people with extraordinary strength seemed to have a good heart and found an opponent of similar strength.

When the battle was triggered, Qianlba took the two sisters out of the battle circle.

Simon stood at the front with a heavy sword, but only Butler found Simon. This was the battle against the generals.

"Kaido, one of the four emperors..."

Simon sneered, if as he thought, this is indeed the place of the Four Emperors, he did not expect to come into contact with Simon so quickly, and he was actually excited.

At this moment, a swipe of sword light slashed towards him.

There was light reflected in his eyes, and Simon's face became slightly turbulent, and he raised his sword to block the knife.

With the sound of clang, Simon was knocked back a few steps by a sword, and his arm was slightly numb.

With Simon's current strength, he still feels a little numb, but the silver-haired man in front of him has a lot of strength, and...


Simon looked at the silver-haired man in front of him seriously, and for a moment cast aside his thoughts other than fighting. The contact just now made him pay attention.

Being able to wrap the armed domineering domineering on the long sword to increase the impact is enough to prove the extraordinaryness of the person in front of him.

"Butler, the first fighting force under Lord Kaido, remember this name before dying."

Butler said indifferently, and raised the seemingly expensive long knife in his hand.

"Monster hunter!"

With a cold drink in vain, Butler's figure flashed, and he appeared in front of Simon in the blink of an eye. The long knife burst out with several air-like strengths. After stirring up the airflow around Simon, he slashed down to Simon's key point. .

When the long knife came, Simon had already predicted that he was about to dodge, but he did not expect that the action would freeze a lot in vain. Originally, he was very sure to dodge the knife, but when the action stagnated, he fell into an extremely dangerous situation.

This is the strength of the new world. Those few energy are not for attacking, but to limit the speed of movement, in order to restrain the domineering.

The habit of using it to dodge attacks with domineering and domineering will develop a certain psychology, and the moment when this very certain heart is broken is the most dangerous time.

The long sword came to Taotao, the trend of dodging had already become, and he couldn't make the action of raising the sword to block again. Simon could only try to avoid the key points, and the speed of being stagnant increased by three points in vain.


A **** arrow spewed out after the long knife slashed. Butler had no time to be surprised by the vain increase in Simon's speed. Cut to Simon.

Even if Simon is beheaded by the first knife at this moment, Butler will insist on swinging the second knife to completely cut off the vitality of the enemy before giving up.

After being slashed in the chest, Simon's hair stood on end, his pupils shrank in an instant, and a conditioned reflex sword swung horizontally, ignoring the long sword that slashed at him again.

Butler was slightly surprised, and immediately retreated a few steps to avoid Simon's sword, but he also lost the opportunity to pursue the victory.

After the crisis was lifted, Simon raised his eyes to look at the man named Butler, panting slightly, and the wound on his chest healed silently under the cover of blood.

I didn't expect that the speed of the limbs would drop in vain, which would lead to the near death at the beginning of the battle. After using such a killer move once, there will be no miraculous effect the second time.

Butler frowned regretfully, regretting that he lost the chance to kill.

Simon's losing-lose style of play at the critical moment just now was actually one of Butler's expectations. Originally, Butler wanted to kill Simon quickly at the cost of injury, but just as he was about to execute, a strong sense of crisis came to him. Germination made Butler decisively give up and retreat.

Although I don't know why this sense of crisis occurred, Butler would choose to believe it for no reason.

Not only was Butler a little disappointed, Simon was also quite disappointed.

I didn't expect the opponent to be so careful when they were in power. This battle is not easy to fight! Not only for themselves, but for other navies as well.

The first battle in the new world turned out to be a fierce battle. If it can be won, it will definitely help everyone.

Simon calmed his breath, opened his eyes slightly, and cut a crescent sword energy towards Butler. Without waiting for the result, he came behind Butler in a flash.

Butler flashed this sword energy with a sneer, and then a backhand knife just rightly blocked Simon's sword from behind, as if he had already realized it.

The sword can be divided at the touch of a button!

The distance was drawn again.

Both of them knew that when they were close, no one could accurately predict the other's next move. Such a situation was extremely dangerous. Even if Simon was completely hit at the key, he would die instantly, unless the fruit's ability was developed to the limit. It can recover instantly when the heart is damaged.

After a few minutes of silent stalemate, Simon took the lead in launching the offensive when there were casualties in the battle, and the jet-black epee swayed dense sword energy.

In the face of this dense sword qi, Butler's first thought was not how to escape this sword qi, but, what exactly did Simon rely on for his uncontrolled waste of physical strength.

Sword Qi is approaching, so dense can only jump into the air.

Such a result can be predicted, but it can only do so.

Butler would jump into the air to evade this sword energy, Simon knew very well, and Butler also thought that Simon would also launch an attack, which required him to actively jump into the air to create a flaw that was attacked, and it was also an excellent bait.

Butler, who jumped into the air, didn't hesitate at all, and slashed into the air with a knife. At the same time as the long knife slashed, a figure just appeared, just as Butler expected, so he couldn't help but outline a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

The suddenness of the knife made Butler confident that Simon could not stop it.


Simon's eyes, who appeared in front of the long sword, showed such a color, and the epee in his hand was ready to be raised.


The long-lost fighting wisdom is fully reflected at this moment. Simon's ability to block this knife at a time of crisis is not something that can be blocked with the use of knowledge and domineering. The knife is too sudden, butler's prediction, and Simon can block this A knife is also out of pre-judgment.

Butler, who was in mid-air, was beyond surprised after seeing Simon blocking this mortal blow.

"I won…"

Simon said in a low voice with confidence, the whole person seemed to be standing on the air standing in the air, if you look closely, you can also see the trembling of Simon's This is the move that the moon step uses to the extreme.


Butler's pupils shrank, and those who lost the ability to stay in the air fell down. The defense ability in mid-air would drop a lot, and the opponent had the ability to stay in the air, and the situation would be worse.

"Infinite Moonstep..."

Simon looked down at Butler who fell down, and with a sneer, his figure turned into a black shadow, shaking out a twisting and complex black line in mid-air, moving quickly, with a sharp coldness in front of the shadow, moving towards Butler. attack.

"I'm sure you learned the Six Forms! But... such an uncontrolled speed!"

Butler's face was full of disbelief, and he raised his knife to block Simon's attack like a thunderbolt. However, in this short stay in the air, Simon's attack was faster than one wave.

"Can't stop it!"

After parrying the first few attacks, Butler's face changed greatly, and his beating temples clearly told him that he would die before landing!


When only half a meter off the ground, Simon finally broke Butler's defense, and the epee got into the gap, ready to pierce Butler's heart.


Simon brought Butler to the ground, and could not help making a dull sound, the broad blade of the epee pierced Butler's body, and Fuer inserted into the cold and hard floor.

The light of life slowly passed from his eyes. When Butler landed, he finally realized that he could easily cut off the silver armor thanks to the inconspicuous heavy sword that pierced his heart.

"Lord Kaido... This person is not a brat, this person must not... be underestimated."

At the last moment of his life, a silent sentence appeared in Butler's mind, and it was drowned in the endless darkness.

Kaido, one of the four emperors, was the first to fight against Simon and was defeated.

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