North Sea.

Blood Bull Pirates.

on board.



A figure with a man’s head and a bull’s head flew out again and crashed into the cabin.

The leader of the Blood Bull Pirates, Blood Bull Johnny struggled to get up.

Looking at the dead crew members around him, his dead brother blocked a knife for him next to him.

Thinking of the happy times we spent together in the past years, tears flowed uncontrollably, and my eyes were scarlet:

“You damn guy, did I offend you somewhere?”



“Damn evil ghost!!”

The rage broke through his reason, and his body turned into the shape of a bison, rushing towards Sakaski crazily.

Sakaski watched the three-meter-tall bison rushing towards him crazily and said coldly:

“Why? Of course it’s because you all deserve to die.”

Sakaski’s right arm turned into blood-red magma, which solidified but did not fall.

If you look closely, you can see the faint flow of magma inside the arm.

When Johnny rushed in front of him, he jumped with his legs and punched the bull’s head from top to bottom.

The moment his fist made contact with the bull’s head, countless amounts of magma spurted out from his fist.


The three-meter-tall bison was smashed directly into the ship’s plank and covered with countless magma.

Johnny was knocked unconscious and released his buffalo form, turning into a human form.

But he was burned by the lava covering his body and woke up in the blink of an eye.

Dying, unable to resist anymore.

I can only cry out in pain:


Sakaski walked up to Johnny and grabbed his neck with one hand.

Lift him up.

Controlling the magma to gradually surround him, he said:

“In three years, the village was massacred more than ten times.”

“Go to hell and repent.”


The magma enveloped Johnny from bottom to top.

It gradually lost its movement and formed a large cocoon of magma.

Sakaski turned around and walked into the cabin, gathered some treasures and threw them into his boat next to him.

Take out the permanent pointer, set sail, and set sail.

When Sakaski was only a hundred meters away from the Blood Bull Pirates.

The large magma cocoon surrounding Johnny the Blood Bull seemed to have turned into a heart, growing larger and smaller, faster and faster.




Countless amounts of magma spurted out, covering the entire ship.

As magma burns, it corrodes.

The entire ship gradually sank to the bottom of the sea and finally disappeared.

All these sins are buried under the sea.

On the ship, Sakaski ignored the explosion behind him.

He took out a stack of bounty lists, but each one had a big X marked on it.

Turning to the end, he picked up a pen and drew an X on Bloody Bull Johnny’s bounty list, then threw it on the ground.

“It’s gone. It’s time to join the navy.”

Sakaski thought as he stood on the bow of the boat and looked at the sea.

At this time, Sakaski was no longer as thin as he was when he first crossed over five years ago.

With the fruit ability, you can easily hunt some wild beasts.

After adequate nutrition, just five years.

At only twelve years old, he is already taller and stronger than the average adult.

Wearing a red coat, he has a resolute face and a strong body.

Carrying a long knife on his back, it was a trophy obtained from hunting a certain pirate group.

Sakaski stayed in Geya for three years.

While training and collecting intelligence, the stack of bounty tickets was collected during those years.

After all, this is the real world, not the beautified scenes in previous animations.

On the bounty list collected, every one of them was a pirate who slaughtered villages and towns at every turn.

Pick someone out randomly and kill them eight times without getting rid of their hatred.

Coupled with what he has seen and heard over the years, Sakaski’s thoughts have also been strengthened.

A dead pirate is a good pirate.

Since I went to sea two years ago, I have followed the bounty list to kill all the way.

In just two years, he gained the reputation of “Evil Ghost”.

This is not the age of great pirates yet.

There is no such thing as the words Roger shouted before he died.

But chaos has emerged, according to the bounty lists collected in recent years.

The number of newly debuted pirates is gradually increasing every year, and one person is ultimately weak.

Fruit development has ideas from previous lives and can be developed by oneself.

But I have already trained my physical skills to the limit.

Although I know some martial arts moves and the principles of the Six Styles.

But there is no way to practice without guidance.

Just like shaving, you know it’s going to happen in a split second (0.36 seconds).

Stomping on the ground dozens of times at high speed generates explosive reaction force to move at high speed.

It seems as if it has disappeared from the enemy’s eyes.

But it’s just talk on paper. It doesn’t say how to exert force or how much strength it requires.

There are also armed-color Haki, knowledge-color Haki, etc. Without basic knowledge, there is no hope of practicing these.

Thinking about it yourself is ultimately the last resort.

So… join first

Navy, set a small goal.

How about not leaving any pirates behind?


Half a month later.

Beihai, Fenghua Island, Navy Branch 194 Recruitment Office.






Hearing this, the naval clerk who took the record looked up at Sakaski, who was taller and stronger than him, twitched the corner of his mouth, and then asked:

“Why join the Navy”

Sakaski exuded a trace of murderous aura:

“To eliminate all pirates in the world”

The naval clerk understood:

“Do you have any special skills?”

Sakaski’s voice sounded:

“Natural system – rock berry fruit – ability user”

The naval clerk was stunned:



Stand up suddenly…

(Don’t be fooled by some random fabrications. The three general fruits are definitely not issued by the navy. There are specific explanations in Chapter 42 and Article 16.)

(This is my first time writing a book…there may be some problems and slowness in the early chapters, and the Valley of the Gods is a bit loose. It is recommended to start reading from Chapter 48.)

(Seriously suggest, solemnly suggest, solemnly suggest, start reading from Chapter 48.)

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