One Piece Invincible

Chapter 567: fireworks!

Chapter 567 Fireworks!

Immediately, the palm light condenses! The lightsaber broke out!

Immediately after, Ye Jia's figure flickered, and the next time she appeared, she already appeared in front of Datong Mushe! The light cut in the hands without hesitation!

Datong Mushe has no chance to respond! I can only watch with open eyes, the lightsaber is getting closer and closer to his head!


The lightsaber fell and the head fell. Look. Wool, Chinese net, but Datong Mushe people's body, but there is no trace of blood. It wasn't because he got a rebirth eye that caused his body to change, but because Yejia's fifth deity skill also assimilated his blood into light.

A generation of geniuses with reincarnation eyes, who controlled the moon and wanted to destroy the earth and destroy the heroic characters of the entire Ninja world, just died in the hands of Ye Jia!

And Datong Musheren's head was still frozen with terror, and did not dissipate. It seems that after the 15th, his heart is still full of fear of Ye Jia's power.

Ye Jia, he was too strong, so strong that he couldn't even imagine it!

After the death of the Datong Mushe, Ye Jia would not take a closer look, and glanced coldly at the cold corpse, taking out the firework eyes. As Yega completed these actions, the body of the Datong Mushe was also assimilated by all the light, and became photons, which were scattered on the moon.

The battle ended and the space lock was unlocked instantly.

Watching the battle, Ziyuan hurried to Ye Jia. After watching 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese website, seeing the end of the battle, Ziyuan asked softly:

"Master Yejia, what next?"

Ye Jia played with a pair of eyes in his hand. In fact, with Ye Jia's current strength, it can directly heal the firework body. However, now the firework eyes have been merged by the Datong Mushe people's white eyes of the Datongmu family and the white eyes of the Hyuga family to create reincarnated eyes.

And because the blood of the Datongmu family is in it, there will be many special forces. It is only because the big tube Musheren can't control the power of this pair of eyes that this power comes out, if it is better. I'm afraid that with these eyes, it is impossible to surmount Yega in one step. But if it surpasses the original big tube Muhui Yeji, it should be indifferent.

Moreover, with Yejia's method, the rebirth eye was improved, and all harm was eliminated. The power that erupted afterwards was definitely not comparable to that of the big tube Mushe people.

Such good eyes, without whiteness, should be Yega's gift to Sunflower Fireworks. This time, because of the Datong Musheren incident, it caused a lot of hardships for Hyuga. In addition, Ye Jia also has the meaning of wanting to see the rebirth eye. So, let's take this as compensation for fireworks.

After thinking for a while, Ye Jia said to Ziyuan:

"Go and find them in Hina. Then stop the moon, such a thing hits the ninja, it will cause a lot of trouble. But I still want to continue to watch the moon."

Hearing that Ye Jia was so bland trying to stop the moon, not only did she not believe it, she nodded with a smile.

In the hands of Ziyuan, Ye Jia is omnipotent. Even the moon can be destroyed, what is it to prevent the moon from working. But it is true that it is more difficult to stop the moon than to destroy the moon, but this is nothing to Yejia.

"Okay." Ziyuan nodded slightly, without being angry at seeing a girl who liked Ye Jia.

She knows that a good person like Ye Jia is a girl who will love this hero as long as she has no blindness, deafness and disability. After all, Ye Jia is the idol of the entire Ninja world.

After the decision, Ye Jia gently picked up Ziyuan, and the figure flickered away, disappearing here. There is only endless light, even if Ye Jia leaves, it still doesn't dissipate ...

On the other side, there is the castle of the big tube family.

With the departure of Otsuki Mushe, Hina didn't want to escape the castle.

Once, she knew that the Datong Musheren set too many enchantments in the castle, and the enchantment created by the Datong Musheren's strength was not something she could break at present. Second, she believed in Ye Jia and her Prince Charming, after all, she would defeat the enemy and reach her.

Therefore, after Datong Mushe left, Hina always stayed beside the unconscious fireworks, guarding her sister.

Looking at the coma and unconsciousness, Hina's heart became more and more uncomfortable, with beautiful tears on her beautiful eyes, and the clear and sweet voice slowly came out:

"Fireworks ... when can you wake up. It's the sister's fault, because the sister made you suffer so much."

However, as Hinada's words sounded, the figure lying on the bed did not react at all.

Just when Hinata was about to continue talking, suddenly the light flashed in the room, and then two figures appeared in the room. And one of the figures, Hina is still very much looking forward to meeting him.

563 Seeing the sudden appearance of the Prince Charming in his heart, Hina couldn't help covering her mouth with her little hand, and was surprised:

"Master Yejia!"

That's right, the figure that suddenly appeared was Ye Jia. Seeing Ye Jia appear, the depression and grief on Hina's face were all swept away, and all of her mind was full of surprises because of Ye Jia's appearance.

"Hina, you are suffering." After seeing Hina, Ye Jia smiled and comforted.

Hina shook her head and said quickly:

"How could it be, Lord Yega. Lord Yega can come and save me, and has thanked Hina."

"But ..." Hina's cute little ~ A sad expression appeared on her face again.

Meimu glanced at the fireworks lying on the bed ~, and immediately wanted to kneel. Fortunately, Ye Jia noticed Hinata's actions in time and stopped them in time. Then, I heard Hina crying slightly:

"Master Yejia, can you save the firework. The firework has lost its eyes and is still unconscious."

Seeing Hina, whose beautiful eyes were shining with tears, Ye Jia sighed and nodded, saying:

"Rest assured, leave it to me. I also prepared a mysterious gift for the fireworks ..."

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