When Ye Jia quickly returned and stood in front of Fan Aoka, Fan Aoka immediately stopped Weiba, dropped the gun, and raised his hands.

"I surrender."

This is the only time Van Oka did not mention the word "fate".

But even if he surrendered, his expression was still as indifferent as water, as if even death could not change his expression.

Typical facial paralysis.

"Young man, it's very promising."

Ye Jia patted Van Oka's shoulder with a smile, "But in front of me, Shinigami, surrender will not relieve your sins."

dong dong dong!

In an instant, Ye Jia threw three punches in a row, all of which landed on Fan Oka's stomach.

Van Oka's indifferent expression, which had been unchanged for half a year, finally changed. His face turned the color of pig liver because of the pain.

"Congratulations, you got a 'Dark Fruit' shard!"

A sweet mechatronic female voice resounded in Ye Jia's mind.

With only three punches, Ye Jia directly hit a Devil Fruit fragment, which just happened to let Ye Jia know in advance what kind of Devil Fruit he would explode next.

"Dark Fruit?!" 533

Ye Jia's eyes lit up.

"Dark Fruit was released after beating the crew of the Blackbeard Pirates, isn't it a coincidence? The system did it on purpose!"

Although he said so, Ye Jia was very happy in his heart!

Anyone who has watched "One Piece" must know how strong Dark Fruit is.

Logia's handle, any fruit ability person is seen as nothing in front of him, as long as it is touched, it will immediately be the same as the seastone, and all the abilities will disappear in an instant!

Not only that, as soon as you stretch out your hand, you can immediately attract the ability person like a magnet, and any attack by Devil Fruit ability on him can be directly swallowed up!

The power is simply overbearing!

Of course, with such exaggerated advantages, there are also disadvantages.

Those who eat Dark Fruit will need to suffer twice as much pain as before!

If the body is not strong enough, I am afraid that if a punch is received, it will be so painful that he will lose his combat effectiveness on the spot.

"Isn't that double the pain? Now I use 'Electrical Strengthening' to improve my physical strength every day, plus I have Armament Haki, enough to withstand (bfdd) most injuries!"

"And I have the speed of light of Sparkling Fruit, the defense of Barrier Fruit, and the AOE damage of Thunder Fruit. Besides Admiral-level characters, who else can hurt me?"

"What's more, I haven't tested my strength for a long time, maybe I can learn from Admiral... Let's see who is more powerful!"

"This Dark Fruit, I want to order it!"

Thinking of this, Ye Jia directly raised his fist and slammed into Fan Oka's body.

Lightspeed punch!

After the development and improvement of Sparkling fruit during this period, and the continuous strengthening, Ye Jia's fist speed has increased a lot again.

His current speed is impressively capable of reaching 2,000 punches per second!

Unfortunately, Van Oka became the first person to take Ye Jia's 2,000 punches per second.

"Come on! My Dark Fruit!"

The storm-like attack fell on Van Oka, and he couldn't even speak, he could only vomit blood.

His physical skills are excellent, but at this time, due to the constant heavy damage, it is difficult to display the slightest!

"Congratulations, you got a 'Dark Fruit' shard!"

"Congratulations, you got a 'Dark Fruit' shard!"

"Congratulations, you got a 'Armament Haki' shard!"

"Congratulations, you got a 'Blood Jade' fragment!"

"Congratulations, you got a shard of the 'Physical Limit Pill'!"


Ye Jia bombarded Fan Oka indiscriminately, and the sweet mechanical and electronic female voice prompts kept coming out.


"Lord Snake Princess, what is that person doing?"

The female warriors of the Nine Snake Pirates were all paying attention to the situation on Ye Jia's side, and they couldn't help but wonder when they saw Ye Jia waving two fists at Fan Oka at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye.

"Is he avenging us and venting his anger to the crew of the Blackbeard Pirates?"

A female soldier covered her face in surprise.

"It's possible... With his ability just now, he can obviously solve the opponent with one move!"

Another female soldier nodded again and again, her eyes full of approval.

"The man is standing up for us... does he like one of us?"

This topic suddenly ignited the female warriors of the Nine Snake Pirates, and one after another began to discuss.

"What are you all doing, hurry up and take the injured sister on board!"

At this moment, the Empress turned around, put her right hand on her hips lightly, and shouted in a solemn voice with a -kun facing the world, her face dignified.

The female soldiers fell silent for a while, and hurriedly began to carry all the injured sisters back to the boat.

"Is he really angry for us?"

The Empress looked back at the place where Ye Jia was, her eyes were shining, and a little anticipation suddenly rose in her heart.

Most of the men he met before coveted her beauty and just wanted to possess her body... No one would care about her at all.

No one will come forward for the Empress... Of course, if they want to come forward, they have to consider whether their strength is enough.

But today this man appeared.

He turned out like a hero when the other party fled, killed those guys neatly and neatly, and vented his anger at people... There is no better explanation than liking people.

At the same time, Ye Jia, who was blasting at Fan Oka on the other side, was completely unaware of his behavior of killing monsters and exploding fragments. He was seen as liking one of them, and he vented his anger by fighting for it.

He was completely immersed in his own world, staring at the number of physical upper limit pill formulas, counting down one by one.

"Come on! It's only 3 fragments to be combined!"

Ye Jia roared in his heart.

Maximum Stamina Dan (27/30)

Don't look at the mere 3 fragments, but it is not difficult to obtain them.

This was Ye Jia who had beaten several people, and it took him a long time to get 27 Stamina Pill Fragments. Now, there are only 3 pieces, and Ye Jia's Stamina will be able to raise the 6 Stamina Pill's upper limit immediately!

After Ye Jia raised the upper limit of physical strength, the most intuitive thing was to be able to use Thunder Fruit's [God's Judgment].

If he were to improve again this time, Ye Jia believed that he was not far from Thunder Fruit's other big move [Wan Lei]! .

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