The Blackbeard Pirates plus Blackbeard himself made up a total of five members, except for the champion, Chisas Burgess, and now three came at once.

Without the slightest warning, she went directly into the territory of her Nine Snake Pirates to burn, kill and loot.

Such a provocative act is already tantamount to declaring war on her Nine Snake Pirates!

"Lord Snake Princess... They have destroyed our territory, and they should be punished! Let our sisters from the Nine Snake Pirates go out and deal with them in one go!"

Boa Sandersonia, Boa Marigold and Boa Hancock are also known as the "Three Gorgon Sisters".

They were slaves of the Celestial Dragons when they were children, and the three of them managed to escape because Fisher Tiger made a riot in the Holy Land Mariejois and freed thousands of slaves.

It can be said that the three of them depend on each other for life, headed by the empress Hancock, and have always been the backbone of the Nine Snake Pirates.

The island under the Nine Snake Pirates was ruthlessly invaded and looted, which itself made them extremely annoyed.

Now that they were questioned face to face, the other party didn't seem to have any guilt or apology. After hearing those words, they were so angry that they wanted to attack the Blackbeard Pirates.

"It's not time for war yet."

But Empress Hancock came to the seriousness of the consequences.

523 The person behind the Blackbeard Pirates is Blackbeard. If he solves all his crew by himself, Blackbeard is likely to come to the door to take revenge.

At that time, not only the islands under the Nine Snake Pirates, but even the main Nine Snake Islands will fall victim to Blackbeard's subordinates!

Empress Hancock has heard that when Blackbeard was fighting against Ace, he didn't know what kind of strange ability he used to turn an entire town into nothing in the blink of an eye... If the battle is fought on Nine Snake Island, whether or not he can win is another matter. The thing is, all the sisters are afraid to suffer!

"These are just cadres under Blackbeard's command. It's not difficult to deal with them."

"But behind them is Blackbeard. If Blackbeard enters Nine Snake Island, the real disaster is not far away!"

In the short fight, the empress Hancock already knew roughly the strength of the opponent.

It's really easy to deal with them alone, plus the entire Nine Snake Pirates.

But if Blackbeard comes to take revenge, Empress Hancock has no confidence that he can block the anger of black (bfci) beard... and does not want his sisters, people in the Amazon lily country to fall victim to the war!

"Lord Snake Princess, what should we do? Could it be that we let the other party snatch our island and watch them leave?"

Boya Marigold spit out a long snake letter, and said eagerly, "Sir Snake, I am willing to sacrifice my life for you, you let me go, I will definitely let them know what it is to provoke the Nine Snake Pirates!"

"Marigold, don't be impulsive. Since they dare to come, they must be fully prepared to deal with us."

Empress Hancock raised her hand and said, "But... our Nine Snake Pirates are not something that anyone can bully, we can hold back for a while, if they don't know how to restrain themselves, then we must let them know about the Nine Snake Pirates. Getting angry is not something they can bear!"

After weighing, for the sake of the Nine Snake Pirates and the brothers and sisters of Nine Snake Island, the Empress Hancock decided to take a step back for the time being.

"Blackbeard Pirates, what you did before, I will give you a greeting... But now, you must leave the concubine's territory immediately!"

Empress Hancock said loudly, her sweet voice revealed unquestionable majesty and solemnity, as well as a warning and a non-offensive meaning.

"If you insist on offending your concubine's territory, then don't blame the concubine for not being polite to you as a guest!"

"Lord Snake Princess..."

The crew members of the Nine Snake Pirates looked at the empress Hancock and couldn't help feeling distressed.

Although he has the name of Shichibukai and has strong strength, he has to choose to be patient because he is worried about the citizens of Amazon Lily and the crew of the Nine Snake Pirates.

"I'm sorry, Your Excellency the Empress, our captain has explained that this time we have to take down three islands before we can be considered to have completed the task, otherwise we will have no good fruit to eat when we go back."

Lafitte turned the staff in his hand, showing a pale smile, "If possible, I hope Her Excellency the Empress will give us two more islands as a gift for our captain, so that we Blackbeard Pirates and Nine Snake Pirates The regiment, it can be regarded as a covenant, isn't it?"

"You shameless bastard, go to hell!"

Hearing Lafitte's shameless words, the sisters of the Nine Snake Pirates were all angry.

They know that Blackbeard is powerful, so they can bear the arrogance of these guys, and they even endured the destruction of an island under the Nine Snake Pirates.

But these guys from the Blackbeard Pirates, not only did not know how to be content, but they had to make an inch, and even asked to give them two other islands!

Whether it is tolerable or unbearable, the sisters of the Nine Snake Pirates suddenly became angry, and without saying a word, they drew their bows and arrows, and shot directly at Lafitte!


As soon as the bow and arrow flew out, the gunshot rang out.

An arrow broke from the center, the whole was penetrated, and it exploded into a sieve.


A shot ended, and the second shot followed.

The female warrior who held the bow and the arrow was shot in the arm on the spot, blood spattered, and she could no longer hold the bow and arrow, and fell directly to the ground.

"This is fate... Every day you experience is a fork in fate. If you are not careful, you will be shot through your heart, so be careful."

Van Oka withdrew the gun and said indifferently.


Empress Hancock's face became gloomy, and anger rose in her eyes.

"Oka, your actions are too reckless... How can you treat a lady with a gun?"

Lafitte held the brim of the top hat, and a grim smile appeared on his pale face, "To treat ladies, death and violence should be used!!"

"Dare to take action against the concubine's are courting death!"

Empress Hancock couldn't bear it any longer, her eyes flashed coldly, her slender legs jumped up, "Sisters, kill them!".

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