One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 32 Send Devil Fruit

"They should be looking for us everywhere now?"

On the Shinigami, Ye Jia, Qiu Li, and Si Qingluo were enjoying candlelight food.

Before Delelon received the news, Ye Jia had already foreseen that Delelon knew what happened tonight, and would definitely conduct a large-scale blockade, and then searched from house to house, and would not give up until he found himself.

So, as soon as Ye Jia returned to the hotel to pick up Geamanni, he immediately brought a few people back to the Shinigami.

The speed of Sparkling fruit has been gradually developed by Ye Jia to a terrifying situation. The speed is so fast that even if there are several trips, it only takes a short period of time.

Delelon's desire to catch Ye Jia and the others is nothing short of a dream.

"Thank you, Captain, please give me more advice in the future!"

Si Qingluo rolled her eyes, picked up a glass of wine, and said to Ye Jia with a smile.

"It's too unfamiliar to call the captain, we will be partners on the same boat in the future, just take me Ye Jia!"

Ye Jia smiled and glanced at Qiu Li who was eating so much, the corners of his mouth twitched, "Qiu Li, please slow down and leave me a chicken leg!"

"Ye Jia, it's not that I don't want to stay, Si Qingluo's cooking skills are so good, these dishes are even more delicious than the chef in the hotel! You can just drink at the bar and leave these dishes to me!"

Qiu Li did not give in at all.

He has had enough of Geyamanni's ravages. Now that he can finally eat a good meal on the boat, how could Qiu Li stop?

"You guy, why didn't I see that you were a foodie before!"

Ye Jia gave Qiu Li a blank look.

Si Qingluo covered her mouth and snickered, her eyes squinted like a crescent moon, with only one slit left.

"Qingluo, I didn't expect that you are not only beautiful, but also in good shape. You are good at painting, chess, calligraphy, and painting. You are even so good at cooking... A woman like you is like a living fossil!"

Ye Jia praised without hesitation.

I thought that Si Qingluo would only cook home-cooked dishes at most, and the taste would be least it was better than Geyamanni's dark dishes.

But after the food came out, it was completely beyond Ye Jia's imagination, the taste was first-class delicious, and I almost swallowed my tongue!

The thought of finally being able to get rid of Geyamanni's dark dishes and eating such delicious food made Ye Jia feel more at ease.

"Ye Xian... Ye Jia, if you like it, I will make it for you every day from now on!"

Si Qingluo blushed instantly after being praised by Ye Jia.

Especially when Ye Jia called her "Qingluo" affectionately, it made Si Qingluo's little heart pounding non-stop.


Ye Jia turned his palm, and a Devil Fruit with a white Uzumaki surface appeared in his palm, which was the String-String Fruit he had just synthesized.

"This is 'String-String Fruit' for you."

"Devil Fruit?"

Si Qingluo obviously knew about Devil Fruit, "Ye Jia, I heard that a Devil Fruit is worth hundreds of millions of baileys, so... just give it to me?"

Si Qingluo was flattered.

She had just become a crew member of the Shinigami Pirates, Ye Jia gave her a Devil Fruit, and Si Qingluo felt like she was in a dream.

Si Qingluo has been in and out of the trade zone of economic exchanges in Pakistan all year round, and Si Qingluo has heard a lot of things about Devil Fruit.

Any Devil Fruit is an invaluable treasure. Who doesn't treat it like a treasure?

Ye Jia is good, just say a word and send it out!

"What about hundreds of millions of Baileys, now you are the crew member of my Shinigami Pirates, my Ye Jia's partner, what is a Devil Fruit?"

Ye Jia didn't care.

He doesn't have much now, just Devil Fruit!

Besides, he wasn't too interested in String-String Fruit himself, so he might as well give it to Si Qingluo, a weak woman who has no power to hold her back. In the future, if she encounters an enemy at sea and encounters any danger, You can't even guarantee your own safety.

As it happens, String-String Fruit is one of the top abilities in Paramecia, and you can see how amazing this fruit is from the rampant Doflamingo.

Giving Si Qingluo another powerful boost to her pirate group!

"Thank...Thank you!"

Si Qingluo took the String-String Fruit carefully, but she still couldn't believe it.

"Eat it, you will have the ability of String-String Fruit, then I will give you a little more physical strength pill, it won't take long, your strength will definitely increase greatly! In the future, you will no longer need anyone to protect you, and you will not have to Worrying that someone will hurt will become so powerful that no one will dare to underestimate you!"

Ye Jia said while grabbing the last chicken leg with Qiu Li.

Si Qingluo looked at the String-String Fruit in her palm, her eyes suddenly turned red, and her crystal tears were swirling.

No one had ever cared so much about her.

Ye Jia was the first.

In the days of Hongnulou, she was always alone. Those sisters looked familiar on the surface, but they spoke ill of her behind their backs. All these Si Qingluo listened to her heart and did not dare to tell anyone.

But now it's different.

She is no longer alone. With a partner, a belief, and a path to become stronger, Si Qingluo feels that her life has suddenly become brighter!

While crying, Si Qingluo ate Devil Fruit.

Devil Fruit is particularly unpalatable and has a weird taste, but the sweetness in Si Qingluo's heart completely covers up these weird tastes.

She ate the String-String Fruit whole.

Soon, Si Qingluo found that thin silver threads overflowed from her fingertips.

The silk thread is very thin. If you look for it with the naked eye for a long time, you will not notice it with a slight movement.

Only the owner of the silk thread, Si Qingluo, can master the movement of these threads very well.

"Is it effective?"

Ye Jia came over and saw the fruit between Si Qingluo's fingers, "String-String Fruit is very strong, if you don't know how to cultivate, I will teach you later, I'm good at this!"

As a loyal fan of the original One Piece manga, Ye Jia certainly does it.

Ye Jia remembered all of Doflamingo's moves clearly, especially the last big move "16 Holy Bullets, God's Killing", which was simply domineering and mighty... Unfortunately, he was blinded by Luffy's protagonist's halo.

"it is good……"

Seeing Ye Jia approaching her, Si Qingluo's heartbeat couldn't help speeding up, and her face became even hotter.


The next day, as soon as it was dawn, Geyamanni woke up.

"Huh? Why did you get back on the boat?"

Geya Manni cutely rubbed her sleepy eyes, "I'm going to get up and make breakfast for Brother Ye and Qiu Li."

Putting on her shoes, Geya Manni walked out of the room, ready to wash up first, and then prepare breakfast for Ye Jia and Qiu Li.

When she saw a figure in the kitchen busy, all sleepiness disappeared.

"You... who are you!"

Geyamanni said nervously.

"Are you...Gyamanni?"

Si Qingluo turned around and pulled the blue silk around her ear, revealing an impressive smile, "Hello, my name is Si Qingluo, we will be partners in the future!"

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