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“Char, what are you thinking?”

Nami looked at Char a little suspiciously, since Char ‘confessed’ to Nami that day.

The genius navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates likes to pay attention to Char when he has nothing to do, but the relationship between the two has not yet been broken.

I’m playing, I know what you’re thinking, but you don’t know what I’m thinking.

And I know you know what I’m thinking, but you don’t know I know what I’m thinking.

It sounds a bit complicated and awkward, but to put it bluntly, Nami knows that Char likes her, but she thinks Char doesn’t know that she also likes him.

“Nothing, just thinking that we might have some trouble finding the door on the next voyage.”

Char said seriously, killing him would not say that he was thinking about Miss Robin, who had big breasts and hips just now.

Although it is true to say that Nami has the potential to develop the potential “four two seven”, but at this stage, it is indeed Miss Robin’s sister that is more in line with Char’s aesthetics.

“yes, that’s really bad news…”

Nami frowned and spoke, the entire pirate group added up to a bounty of nearly 100 million berry.

What kind of pirate group is this, it is clearly a mobile treasure wandering on the sea.

In particular, the Straw Hat Pirates have only debuted for a few months, and in addition to the deeds on the reward list, there is no reputation or achievements circulating.

Unlike the evil dragon or the Klick Pirates, they have long been famous sea pirates in the East China Sea.

Even bounty hunters will not easily fight the idea of these old pirates, but the Straw Hat Pirates have a bounty of more than 90 million berry.

But it is easy to be targeted by those bounty hunters, at least in the face of their true strength, there will definitely be countless bounty hunters who come to the door like moths to the fire.

“Not good! Miss Nami, a naval warship has been found ahead! ”

Just when Nami was feeling a headache, Yamaji, who was still arguing with Solon just now, hurried over.

The Golden Melly did not sail a prosperous route, and unless it was too bad luck, it would be difficult to encounter naval ships.

That is to say, the naval warship is likely to be coming at them, reminiscent of the bounty list that has just been sent.

If nothing else, the Straw Hat Pirates have been targeted by the Navy!

“How many warships are there?”

Nami immediately rushed to the railing, took the binoculars and looked at the sea in the distance.

I saw more than ten naval warships lined up on the sea, obviously prepared for a long time, waiting for the Straw Hat Pirates to send them to the door by themselves.

“Hmph, did you come to the door so soon?”

Seeing this, Solon not only did not have the slightest hint, but was eager to try.

The bounty of seventeen million berry in the East China Sea is already very large. Solon doesn’t mind getting his bounty higher.

It’s even better to have a bounty hunter coming to your door, preferably an enemy who is good at using swordsmanship.

“Turn the helm now! It’s too late to run! ”

Nami commanded everyone, the navy’s small and firepower were far above the Golden Melly.

If you fight a naval battle, you cannot be an opponent of the navy, and the navy has more than one warship, and if a naval battle breaks out, the Golden Melly will definitely suffer.

Conversely, if you run straight away, the Navy’s warships are too large to catch up with the Golden Melly, which is faster and flexible enough.

If you’re lucky, the Straw Hat Pirates won’t even have to meet with the Navy’s warships.

“It’s really troublesome, I don’t want to fight the Navy…”

Char glanced at the naval fleet from a distance, and then launched the Imperial Tool, Water Dragon Pingyi Heimalin.

Maneuvering the sea to propel the Golden Melly, speed up the rudder to escape.

If Char did not hesitate to show all his strength, with the characteristics of the Ice Wheel Pill and the Emperor Dragon Relying on the Black Marin to control the seawater, it was not impossible to annihilate this naval fleet at sea.

But in that case, Char will definitely be marked as an extremely dangerous existence by the headquarters of the navy, and the one who will hunt down the Straw Hat Pirates in the future will at least be Vice Admiral of the headquarters.

For someone like Char, who only wants to be a salted fish, this is definitely an unacceptable result.

“Oops! Those pirates are going to escape! Alec, don’t you hurry up and catch up! ”

Just when the Golden Melly chose to turn the rudder and escape, on the flagship of the naval fleet, Colonel Mouse, who looked very obscene, quickly said loudly to the man next to him.

“Shut up! I accepted the employment of Governor Nelson, but I never said I would take your orders! ”

Standing next to Colonel Rat is a man in a suit with hair rising up like a broom…….

His name is Eric, and he is a fairly famous mercenary in the East China Sea, and his strength is very strong.

Even Colonel Mouse, as the head of the 16th branch of the Navy, was not qualified to order him directly.

“Eric, just do what Colonel Mouse said, after all, the ten billion berry also has your share…”

However, at this moment, a big fat man who was as fat as an elephant and could only sit on a special recliner suddenly spoke.

He is the Navy Governor Nelson, a big man in the Navy in the East China Sea, even a rebellious mercenary like Eric.

He is also hired by Governor Nelson to help him find the traces of the Millennium Dragon.

“Then as you wish…”

Eric glanced contemptuously at Colonel Mouse, and then followed a few sailors to a faster boat.

If it weren’t for the waste of Colonel Mouse, even the novice pirate group would not be able to deal with it.

Now he should still be looking for the Millennium Dragon, and if he is lucky, he may have found it.

“Governor Nelson, look at that guy…”

Colonel Rat watched Alec leave in high spirits, holding his stomach and wanting to sue Governor Nelson.

But who knew that when he turned his head, he saw a scowling Governor Nelson.

“Shut up! If it weren’t for you trash, why would I go out of my way to deal with this group of little minions! ”

0.6 “If it weren’t for the fact that you have been following me for so long, I would have thrown you into the sea to feed the fish!” ”

Governor Nelson threw a plate hard in Colonel Rat’s face, smashing Colonel Mouse to the point of bleeding from his scalp.

He also climbed step by step from the lowest navy soldier to the position of today’s naval governor, where can he not know what tricks Colonel Rat is playing.

I want to get the ‘legacy’ of the Evil Dragon Pirates, but I don’t want to risk being bitten back.

In addition, it is necessary to take the opportunity to get a credit, and Colonel Mouse’s wishful thinking is loud enough.

It is a pity that he underestimated the intelligence of Governor Nelson, and if it were not for the sake of ten billion berry, Colonel Rat would probably have been thrown into the sea to be with the evil dragon.


Ten more is finally done, thank you brothers for your support, thanks! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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