Not long after the phone worm rang, Colonel Rat successfully contacted the naval governor who was the strongest navy in the East China Sea.

Also as the head of the naval branch, Colonel Rat was just one of his many subordinates to Governor Nelson.

If it weren’t for Colonel Mouse’s usual behavior, he would have taken the initiative to give all the big heads of Berry in his hands to Governor Nelson.

With his status as a colonel of the 16th Branch of the Navy, he could not directly contact Governor Nelson, who held a large fleet.

“Moxi Moxie… It’s a mouse, what’s the matter with you? ”

On the other end of the phone worm, the voice of Governor Nelson rang.

Almost instinctively, Colonel Rat unconsciously straightened up.

“Governor Nelson, I have received reliable information that the dragon and its dragon pirate group have been wiped out…”

After Colonel Mouse finished speaking, he also looked at the sea, and the vitality of fish people is more tenacious than that of ordinary humans.

However, Ji was originally seriously injured, and I don’t know who or some kind of fierce sea beast bit off an arm.

Such an injury was replaced by humans who had long lost their minds in pain, but in the end, Ji not only managed to escape, but also persisted until he was rescued by Colonel Mouse.

It’s a pity that Chi doesn’t know what it means to turn his face and not recognize people, let alone what wealth is to move people’s hearts.

As a result, he gave his life without saying anything, and even the legacy of the Evil Dragon Pirate Group was remembered.

“The dragon… Who wiped out that guy? ”

Governor Nelson said with a little surprise, he remembered the dragon, a fishman from the Great Passage.

When the dragon first established itself in the East China Sea, it also sent some specialties of the Great Passage and Berry to Governor Nelson.

It is a pity that with the position of Nelson as the governor, he does not look at pirates like the evil dragon at all.

In the end, the evil dragon could only retreat and colluded with Colonel Rat of the 16th Branch of the Navy.

However, every year, the evil dragon pirate group will have a filial piety offering, although Governor Nelson does not care much, but it can be regarded as acquiescence to the continued existence of the evil dragon in the East China Sea.

It’s just that Governor Nelson can’t look at the Evil Dragon Pirate Group, which doesn’t mean that he doesn’t know what the strength of the Evil Dragon Pirate Group is.

To put it ugly, even if Governor Nelson wants to eliminate the Evil Dragon Pirates, he must send a naval fleet to carry out a large-scale encirclement.

But recently, I haven’t heard of any movement in the East China Sea, and if I have to say it, only the Klick Pirate Group seems to have encountered something and the whole army has been destroyed.

“It is said that it was destroyed by a teenager, and I am now preparing to investigate it.”

Although Colonel Rat did not have the idea of approaching the Dragon Paradise at all, he still had to correct his attitude in front of Governor Nelson.

After all, this Lord Governor who is in charge of the strongest naval fleet in the East China Sea, if the evil dragon wants to attack Colonel Mouse, it is as simple as stepping on a mouse.

Then Governor Nelson only needs to give an order, and the next day Colonel Rat will probably appear in front of Governor Nelson as a prisoner.

“A teenager? Devil Fruit Ability? Being able to destroy the Evil Dragon Pirate Group seems to be a very powerful ability…”

Governor Nelson was finally excited, unlike the veteran navy who only believed in knives and artillery in their hands.

As one of the Navy’s high-ranking officials in the East China Sea, Nelson Governor knew very well what kind of power the Devil Fruit Capable had had.

Under Nelson, there was a Devil Fruit Abilityist who had been working with him for many years, although that guy was just a mercenary.

But when it comes to serving Governor Nelson, he is still much better than a rigid Navy soldier.

This time, Nelson’s operation to find the thousand-year-old keel specially brought the Devil Fruit ability.

“When you find out your subordinates, I will report to you as soon as possible… It’s just that there is one thing that subordinates don’t know whether to say or not…”

Colonel Rat deliberately used a hesitant tone, because Governor Nelson’s personality hated the most when others spoke.

His gesture was to induce Governor Nelson to take the initiative to speak, after all, he asked Governor Nelson to do things.

The price to pay for doing what Governor Nelson tells him to do and get a benefit for himself by the way is very different.

“Don’t say half of what you want, say what you want to say quickly!”

Governor Nelson said angrily, of course he knew Colonel Mouse’s little calculation.

If Colonel Rat could now see Governor Nelson’s expression, he would find that the Navy Governor, whose voice sounded impatient, had a contemptuous sneer on his face.

While everyone thought that Nelson was easy to deal with, no one thought that he was actually pretending.

“Here’s the thing…”

Colonel Rat hurriedly told the story about the savings of the Evil Dragon Pirates, and when he heard that the Evil Dragon had left billions of berries after his death.

Rao was Nelson’s governor’s mansion far deeper than Colonel Rat had imagined, and his breathing unconsciously became heavy.

“I see, I’ll let Alec help, the rest can be handled by you, and in three months, I’ll see ten billion berry.”

Governor Nelson opened his mouth and was about to leave, but there was no expression of dissatisfaction on Colonel Mouse’s face.

The legacy left by the evil dragon is not only Berry, most of the villages ruled by the evil dragon do not know the news of the destruction of the evil dragon pirate group.

As long as Colonel Mouse can cover up the news and find a few more fish people to pretend to be members of the Evil Dragon Pirates, he can continue to trade the Evil Dragon.

In the past ten years, the Evil Dragon Pirates have cleaned up those guys who have the courage to resist.

And it has always been Colonel Rat who has been helping the evil dragon cover its malice, and now Colonel Rat himself can completely replace the Evil Dragon Pirate Group.

“Don’t worry!”

Colonel Rat said impatiently.

Although most of this money will have to be handed over, it is enough to make Colonel Rat excited.

Governor Nelson, on the other end of the phone worm, gave some more orders, and then took the initiative to hang up the phone worm.

He was still busy searching for the traces of the thousand-year-old dragon, although Berry was also very tempting, but what was it compared to immortality?

What’s more, there are too many people in this world who want to live forever, and Governor Nelson has long thought about how to deal with such a precious treasure after getting the Millennium Dragon.

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