After Nami brought fishing gear and bait, Char walked slowly towards the stern of the boat.

Originally, Char wanted to fish on the sheep’s head of the Melly, but the current here was too fierce and not very suitable for fishing.

So Char can only give this place to Luffy, fortunately, Char has a better place to go.

Sanji is a professional chef after seeing Luffy’s appetite.

Soon he estimated the size of the warehouse on the Merley and how long he could hold out in front of Luffy, the big stomach king.

In other words, Char made Luffy hungry, but Sanji, as a chef, could not and did not want to do so.

So when the Golden Meli left the sea restaurant, Yamaji specially took the boat that the sea restaurant Bharati used to purchase food.

A stout cable was used to connect the boat to the stern of the Golden Melly, which was filled with food.

Even with Luffy’s food amount, he can last for more than a week.

Of course, Sanji did not forget to forbid Luffy to set foot on the small boat, otherwise he would be in front of Luffy, who habitually steals food.

The food on the boat could not last for a few days, which is why this boat became Char’s most frequent footing place.

Only this is where Luffy’s idiot won’t come, and according to Sanji and Luffy’s agreement, as long as Luffy can hold out for a day not to set foot here.

Then Sanji will prepare special food for him, otherwise Luffy will only have to eat the large pot of rice that Sanji took time to make.

However, Sanji did not suffer a loss, the so-called food he prepared for Luffy.

It’s just a color that comes out when carefully making sweets for Nami and Koya.

If it takes a little extra time, you can prevent Luffy from continuing to steal food, so why not?

Unfortunately, Sanji still overestimated Luffy’s willpower, or underestimated Luffy’s cravings for food.

The trick he came up with might work for a while, but it wouldn’t be long before Luffy completely ignored it.

However, this has nothing to do with Char, he just needs to take advantage of this time to hide.

“Get some sleep first, it’s never too late to fish when you’re done…”

Char leaned on the side of the boat, yawned and closed his eyes unconsciously.

As for the fish that he promised to catch for dinner, it is also very easy to handle, and when the time is almost over, he can directly control the current and catch a few rare big fish from the sea.

Thinking of this, Char subconsciously looked at the attribute panel of the eye system, and sure enough, he saw a familiar prompt on it.

【Ding! The host is lazy and successful, and 1 salted fish value is rewarded! 】

Seeing this scene, Char nodded with satisfaction, he is a person who works so hard, even if it is just a little salted fish value, he will not let go.

So the satisfied, Char quickly fell asleep, although as long as it is salted fish, you can get salted fish value.

But the speed of getting salted fish value while sleeping is still higher than the speed of simply doing nothing.

For Char, who is careful about every bit of salted fish value, naturally he will not waste these extra salted fish values in vain.

In fact, today’s Straw Hat Pirates are not so much pirates as tours and adventures.

While Char was ‘trying’ to brush the salted fish value, Luffy, the captain, slept on the bow statue.

Solon, who worked part-time as a lookout, also lay down on the deck and fell asleep after a long day of sweaty exercise.

Nami, the navigator, was busy counting the gains of her voyage, leaving her room only occasionally to go to the deck to confirm her course.

And Keya, a trainee ship doctor and the gold owner of the Straw Hat Pirates, is addicted to studying the logbook given to them by Boss Zhepu.

It records the experience of the Chef Pirates sailing the Great Passage for a year more than a decade ago, and Keya seems to have taken this logbook as a travel note.

The only chef Yamaji who can be regarded as doing serious work is researching more delicious sweets in the kitchen.

However, this is also used to please Nami and Koya, and the experimental product produced is a reward promised to Luffy.

It is precisely because of this that when a huge pitch-black figure appeared under the ship of the Golden Melly, no one noticed it by the entire Straw Hat Pirates.

‘Boom! ’

A huge sea beast with two crooked horns that looked a bit like a combination of cows and fish, emerged from the water behind the Golden Melly.

The huge movement quickly attracted the attention of Nami and the others, but when they heard the sound from the stern, everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates was relieved again.

Char’s guy is fishing in the boat behind him, and if something happens, it is probably Char who is ghosting.


The huge nose of the cow-like sea beast kept twitching, apparently smelling the food stored on the boat.

In other words, this sea beast has already launched an attack in normal times, but it has just filled its stomach, and it does not have too high an attack desire at this time.

The food that could be delivered in front of him could not be left in vain, and the sea beast, whose IQ was much higher than that of many animals, thought for a moment.

He quickly swam to the cable connecting the Golden Melly to the boat, and opened a large mouth full of blood with razor-like jagged teeth.

It bites off the cable with just one bite, and then drags the boat in the direction of its old nest.

Although it can’t eat more for the time being, it can use the food on the boat as a reserve food.

As for the two-legged beast lying and sleeping on the boat, it was naturally regarded by this big guy as part of the reserve grain.

The speed of the sea beast swimming in the sea is obviously much faster than that of a sailboat like the Golden Melly.

Just a few hours later, the boat arrived near an island, the lair of this sea beast.

“Moo, where did you run? If you run around when you’re full, you’ll make the dragon boss angry…”

A guy with six hands, an extremely strong upper body, and an octopus-like organ on his arm appeared on the edge of the island.

Shouting loudly at the sea beast that had dragged the boat away, its attention was soon drawn to the boat dragged by the sea beast named Moo.

If Nami appears here, she will definitely recognize the identity of the other party at the first time.

One of the three cadres of the Evil Dragon Pirates, Octopus Man Xiaoba.

Among the evil dragon pirate group that generally harbors hatred for humans, Xiaoba is the only fishman who is more friendly to humans.


Moo shook its big head, indicating that he wasn’t running around.

Moo, who was brought to the East China Sea by the fish people of the Dragon Pirates, can be described as a well-deserved hegemon in this sea.

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