One Guard

Chapter 582: No one cheers

The Barclays Center in Brooklyn has completely turned into Telitovic's personal stage. The Bosnian may never have imagined that he would win the most glorious moment of his career today.

Facing the Mavericks, who are ranked first in the league and famous for their defense, he scored 34 points. This is enough for Telitovich to brag about for a lifetime.

Now, the score between the two sides is 95, and it has not yet been decided who will lose and who will win. If Telitovich shatters the Mavericks' dream of a 17-game winning streak in the next game, he will definitely dominate the front pages of all sports media the next day!

"Mirza, it's the last two minutes, don't be nervous, continue to play to your heart's content! We persisted for 46 minutes, there is no reason to be defeated by our opponents in the last two minutes! The victory is right in front of us, give me twelve points Spirit!" Kidd was also on the bench at this time cheering on the players who were about to play. In the last two minutes, the Nets were only two minutes away from creating the impossible. At this time, no one wants to give up victory.

Kidd has high hopes for Telitovic, hoping that the "Bosnia-Herzegovina Cannon" can continue his magical performance in the last two minutes of the game. Only if Telitovich continues to play incredible performances will the Nets have any hope of winning.

A huge electronic buzzer suddenly sounded at the scene, and Kidd's whole body was shaken, followed by his heart beating crazily.

The players entered the stadium one by one, and the fans chanted Telitovic's name crazily.

Kidd subconsciously turned his head and looked at Yiyang in the other half, only to find that Yiyang was staring at Telitovic with fire in his eyes!

In the last two minutes, you must hold on, Mirza!

"The decisive moment has begun. Before the game started, the Dallas Mavericks may not have expected that they would encounter such fierce resistance at the Barclays Center. In fact, if it weren't for Telitovich's emergence, this game may have ended. "We've all seen it. In the first quarter, the Nets were so suppressed that they couldn't hold their head up! But Coach Kidd got lucky. Today, the Brooklyn Raiders landed in the air!" Mike Breen cleared his head. He raised his voice and straightened his messy suit.

It's the last two minutes. Will Teletovic take the lead, or will Yiyang regain control of the game? The authority of MVP seems to be severely challenged.

After the game started, the Mavericks took the lead in attacking. After Yiyang received the baseline ball from Gobert, he directly started his personal scoring mode.

Tony Allen and Iguodala moved to the two corners respectively, and Nowitzki also stood in the mid-range position. Gobert ran up to block for Yiyang, and the No. 1 guard was about to start his own personal offensive performance.

Yiyang, who has already scored 28 points, has caused a lot of trouble for the Nets' defense today. If Yiyang reduces the number of passes today, the Mavericks' offensive efficiency may be even higher.

Seeing Yiyang's breakthrough, Terry directly abandoned Tony Allen and rushed toward his former teammate. Tony Allen is no threat at all from beyond the three-point line, which is why Terry dared to cover the defense boldly.

"Hmph, Jett." Seeing that it was Terry who came to defend him, Yiyang not only did not feel timid, but instead raised the corners of his mouth slightly. He has been waiting for this kind of showdown for a long time!

Facing Terry's defense, Yiyang raised the basketball and jumped past the "Jet". This jump step allowed Yiyang to go directly to the basket. He did not hesitate and immediately took off twice on the spot. He jumped straight up and down, hanging on the frame with both hands!

Before Garnett could raise his arm, Yiyang completed the attack with lightning speed. Moreover, he still uses dunk method!

"Hoho, it seems he is really angry! A point guard jumped up and dunked in the penalty area. God, who can stop him? This guy is already lawless!" Yiyang's performance did not let Mike Bu. Lin is disappointed. At the critical moment, this Chinese can really shoulder the heavy responsibility!

Yiyang scored his 30th point of the day and helped the Mavericks exceed the score.

Kidd's palms were all sweaty. Yiyang was in such a violent state, which was not a good sign for the Nets.

When the Nets' offense hit again, Kidd was surprised to find that the person guarding Telitovich was no longer his old teammate Nowitzki, but the No. 27 rookie who could make Duncan even struggle. , Frenchman Rudy Gobert.

"Rudy Gobert mentioned the high post to defend Telitovic? Is this a misposition or was it intentional by Coach Carlisle?" Not only Kidd, but everyone present raised this question.

Everyone knows that Gobert is indeed very intimidating in the penalty area, but this guy's high defensive ability is a complete mystery.

In fact, Gobert is also a little nervous. Compared with high-post defense, he is naturally better at protecting the penalty area. Carlisle also knows this very well, but Telitovic has almost no ability to attack with the ball, which makes him dare to boldly put Gobert in front of Telitovic.

Facing Gobert, who is 2.18 meters tall and has a wingspan of 2.35 meters, Telitovich felt like he couldn't even see the basket! He wanted to get rid of Gobert's defense by running, but once he started running, Bosnia and Herzegovina discovered that his speed had no advantage in front of this big guy!

"Telitovich was completely blocked by Gobert. Oh my god, coach Carlisle really used his trump card!"

I have to admit that Carlisle's decision to let a frame-protecting center defend in the high post is bold, but it is also very effective!

Seeing this situation, Deron hit the ball to Garnett. Without Gobert protecting the basket, Garnett should have a chance in the three-second zone.

Deron made a solid pass to the ground, allowing Garnett to start his offense with his back. Against Nowitzki, Garnett is still somewhat confident. After all, the opponent is also in the fourth position, and the "Wolf King" finally doesn't have to fight with those tall and strong centers.

After catching the ball, Garnett leaned back hard and did not forget to use his hidden elbow, which made Nowitzki take a step back.

After getting the offensive space, Garnett quickly turned around and planned to hook directly. At this time, Nowitzki had just recovered from the abdominal pain suffered from the dark elbow, and there was no way to immediately jump to interfere. Garnett's goal seems irreversible!

Well, it just seems like that.

"Kevin, be careful!" Deron's shout suddenly reached Garnett's ears.

Worry? What should I worry about? The German who can't even get up?

Just as Garnett was thinking, the basketball he held high was violently slapped out of the baseline by someone! KG was startled and turned around in surprise. And what he saw was Yiyang's angry face!

"Also, he once again successfully blocked an inside player's shot. As a point guard, blocking inside players is a common occurrence for him! Did you see KG's expression? Even he himself couldn't believe what just happened. everything of!"

Yiyang's highly frightening shot made the Barclays Center fall into silence. Everyone was frightened. The Chinese was a monster!

Without Gobert, the Mavericks' inside threat remains undiminished. In addition to being wary of the tall and long-armed center, you also have to look out for the No. 1 defender who can quickly shuttle around the court.

The ball was fanned out of the baseline, and the Nets still retained possession of the ball. Kidd arranged for Garnett to serve the baseline ball, and they must seize this opportunity.

"Rudy, you continue to stay by that guy Telitovich. Dirk, you go and interfere with Garnett's serve." Yiyang directed the defensive positions of his teammates on the court, which made Carlisle extremely gratified. A boy is going to grow up to be a team leader. This transformation is quite gratifying.

Under the close defense of the Mavericks, Garnett's baseline ball was not sent out for a long time. Finally, he saw Deron go outside the three-point line and get a chance. Garnett did not hesitate and passed the ball directly, hoping to hand the ball to Deron outside the three-point line.

The ball passed so far and high that Deron had to take a few steps back to ensure that he could catch the basketball. Just when the basketball started to fall towards Deron, a black shadow suddenly came out, jumped high and intercepted the basketball.

Deron didn't see the face of the shadow. He only saw a big "1" printed on the back of the jersey.

"After Garnett was blocked by Yiyang, he was intercepted by Yiyang immediately. Yiyang accelerated immediately. He wanted to lead the fast break!"

Seeing Yiyang complete the steal, Delong's first reaction was not to chase him, because he couldn't catch up at all!

This strong guard directly reached out to catch Yiyang's foul, and using the foul to terminate the fast break was Deron's only option.

However, Delong stretched out his arms and grabbed hard, but couldn't catch anything. Yiyang's speed was so fast that Delong didn't even have time to commit a foul!

Just like that, everyone in the Nets team could only watch helplessly as Yiyang used a tomahawk chop dunk to trample the basket. 95 to 99, the Dallas Mavericks lead by four points!

Garnett's face is full of black lines now. Even if his shot is blocked by Yiyang, even if he serves a baseline ball, it will be intercepted. Two consecutive mistakes at critical moments forced the "Wolf King" to lower his proud head.

In the next attack, Garnett did not sit inside to single out Dirk. If this game is ruined because of him, KG cannot afford to lose this person.

Deron held the ball outside the three-point line, his eyes full of despair. Terry was running actively, but Tony Allen was like a piece of candy stuck to Terry's side, unable to get rid of him no matter how hard he tried.

Joe Johnson faced Iguodala, and the situation was not much better. Garnett gave him several off-ball pick-and-rolls, but the results were not very good.

What about Telitovich? The Bosnian artillery encountered the pressing defense of the French tower, and there was nothing that could be done. After looking around, Deron found that singles seemed to be the only option at this time.

As a result, the strong point guard began to change his rhythm and dribble, but Yiyang remained unmoved. He just opened his arms and his focused eyes seemed to be able to see through everything about Deron.

Delong knocked the ball to the left, but when it was about to pass through Yiyang's body, he suddenly paused and then changed direction to the right. A very obvious change of pace, Deron Williams' change of direction is very beautiful. If it had been anyone else, it would have definitely become a wonderful backdrop for Deron. But now Yiyang, who only wants to win, will not let Delong get the limelight easily!

Yiyang saw the right moment and stretched out his arm. Unbiased, it just hit the basketball!

As soon as Deron changed direction, the basketball was out of control. Yiyang fell to the ground and grabbed the basketball, but Delong didn't let go and even tried to snatch the basketball back from Yiyang's arms.

The two guards were fighting on the floor, and Garnett joined the fight. The guy jumped up and landed directly on Yiyang's legs. Yiyang endured the pain and still didn't let go. Even though Garnett's hidden elbows had hit his head, Yiyang's hands were still holding on to the basketball like a pair of vices!

Originally, the referee wanted to call the ball for contention, but Garnett's excessive actions made the referee change his mind.

The whistle sounded, and the Nets players all made gestures to the referee to compete for the ball. However, the referee pointed to the technical table and shouted that Nets No. 2 had committed a defensive foul!

"Hat!?" The furious Garnett rushed directly in front of the referee, looking as if he wanted to eat the referee alive. Terry quickly stood in front of Garnett and pushed him away. If Garnett is ejected for contradicting the referee at the last moment, it will be more of a loss than a gain.

Yiyang picked up the basketball and stood up. His forehead was obviously bulging due to Garnett's hammer. But there was no look of pain on the Chinese's face. He grabbed the basketball with one hand, walked up to Gobert, and handed it to the Frenchman.


Gobert was so shocked by Yiyang's aura that he was speechless. He took the basketball blankly and handed it to the referee. When the referee signaled that the game should continue, the French talent mechanically handed the ball to Yiyang.

Seeing this scene, Kidd's heart was already cold. Yiyang was angered, this will not end well...

At this time, there was one minute left before the end of the game, and the Nets were still 4 points behind. If the defense fails again this time, their chances of beating the Mavericks will be cut in half.

Yiyang advanced alone with the ball, and without hesitation after reaching the three-point line, he directly called Dirk to pick and roll for him.

Garnett nervously mentioned it. Whether it was Dirk or Yiyang, they were both very dangerous at such a critical moment. It would not work to let anyone go.

Yiyang passed Nowitzki to break through, Deron tried hard to get around the screen, and Garnett stayed beside Dirk, not giving him space to shoot.

Even so, Yiyang still surpassed Delong by one body and rushed straight into the penalty area.

Telitovich couldn't just watch the victory be taken away by Yiyang. He suddenly got rid of Gobert and rushed to the inside. Today is the highlight of his career, and it must not be ruined in the last two minutes!

But when Telitovic just arrived in the penalty area, Yiyang was already flying into the sky! Telitovich was not the kind of jumping man with strong physical fitness. When he saw Yiyang flying towards him, he did not bravely meet him. Instead, he turned his back like a reflex and used his back to protect himself.

So, Yiyang performed a two-handed dunk across the embarrassed Telitovich!

This dunk allowed the Mavericks to officially establish a 6-point lead at the critical moment, and also brought Yiyang's score to 34 points, tying with Telitovich.

Seeing their hero defeated easily by Yiyang, Nets fans felt very uncomfortable.

No one in the Barclays Center cheered, but Yiyang applauded himself. Then he pointed at Telitovich and the black man raised his fingers.

Nets players, look at me and I look at you. From Garnett to Deron, from Deron to Telitovich, they were all educated by Yiyang.

Kidd fell to the bench. Although the game ended in 50 seconds, the 6-point difference was not irreversible. But Yiyang has already driven the Nets' morale to a low point. With this state, it is impossible for the Nets to turn decay into magic in the last 50 seconds.

Although I really don't want to admit it, the Nets playing at home are probably in a bad situation.

Once the Mavericks' No. 1 goes crazy, there's really no way he can stop him...

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