One Guard

Chapter 532: Barrier in the paint area

With a wonderful breakthrough and a powerful back dunk, Yiyang, the MVP of last season's regular season, gave the fans a big gift right from the start. This dunk has fans waiting for more than half a year. Since the Mavericks were eliminated at the end of May, and now they have reappeared on the basketball court at the end of October, Yiyang's dunk has made people's long wait worth it.

However, everyone knows that offense is just the dessert before the meal. What the Mavericks are really looking forward to this summer has not yet been demonstrated.

As soon as Teague dribbled the ball past half court, he felt as if the air around him had become heavier. He couldn't help but lower his center of gravity and control the ball carefully. Yiyang, Tony Allen and Iguodala are like a pack of hungry wolves, always staring at the "lamb" called basketball in their hands.

Yiyang did not take the initiative to stick to him, but the huge pressure made Jeff Teague stop himself two steps away from Yiyang. He didn't dare to get any closer. There weren't many defenders in the league who wanted to get close to Yiyang, unless you were a muscular guy like Westbrook.

Millsap, whose shooting range can extend beyond the three-point line, came out. Teague immediately released the ball, fearing that the delay would give Yiyang a chance to steal.

When Teague passed the ball, he realized that he was sweating profusely due to the tremendous pressure! The sense of oppression given by the Mavericks' perimeter defense is really terrifying!

Paul Millsap is 2.03 meters tall. As a fourth position player, he will definitely suffer from his height. But in terms of footwork, Millsap is better than Nowitzki. So the All-Star forward, who had just moved to Atlanta and was preparing to write a new chapter in his career, directly broke through with the ball and beat Nowitzki alone!

Nowitzki's block was very timely, but it was indeed difficult for the old German to keep up with Millsap. Millsap leaned on Dirk with his right shoulder and dribbled toward the paint area with his left hand!

Millsap took two moves and was on the verge of a successful breakthrough. But at the moment when he was about to get rid of Nowitzki's defense, Millsap slapped hard with his left hand, but it missed. Where is the basketball! ?

The Eagles' fourth forward turned his head in surprise, but this time, the person who stole the basketball from him was no longer Yiyang, but Tony Allen, who had the perfect timing to cover up!

"It's Tony! His defensive positioning and defensive awareness are simply top-notch in the league. The price of 23 million over four years is definitely worth it! Millsap's breakthrough is very beautiful, but it's a pity that he met someone who likes to defend. Former Grizzlies Warrior!"

Tony Allen's steal caused the Eagles' first offense to fail after only two people. Before Millsap had a chance to shoot, the ball was snatched back by the damn Tony Allen.

It seems that

The Mavericks' defensive prowess isn't limited to the perimeter. Those three top defensive experts can easily switch roles in internal and external defense at any time.

After Tony Allen stole the ball, he did not advance by himself. Instead, he immediately hit the ball and handed the ball to Yiyang, who had already started running forward to prepare for a counterattack.

The fans and commentators on the sidelines became excited. Fast break, it was simply Yiyang's paradise!

Teague was chasing after Yiyang, but it was clear to everyone that Teague had no choice but to foul. Yiyang takes off to block the shot? Come on, that Chinese guy's jumping height is beyond Teague's reach!

With the Eagles running out of options, Teague took action. He didn't expect that in just the second round of offense, Yiyang would be forced to resort to fouling to solve the problem.

But Yiyang did not sit still. He threw the ball behind his head seemingly casually before Tigra grabbed him. The basketball flew into Iguodala's arms accurately as if he had eyes.

The referee did not call Teague a foul, and Iguodala came from behind and hit an easy layup, allowing the Mavericks' score to continue to rise!

"This is the first connection between Yiyang and Andre. I believe that scenes like this will appear often in the future." Barkley clapped his hands and applauded. The tacit understanding between Yiyang and Iguodala seems to be innate.

After scoring, Iguodala enjoyed the applause from the fans and nodded slightly. It’s not that I can’t live without the Denver Nuggets! Those fans and experts who are at odds with themselves and slander them endlessly on the Internet, wait for your surprise!

4-0, the Mavericks did not let the Hawks score as always, but unexpectedly played two rounds of excellent offense. They rely on defense to drive offense and rely on counterattacks to take advantage.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg of the Mavericks' outstanding defense. For the next three minutes, every Eagles defense would be successfully stopped. Korver tried to fire several times from beyond the three-point line, but thanks to Tony Allen, all of the white shooter's shots were iron-clad.

DeMarre Carroll also tried a few shots, but Iguodala always arrived in time and wiped out the opponent's chances.

As for the much-anticipated Jeff Teague, he seemed to disappear in the first three minutes of the game. After dribbling the ball across half court, there was usually nothing left to do with him. The Eagles' offense was in disarray as three minutes passed. He didn't score a single point and was beaten 9-0 by the Mavericks!

When Eagles coach Mike Budenholzer called a halt to the game in despair, everyone watching the game around the world was stunned. Before the game, people could imagine how strong the Mavericks were on the defensive end, but they never expected that they would be able to keep a clean sheet!

In three minutes, the powerful Eagles didn't get any chance. Their tactics were executed very well and their passing was very smooth. But no matter how well you do up front, as long as you don't make the final shot, it's all in vain.

"Inside, hit the three-second zone for me! Isn't it cooler outside the three-point line at the American Airlines Center? Why are you all shooting jumpers away from the basket!?" Budenholzer was furious. Obviously the Mavericks' perimeter defense is their greatest strength, but now the players still have to go head-to-head with the opponent's greatest strength. Isn't this asking for trouble?

The players lowered their heads one by one, and the high morale before the game seemed to be gone. They really want to hit the paint area, but it's not easy to get into the penalty area under this iron-clad defense?

The timeout ended quickly, and the Eagles wanted to regroup and launch a massive counterattack, so as soon as they came back, they implemented head coach Budenholzer's ideas and hit the inside hard!

Al Hofer knew that he had to shoulder the heavy responsibility now. So this time, the No. 3 overall pick in 2007 was no longer modest, but directly leaned on Dalembert to ask for the ball near the three-second zone.

Although Horford's height of 2.08 meters is not considered outstanding for the center position, and is even a bit short, Dalembert does not dare to relax at all, because the short center leaning on him will never be constrained by his height.

Teague still did not struggle with Yiyang and directly lobbed the ball into the paint, allowing Horford to become the main attacker.

After holding the ball, Horford felt Dalembert's defense with his back, and then began to advance rhythmically to get into his own shooting range.

As soon as Horford stepped into the three-second zone with one foot, the short center suddenly turned around and raised the basketball, as if he wanted to turn over and shoot a jumper!

Naturally, Dalembert would not just watch the basketball enter the frame. He focused forward and rushed towards Horford with all his strength. This veteran center who has played in the league for more than ten years is extremely hard-working, but his ability is indeed not comparable to what it was back then.

Seeing Dalembert diving forward to block the shot, Horford was not nervous, but smiled slightly.

The next second, Horford took back his shooting action, took a step away from Dalembert who was jumping to block the shot, easily shook the Haitian away, and finally succeeded in picking up the basket. If the fake shot actually happens, his height of 2.08 meters cannot restrain Horford's hands and feet at all.

"Al Horford's inside steps are really pleasing to the eye! As soon as the timeout came back, the Hawks scored. It seems that Coach Budenholzer's tactical arrangement is very correct! The Hawks' opportunity is in the three-second zone. Inside!"

"I have to admit that in front of Horford, Dalembert's defense is simply useless. The Mavericks' protection of the three-second zone is far less threatening than their pressure outside the three-point line." Even Barkley, who has always supported the Mavericks, said He shook his head helplessly. If the Mavericks could once again have a center like Tyson Chandler, the Mavericks' defense would be perfect.

At the same time on the Mavericks' bench, a young big man is already eager to try. It's just that at this moment, no one is paying attention to him...

The game went on for a few more minutes, and although the Mavericks still controlled the situation, Horford's offense in the paint went smoothly. Dalembert has a feeling of powerlessness. Facing an insider who averaged nearly 20 points per game last season, the Haitians really have no good solution.

When Horford succeeded in a layup with a breakthrough along the baseline and scored again, the Hawks had scored three consecutive goals in the three-second zone. Al Horford has become the most watched Hawks player on the court, and it is no exaggeration to say that he is carrying the team alone.

Carlisle sighed, then turned to look at the bench. Horford does seem to be too strong for Dalembert, but fortunately, they have backup candidates this year!

Carlisle walked straight to the middle of the bench and stopped in front of a young man with a short haircut. The academic coach leaned down and met the energetic Frenchman's eyes.

"Take off your training clothes and go to the technical desk to register, Rudy, you will be on the court soon!"

Gobert looked at Carlisle's serious expression, and suddenly his mind went blank. He sat on the bench and had no idea what to do.

"Why are you still standing there!? Go to the technical stage and prepare. It's time for your performance!" It wasn't until Carter nudged him with his elbow that Gobert finally recovered. As soon as he stood up, he immediately attracted everyone's attention. That guy was so tall!

"We see that Coach Carlisle seems to have arranged countermeasures. He decided to use this year's No. 27 rookie, Rudy Gobert from France. People say that Carlisle is a conservative guy, but he let a No. 1 player so early Coach Carlisle is very bold when a rookie comes on the field at the end of the round! Could it be that he still expects a rookie to do better than the experienced Dalembert?"

On the court, Nowitzki shot a little too hard after receiving a pass from Yiyang. The basketball not only hit the neck of the basket, but also flew directly over the backboard and out of bounds.

The Hawks directly gained the right to attack. At the same time, a dead ball appeared on the court. Gobert high-fived Dalembert and officially entered the NBA arena!

"A rookie?" Horford was dumbfounded when he saw Carlisle's substitution. The experienced Dalembert couldn't defend himself. Did Carlisle think that a rookie would be enough? Stop looking down on others!

"Jeff, keep passing the ball to me later!" Horford shouted after taking the baseline kick. He will let the rookie see clearly how cruel the NBA is!

"Don't be nervous, just do it like training." On the other side, Yiyang was also calming Gobert's emotions. The Mavericks players already know very well how good this guy is. Gobert just lacked an opportunity to show his strength to the world, and now, the opportunity has come!

Just as Horford thought, as soon as he reached the position near the three-second zone, Teague's pass was quickly delivered.

There is still no double-teaming, and the Mavericks can safely let Gobert and Horford, an All-Star level guy, go one-on-one!

Horford held the ball and leaned back hard with his back to the basket. There was a muffled "bang" sound, and the two bodies collided violently!

However, what Horford didn't expect was that the seemingly thin Gobert didn't even take a step back. His body was as hard as steel!

"Good boy, it's interesting!" Horford was naturally not discouraged. He is not the kind of insider who likes to fight head-on. If simple and crude methods don't work, Horford will use something flexible.

With the ball behind his back, he suddenly pivoted around Gobert's "tower" and made a quick spin! Flexible feet and superb skills allowed Horford's turn to achieve immediate results.

With just one turn, he completely threw Gobert behind him, and at this time, Horford was less than two steps away from the basket!

Horford gathered enough energy and jumped hard! This year's Atlanta Hawks will no longer be at the mercy of others!

Just when Horford's body had reached its highest point and was about to slam the ball into the basket. Horford suddenly felt that his head was lightless, as if it was covered by something.

After that, another force appeared on the basketball, confronting Horford who was holding the ball tightly with both hands. Horford, whose body had begun to fall in the air, failed to hold his nerve in the end. The basketball was completely dominated by another force, and was then slammed onto the backboard!

"Block! God, he actually nailed Horford's inevitable dunk onto the backboard!" Barkley's eyes widened, still unable to believe what he just saw. After that guy jumped up, he seemed to have covered the entire penalty area. Horford, who was 2.08 meters tall, had no chance of escaping!

Horford's eyes widened, and cold sweat broke out instantly. He immediately turned around and saw that Gobert had already handed the ball to Yiyang. This rookie, who was only selected with the 27th overall pick, had just taught Horford, the third overall pick in 2007, a solid lesson!

We won't underestimate the NBA, but you'd better never underestimate the rookies, NBA veterans!

Seeing this scene, Carlisle on the sidelines smiled happily. Do you still want to resolve the battle in the three-second zone like the Spurs last season? No, stop wishful thinking.

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