One-click Recovery Since I was a Special Soldier

Chapter 2020 Agree to cooperate temporarily

Effit left with one harsh word, and no one cared about him that much.

Anyway, Jason is very dissatisfied with Efit for the most part now.

I think this guy is very cunning and not worthy of trust.

Jason is not willing to tolerate him anymore. The relationship between the two of them is very complicated, and the mixed feelings are also very complicated.

"This is how he deliberately provokes us. We don't have to worry about it so much. He will stop on his own after no one cares about him."

After Qin Yuan watched Efit leave, Jason didn't feel sorry or wanted to save him.

Qin Yuan now actually has the idea of ​​​​cooperating with Efite.

At least Qin Yuan believed in his heart that Efite was telling the truth today, and he was only willing to cooperate with him because he was desperate.

If there was any other way, Efit would not have thought of this step.

Hassan, although not their common enemy now, has trapped them all here.

No one could leave, and Hassan was unwilling to kill them, nor did he dare to do so.

In that case, there is no point in wasting time.

Qin Yuan just wants to leave here quickly and go find Chen Jixiang.

This boy was unfamiliar with the place, so Qin Yuan was really worried outside.

After such a long time of tossing, Qin Yuanyan was tired, so he slumped down on the ground.

Jason saw that Qin Yuan had not felt so tired for a long time, and he was also worried and walked to Qin Yuan's side and asked.

"What's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell? I see that your face doesn't look too good either. Maybe it's because you've been struggling for too long these past two days.

You haven't had a good rest. You have never been far away. You didn't have a good rest when you were on the boat. After you got down, you met Efite's Mangmen Star.

Then I was brought here by Hassan. If you are tired, just lie down here and take a rest first, and then talk about it in the evening.

Judging from Hassan's appearance, he is not willing to let us go for the time being.

Although we cannot sit still and wait for death, we cannot continue to waste our energy in vain. "

Qin Yuan was really tired now. He lay on the ground and didn't care whether it was cold or dirty, or whether there were any bugs.

He just wanted to take a good rest, conserve enough energy, and leave this place as soon as possible.

When He Chenguang saw Qin Yuan so tired, he felt a little worried and walked to Qin Yuan's side and said to him.

"We really can't stay in this place anymore. We have to find a way to leave as soon as possible. Why don't we think about what Efit said just now and cooperate with him? What do you think?"

When Jason heard what He Chenguang said, he immediately raised objections.

He directly interrupted He Chenguang's words.

"No, this guy Efit is not a good person. He has a purpose in choosing to cooperate with us today.

He can't get out of here alone, but if we work together, we might still have a chance.

He doesn't dare to kill you because you are Fan Tianlei's people and members of the H country's special forces. Even if Hassan had a hundred courages, he wouldn't dare to do anything to you.

However, Effit is different.

His identity in Pakistan is not legal, plus the relationship with Lao K.

Hassan had many reasons to look for an opportunity to kill him.

Therefore, Efit is very worried now. He is very afraid that his status will be threatened.

The fact that he lowered his head and came to us for help just now is enough to explain everything.

Otherwise, he will never cooperate with us.

Although he is a wallflower and usually likes to adapt to the changing circumstances, this is the first time I have seen his attitude change so quickly.

He had such an expression, it seemed like he was really scared this time.

He wanted to leave here quickly and go back to apologize to Old K.

Don't forget, his weapon has been taken away by Norman Karim. This is intolerable in Old K's heart. He has committed a capital crime in our organization.

We must go back quickly and explain to Old K first. "

He Chenguang became even more confused after hearing this.

"Jason, since you described Old K so powerfully, Effit has offended him now.

He had committed a capital crime, why didn't he find an opportunity to run out quickly?

I have to go back to collect the punishment. Isn't this stupid behavior? "

When Jason mentioned this matter, he shook his head helplessly.

“You have never been in an organization, so you don’t know how strict it is.

Go back to Old K and admit your mistake. If it is someone he values ​​​​very much, maybe there is a chance to be forgiven by upgrading.

If you run away directly, it will be a dead end.

In fact, every one of us has a chip implanted in our body by Old K. "

Qin Yuan was lying on the ground and closed his eyes tiredly. When he heard Jason's words, he opened his eyes in horror.

"Jason, what did you say? Each of you has a chip?"

Jason, closing his eyes, nodded sadly.

"Are you very comfortable? Your expectations are that in the organization, we are just like pigs and dogs.

Generally, chips are implanted only in small animals. When the animal is lost, it can be found quickly.

Old K, implant a chip in our bodies, and he will be able to find us no matter where we go to the end of the world. "

After hearing this, He Chenguang asked in confusion.

"Since he implanted a chip in your body, can't you just find an opportunity and remove the chip?"

Jason sneered, and he also felt helpless.

"How can we think so simply? Only Lao K knows the specific location of each person's chip implantation, and we ourselves don't know it, if we go to the doctor.

It is very likely that he will find out. This is one of the reasons why we cannot run away. Another reason is that we have been domesticated and dare not leave. "

"Then you are indeed quite pitiful.

Living in the organization is simply a life worse than death. I believe that no one can tolerate it and wants to escape. "

Qin Yuan was lying on the ground, and he felt something was wrong.

Suddenly remembering something, he sat up immediately.

"What's wrong?"

"We have to leave quickly this time."


"You imagine that there is a chip implanted in Efit's body. Your organization may find this place at any time through the location on the chip. By then, we will directly fall into the hands of Old K. Wouldn't it be even worse?

It seems that it is urgent to leave here, and we must cooperate with Efite. "

"No, Qin Yuan, doesn't Efit have a chip implanted in his body?

If we cooperate with him, it will be different if we escape from here together, and we will become the target of Old K. "

"Don't worry about it so much. Let's unite the front against Hassan for the time being. We will talk about it after we leave here. I believe that as soon as we are out of Hassan's control, Efit will definitely run away as soon as possible.

He knows our relationship with Norman Karim. Even if he is unwilling to run away and is still willing to entangle with us, he would not dare or have so much energy.

He also hurriedly used all his energy to go back and apologize to Old K. "

Originally, Jason was very repulsive about cooperating with Efit, but at the same time, he also thought of the seriousness of the problem, and he finally relented.

"Qin Yuan, if that's the case, then I agree that we can cooperate with Efit.

My own grievance of losing weight is nothing, and I can endure temporary cooperation. As you said, there are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests.

We currently only have the same team uniform, and Hassan will get out of danger first.

Even if Hassan won't hurt us, we don't have so much time to waste with him.

My ship and brother are still in Hassan's hands. After we go back, we must get everyone and everything out as soon as possible. "

Qin Yuan watched Jason finally understand.

"If you think so, that's great."

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he had nothing to think about and was just going to leave here first.

"It seems that this time, we have to take the initiative to find Effit and talk to him about cooperation. Just now he came to us grovelingly, and we all ignored him. Instead, we have to go to him this time."

"If you don't want to go, then I will go."

He Chenguang also knew that Qin Yuan had always had a straightforward personality and it was impossible for him to bow his head to others.

But I don't care.

"If you go alone, I'm afraid you won't understand.

Let's do this, He Chenguang, go ahead and call Efit into our room. I believe he will know what we mean.

It's just that we need to be mentally prepared to have this guy laugh at us. "

"I don't care, Qin Yuan. I have made up my mind to follow you. I will listen to you no matter how you arrange it."

"Jason, as long as you understand."

Afterwards, He Chenguang carefully looked to see if there were any of Hassan's men guarding him below. When he found that there was no one, he immediately fled to Efite's room quickly.

Effit was not surprised at all.

"Oh, you're here."

"It seems that you should know that I can come."

"We are all on the same road, and Qin Yuan is not here now, so we don't need to be secretive. I know that you are from the United States, and I am also half-American.

Today we have recognized each other here. "

He Chenguang looked at Efit, he was not going to admit it now.

"I don't know what you are talking about. Are you so hungry that you haven't eaten for so long?"

"It doesn't matter, if you don't want to admit it, I won't embarrass you. I know it was Qin Yuan who asked you to come to me to discuss cooperation.

He always seems to be aloof, and even he is unwilling to come in person to negotiate terms with me and ask you to come over. "

"You have no choice now. If you use your own power to deal with Hassan, you will only die. I know that you are pressed for time now. You want to go back and explain to Old K quickly."

There is something in Efit's words.

"It seems like you know old K very well."

"I am a member of the special forces of country H, so naturally I have some connections with evil organizations like his.

He has always been our enemy, and I will not show mercy if I catch him. "

Efite's back was to He Chenguang and the door, and he turned around at this moment.

The eyes contained countless things, staring at He Chenguang.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Don't use such affectionate eyes."

"Originally, I thought Qin Yuan was a very capable person, but now it seems that I think you, He Chenguang, are not an ordinary person either. You were able to hide under Fan Tianlei for so many years.

I really admire it.

do you know? The people I admire most in my life are spies. They hide themselves all the time and live under a mask all day long.

Never being able to be exposed to the sun, this feeling must be very uncomfortable.

He cannot have his own feelings or have his own friends. He is like a lonely brave man in the darkness.

Walking on the road, no matter how many people are around you, you will always feel as if you are alone, and it is impossible to tell anyone what is on your mind.

Moreover, people like you are very good at acting and can have countless friends on the surface.

However, no one can come into your heart and become a true friend with you. "

He Chenguang looked at Efitte with a smile.

"You talk about spies so well, as if you know spies well."

"I don't understand, and I'm not qualified for such a powerful profession. I know how capable I am. I admire spies very much, because we are the same people, and we are all lonely in our hearts.

Everyone is their own master. I believe Qin Yuan has doubted you more than once.

As Americans, I advise you to leave here as soon as possible. It is best if you can save your own life. Missions are not important.

You are not controlled like me, you are still a free person, you have many choices. "

"Okay, Efit, don't say anything cryptic to me here. I can't understand what you're talking about.

Our special forces are indeed catching spies.

It's just that I have been arrested for a long time, and now I don't know who this spy is.

I once doubted An Ran, and I also doubted Qin Yuan.

Even I have doubted Fan Tianlei. We are all suspicious of each other.

The most fatal feature of planting spies in one place is to make them suspicious of each other and defeat them one by one from the inside.

You also know that in human nature, no matter whether it is friendship or family affection, it cannot withstand the test of trust.

Once trust is broken, it's useless to say anything.

Hey, why am I telling you this?

I came here just to tell you that it was Qin Yuan who asked me to ask you to go and discuss the cooperation plan in our room.

Judging from your reaction, you already expected it.

If this is the case, then don't waste time. Everyone has the intention to cooperate, so just sit down together and seize the time to discuss it carefully.

Time waits for no one..."

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